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INDEX BUREAU SEP 20 19. From San Jose, Costa Rica, Dated Sep. 19, 1913, Rec 10:42 LATI APERTI SEP 20 DEPT STATE 11. 13 DEPARTMENT HEAS Anod hy tel sept INDEX BUREAU 34 Ret. STÁTLS SEP 22 1913 FILES Secretary of State, Washington, Sep. 19, p.
Nicaraguan Minister here informs me that the President Costa Rica told him on September fourth that the Salvadorean Government had ask ed Costa Ricon Government along with Governments Guatemala and Honduras to send representatives to attend meeting at Salvador to be held for the purpose of protesting against or at least consider ing the matter of acquisition by the United States of the Fonseca and Dulce stations. President Jimenez replied that he would not do so unless Nicaragua should be invited also. Costa Rican Minister for Foreign Affairs has just infomed Nicaraguan Minister that until now no reply has been received from the Salvadorean Government. A E.
Deciphered by Index Bu. No. 51.