
can financial resources, the four dentral American government could also cooperate in some practical form with Nicaragua for the purpose of nem gotiating a loan in the exterior by giving their collective guaranty or by some similar means.
The bonds of consanguinity of the five peoples of the 1s thms are 80 solid and firm and respond so unwaveringly to their reciprocal necessities and common aspirations of progress and weal that their governments have not been able to shirk the giving of aid of the most effective kind to any one of them in its visissitudes which necessarily affect the future and the happiness of the others. No one can for a moment doubt the existence of a public Central Ameriment, which imposes duties more strict and rigorous and in turn gives rights more perfect and ample than those generally established by international law among other nations. Our history affirms this in an unambiguous manner and there is more than one case on record where the danger of one section has become, through vis mayor, the comman peril of all, because the solidarity of the Central American family is indistructible, as a lasting work of nature and of history. duty then of Central American patriotism, well defined in our history is being filfilled in offering to Nicaragua the cooperation of her sisters to aid her to resolve satisfactorily her grave problems, political and financial, for the good of her especially within mutuad considerations and upon a very firm base of respect for her autonomy, it being worthy of note that in this case those problems affect the other states also and compromises for the future their vital interests, any your Excellency well understands. In order to attain such noble ends my government proposes to the enlightened one of your Excellency that, in case of agreement with these sentiments, you please state whether you would be willing to send a plen1potentiary to Managua in order that, collectively with those of the other governments, he may offer to the Government of Nicaragua the cooperation and aid of the Government of your Excellency in the sense above indicated; and in case that this offer is spontaneously accepted by the government of Nicaragua, it may be agreed with them tha as to the most adequate means to the attainment of the ends expressed. Among these allow myself to suggest one namely, that a convention be entered into in which the live governments shall guarantee collectively the integrity of Central American territory; considering inviolable and exclusive that portion which to each appertains within the respective frontier demarcation. My Government desires that the projected special missions should meet in Managua the 20th of next October at the latest, and to this end pray your Excellency to give your illustrious consideration with all possible despatch.
My government was awaiting only, as it still is awaiting, the result of thás action to address itself together with the other governments to your Excellency to the end that the proposal may not fail of success, a million proposal to grounded in the fraternal and patriotic initiative of this government.
Improving this occasion pray your Excellency to receive benevolently the suggestion of my government, giving it the support it merits, in so far as it looks to the cementing of the bonds of solidarity of the Central American family, born of its history and its common destiny.
Please accept, Excellency, the homage of my most distinguished consideration. signed) Francisco Martinez ground Managua, Sept. 27, 1913. Minister for Foreign Affairs San Salvador.
Your Excellency telegram of yesterday, in answer to mine of the day before confirms the information received here and which, for its strange and anomolous character, caused doubt to my government.
It appears, therefore, governments of Central America to a conference in that capital, with the that fouko Excellency Government invited the other exclusion of Nicaragua, whose interests were to be discussed without her consant; that this idea did not meet with the welcome that you had cherished for it, and that therefore you directed another invitation to the said