Guardar Descargar

In No. 333.
International Law. Our history verifies this in a manner not to be doubted, and more than one case exists in which the danger of one of the sections has become, by the force of circumstances, the common danger of all, because the solidarity of the Central American family is indestructible, as a perpetual work of nature or of history duty of Central American patriotism, well defined in our history, is fulfilled in offering to Nicaragua the cooperation of its sisters to assist it in satisfactorily resolving its grave political and financial problems, for its own benefit especially, surrounded by mutual consideration and on the firmer base of respect to its autonomy, if being notable that in such a case those problems also affect the other states, and compromise their vital interests of the future, as Your Excellency understands. In order to fulfill such noble purposes, my Government proposes to Your Excellency illustrious Government that it be pleased to state whether it would be disposed to send a plenipotentiary to Managua, should it be in accord with these ideas, in order that he may together with those of the other states offer to the Government of Nicaragua the cooperation and help of the Government of Your Excellency along the lines already indicated; and, should this offer be spontaneously accepted by the Government of Nicaragua, also declare the most adequate means of accomplishing the purposes before mentioned.
Among these puposes take the liberty to suggest now that of coming to an agreement by which the five governments collectively guarantee the integrity of Central American territory, considering as inviolable and exclusive the portion belonging to each one, within the respective demarcations of the frontiers. My Government desires that the projected special missions meet in Managua, not later than October 20th next, and for this purpose beg Your Excellency to be pleased to give to this important matter your illustrious attention as soon as possible.
My Government only awaited, and still awaits, the result of these efforts in order to address Your Excellency Government together with the others, so that the proposition formed by the fraternal and patriotic initiative of this Government may not fail of success.
Availing myself of this occasion, beg Your Excellency to be