
said governments whose response you were awaiting when the interpellation of this Ministry arrived, which has caused your Excellency to declare the authenticity of the facts and transcribe that socond invitation in which you boseach is support for it.
There is nothing to be added Mr Minister to my telegram of the day before yesterday in which affirm to your Excellency that Nicam ragua eron though invited to the above mentioned conference, could not under any circumstances permit another country to discuss, and much less resolve, questions which are strictly within the domain of its sovereign attributos.
Now that this definitive declaration is made, your Excellency xant will allow me to make a few observations on your telegraphic message: In the first place, the deliberate exclusion of Nicaragua by Salvador from a Central American conference, in which it was proposed to treat of matters appertaining to this country, has seriously attracted the attention of my government; and in the second place, that while your Excellency in the invitation addressed to the other republics talks of lending aid to Nicaragua in order to resolve its economic and political problems, you limit the object of the conference, in answer to my interpellation, by merely referring to the vital interests of Honduras and Salvador which are deeply affected in your Excellency Judgment by the pending negotiations of Nicaragua with the United States. This might woll indicate that an even more exclusive thought entered into the project of Salvador: therefore, perhaps, the elimination of Nicaraguap in the first invitation which was thwarted because of the demands of the other republics that Nicaragua be invited.
Your Excellency knows, on the other hand, that a recent Salvadorean administration taking in a caprichious sense the principle of solidarity that your Excellency avails yourself of in the message am answering, began, by brotherly offers of friendly aid, to make clear its purpose to intervene in our domestic affairs, even going so far as to assist he rebels in the civil strife of last year and to request directly the aid of a foreign power, the United States, to change in so far as it pleased Salvador, the personnel of the Government of Nicaragua, later carrying its notorious breach of neutrality to a dem claration thereof, without reticence whatsoever, in an official note of Tamuary 24th ultimo directed to this Ministry; all of which facts leave to the consideration and criterion of your Excellency.
Relative to the financial aspect of the proposal of Salvador, have to inform your Excellency that the principal negotiations for the composition of the economic situation of the country are about to be concluded; and apropos of the political phase, it has already been said that Nicaragua, under no conception, would give its consent to a discussion of questions that are solely within its competence.
It seems exceedingly strange that Salvador should assume, to some degree, the representation of the Republic of Honduras to talk in dem fense of what it calls the vital interests of both countries, which it supposes profoundly affected by the negotiations with the United States, since the government of your Excellency has never expressed to mine its disapproval of the conventions in project; and it is here well to state that these negotiations do not envolve any violation of nor danger to, the rights of the Central American countries, nor interference in their affairs. Faithful as is Nicaragua to its tenet of non intervention and of absolute respect for the integrity of the Isthmian republics, she has limited herself in her parleys regarding rehabillitation with the United States, to treating upon a basis of its inviolable independence and within the the limits of man ek glusive portion which as a state belongs to it within the respective frontier demarcation. to use the words of your Excellency. Salvador consequently