p. 5

Guardar Descargar

October 15, 1913.
71113 26 NO.
Yo Harold Clum, Esquire, American Consul, Ceiba, Honduras.
THE Sir: The Department has received and read with interest your despatch No. 111 of August 5th, reporting public manifestation in Ceiba at which speeches were made of achezacter hostile to the proposed canal convention between the United States and Nicaragua. The Department 18 glad to note that the meeting passed off without any untoward incident as far as Americans were concerned which, you state, was in large measure due to the efforts of General Monterroso, Governor of the Department and military commander.
Your account of the sebsequent demonstration before the consulate on August 4th has been carefully read and your remarks in reply to the speeches of the manifestants, as reported in the despatch under acknowledgement, are approved. The Department trusts that the incident may now be considered closed, but desires that you keep it fully informed of any further developments in the matépr. am, sir, Your obedient servant, For the Secretary of State: WE CART 711. 13 26 Hel