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8and did nothing during the latter part of his reign to provide against the devastation which should have been apparent to far 8eeing statesmon.
Possibly we did not realizo what was going on in our neighbor house and failed to comprehend how unfavorably those happenings were to affect our own people, or else we left the Mexicans to themselves and gave insufficiont thought to the situation, but fondly hoped that the Great Dictator would accomplish in the long years (30) of his rule what others (Spain) had failed to accomplish in the three hundred years preceding his rule.
Wo must realize that national evolution is a slow proco88, and assuredly it is the only one which will bring about the civilization of that section lying betwoen the Rio Grande and Panama.
Then we must, with discretion, take the stops necessary to aid these countries along the lines of progressive ovolution. submit that the proper infusion of American influences be the developing of these countries educationally and agriculturally which will produce a condition analogous to our advantage better than that contemplated by either Senator. To me, annexation from the Rio Grande to Panama Booms unnecessary to the extension of our influence over that sootion, and such a courso presents numerable inconveniences