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6failing to comprehend and respect the national thought of other peoples during recent years.
We, therefore, 800 that we should consider carefully the state of mind of the citizens of the countries likely to be affected.
ATIONAL Many Mexicans believe we are lotting them weaken themselves by internal strife, with the idea of taking them over later with the least inconvenience and expense to ourselves, and they argue that our polioy toward Mexico ever since President Taft ordered the Americans to retire from that country is a clear exemplification of our ultimate intention.
Central Americans, while less positive, very doubtful in fact, as to what is likely to befall Mexico, feel that it may amount to a protectorato if nothing more.
They seem rather doubtful as to what is likely to happen to their own Central American countries, but are very positive that they wish no American interference in their affairs like that exorted in Mexico, by the United States. That we have other than friendly intent toward Central America, of course, is not true, and that it is not true is capable of demon stration to one of our own citizens. native of those countries, however, listens respectfully to Americans who endeavor to explain their country policy with respect to Latin America, but they seldom speak out what is in their mind when they do not accept an American interpretation of his