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14 FRANCIS DARR The urbster.
40 기 wash 45th sh New York City BUREA Ochaber geh 1916 DI SION OF 1916 A APPAIRS OCT 1916 TBE WHITE ROUSE SEPT. OF His Excellency The role OCT 016 Mhachu RECEIVER DEPARTMENT OF STATE ASBURY PARK The President of the lluited States 711113 51 Shadow Lawn.
New Jersey Sir. CF THE ARCHIVES die mailed you To I am from an In the month of May 1916, El Salvador, at the request of President Melendez of that country, the proposition of Alliance with the United States by all of beutral America.
more It had for its object closer and friendly relations with all Latin America and amicable solution Canal the Nicaragua of Fonseca Bay question believed my part in the correspon dence to be a publié derire and in line with the police of your Administration. The State Departuent complained to an and