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8fool suspiciou8.
Salvador and Costa Rica are clearly aligned in opposition to our course.
Hondurae wants to be pro American but she is unfavorably influenced by German interests on the ground too powerful for her to ignore which are always ready to advise and promise aid with the needed loan while playing upon her fear of American aggression.
Nicaragua and Guatemala are not in the same situation.
Four of the Central American countries at least are rather fearful of finding themselves one day in the complicated entanglements which appear to have surrounded the national lito of Nicaragua.
0, ACHIVE What should we do?
Americans of this generation seem TH)
to have concluded to let well enough alone, and seem only to take a secondary interest. No one capable of carrying on the constructive side of Porfirio Dias policy has appeared in Mexico or Central America. The situation is, therefore, particularly susceptible to the effects of a really beneficent and far sighted American policy and such a policy, outlined as definitely as circumstances permit, should be evolved by our Government and its application initiated as early as possible.
There are those who allege that Porfirio Diaz, the wonderful dictator, unconciously ran Mexico to an almost certain ruin, yet we said and did