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World War

7ives of his country motive The most frequent donunciation of our country hoard in Central America, and this has come directly to my cars from responsible Central Americans, speaking in their nativo tongue, 18 that the North American influence in Nicaragua is pernicions.
They loathe the form it has taken and fear it, and not infrequently, give exprossion to their approhensions. without stopping to analize it in detail, we must remember that pious declarations to the effect that we wish to exert our influence with good intentions will not always be accepted by our neighbors in the spirit in which they are given.
Whatever the citizens of the section described may think politically, their depend once upon us economically is apparent. Generally speaking, however, it is difficult to get frank expressions or the accurate truth, from Central Americans regarding commercial developments and politics, because what a man says may unfavorably affect his station and his standing.
Have we given these with whom we must cooperate the immediate and sympathetic attontion we should have devoted to them since the beginning of the great world war? We are the only great nation that can help them.
Although open protests are not made they, nevertheless, teol suspicious.