
consequently, has indulged unfounded judgments; and Nicaragua could not, without injury to itself, permit an initiative in which is suggested an offensive suspicion of the motives which inspire the cond ventions with the great republic, of whose friendship and good faith it has received signal proofs in the course of its independent life. close my observations, Mr. Minister, by informing you that to day shall communicate the resolution of my government to the other ones of Central America, in view of the confirmation made by you of the information, the authenticity of which had the honor of soliciting of that Secretariat. renew, Excellency, etc. etc. Signed) Diego Chamorro. Depostited in the Presidential Mans ion San Sal vador Sept. 29, 1913Received in Manague the same dayTo his Excellency the Minister for Foreign AffairsReferring to your attentive message of yesterday, it only remains for me to say that my Government deplores that it has been unable to bring about the projected conference to which it invited the other governments to treat in appropriate forn of the matters laid down in the circular of the President of this Republic, which insertec in its entirety in my message to you. wish also to correct the idea of your Excellency namely, that the conferonoes to which my Government first invited the governments of Guatemala, Honduras and uosta Rica had for their object the exclusion of your Excellency government, when, in order to have brought it about, surely it would have been necessary to agree first upon the method of procedure in conjunction before the government of Nicaragua in the sense already indicated, since it is well known that when it is attempted to established a collective action, the previous agreem ment of those who wish to establish it is indispensable, it being also on the other hand clearly evident that my Government could never have thought that the projected conference should be the last step in the attainment of the object proposed, as nothing effective and practical could have been decided on without the concurrence and consent of the Government of your Excellency. renew etc etc. Francisco Martinez One