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Guardar Descargar

Иди 21113 vuplicate sent to Division of Information PEAU DIVISION OF LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS OCT 30 1913 OCT 20 1913 DEPARTMENT OF STATE DEPIT. OF Alisiniai (SECRETARY STATE NCY 11 1913 San Salvador, October 1913.
No. 332. tocar 10, 30 ill 1:13 1. 1347 WHLATICI INDEX BUREAU so fine NOV 15 1913 4314 Acknom cared by card Nov. 113 nito The Honorable The Secretary of State, Washington.
OF THE Sir: ARCHIVES With reference to this Legation despatch No. 330, STATES of October 3, 1913, relative to an invitation extended by the Government of Salvador to the Governments of Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica, to unite in a conference for the alleged purpose of protesting to the Government of Nicaragua against the action of the United States in connection with certain Nicaraguan affairs, have the honor to transmit here. with copies of the correspondence on this subject exchanged between the Salvadorian and Nicaraguan Foreign Offices, as republished by the DIARIO DEL SALVADOR, San Salvador, October 16, 1913,