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Guardar Descargar

On Summary of LW 3 Duplicate sent Division of Informal DIVISION ON LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS 1913 IND DEPAHTMIE STATE JOV A 1913 DEP STATE San José, October 23, 1913.
adway card No. འ ཆཐངས ཕ سنه روتر 913 interest tone COVE. DER rill img To the Honorable tele syt The Secretary of State, Washington. Hell INDEX BUREAU ir: ARCHIVE STATES Referring to my cablegran of September 19, the Department cablegram in reply, and my unnurbered despatch of September 22, have the honor to report as follows: Shortly after the receipt of the Department NOV 24 1913 FILET reply as above, and before had opportunity to talk with the President on the subject because of his absence at his country place, and for other reasons the matter in question was ættled by the action of the Nicaraguan Government.
On the 16th instant the earliest moment at which was able discreetly to have an extended conversation with the President went over the subject of the relations of the Central American Republics pretty thoroughly with him.
He declared that he recognized the United States as the sincere friend of his country, and that the idea of union with the other Republics of the