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作 COF THE Yet we have daily evidencia of the activities of our enemies.
How successfully are a combating the ARCHIVES PI No one who knows Latin American well will deny the which has been power of the German influence extended in more or less degree pronounced state throughout this section. So strong is the German their sway that Latin American as a unit has not come folidly The Governments of Mexico, Salvador Chite claim to be neutral.
out for the allied cause in the present great war.
do not remember having seen read any comprehensive analysis of just how the Germans have extended their in halin America power suay influence of synonym, inch and do not pretend at its conclusion under the headry that this paper shall give one, but it will set down two some of the ways in which they have effectively created a sentiment favorable to the Fatherland. auss Methods German eten tefavorabite to the United States Intermarriages olding Education of their children Result of the ties thus formed.
Education through schools Businesses Control of Hardware Effect of Enemy Trading Act on the German firms Colonization: There is no indication that the termination of the present war will cause Germans, and other world powers to exten withdraw from Latin American or give up what each had accomplished.
On the other hand there is every reason to believe that all of the great world powers now engaged in at the first opportunity the present war will put forth their utmost efforts what to boxing recover anything they may have lost and lay foundations for augmenting their business their luence and o nopasalus influence