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No. lll.
Guatemala, and Costa Rica, requesting them to use their influence against the consummation of the treaty, and also a cablegram to the United States Senate requesting the rejection of the treaty.
Some time yesterday news reached Ceiba that the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations had made an adverse report on the treaty with Nicaragua, amd at about nine o clock last evening a crowd of approximately one hundred persons, led by some of the signers of the call for Sunday manifestation and accompanied by the military band, came to the consulate to make what they termed a manifesOF THE tation of gratitude for the action of the Senate. These people were evidently under the impression that the Sengenaitis, ate had acted upon and rejected the treaty. Vivas IV.
ציל were given for Central America, the United States Senate, Honduras, the American Consul, Dr. Virgil Reynolds, and various prominent residents of Ceiba. Colonel Salomon Sosa and Dr. Martin Agüero, addressing me, eulogized the United States Senate and the American People, spoke in courteous terms of the Central Americans love of independence and aversion to tutelage, and expressed their joy and appreciation of the decision of the Senate, and their desire for friend ship with the people of the United States. listened attentively and replied briefly to the effect that could assure my hearers that the American People desire only the friend ship of the peoples of Central America, after which the manifestants departed and continued their march through the streets of the city, shouting vivas as before.