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While heretofore we have viewed the problem from the point of view of the North (that is the United States proper. wo must now look at it also from the point nt view of the South (Panama. Our Government created at Panama one of the great arterios of the world.
In order to fix our position more firmly in our mind 8, it might not be ami 88 to consider this country as having reached forth its arms to encirole Central America by bringing the finger tips together at Panama.
The careful intent, or motive, guiding the 80 protective arms 18 not always understood by those within their influences, and it is necessary that our conduct toward them bo such as to show consideration for their inexperience and lack of understanding.
Failure to do this might tend to break the contact of our finger tips at Panama, and thus weaken our influences over the section adjacent to the great water way we have created. suspect what the Senator (montioned on page two) had in mind was to combine the strength of the se entities with our own strength while observing a due consideration for the sensitiveness of their inhabitants. It behooves us, accordingly, 80 to order our steps as to obtain the cooperation of Mexico and Central America by carrying forward acts of good intention calculated to improve the rolations between us and them.
Germany has disgusted the sensibility of the world by failing to