Guardar Descargar

16in some instances to acquire controlling inter sts in banks already established, partly to secure the services of men experienced in such undertakings. 2)
Wirole88: For a long time the Department of State, and the Navy Department have recognized the necessity of arranging for a form of wireless control throughout Latin America. There are several reasons why this was and 18 desirable, not the least reason being that the sound waves of the German (telefunken) and the British (Marooni) systems have a tendonoy to kill those of our system and render communication with it more difficult when the other systems are operating in the same medium. Owing to the variety of difficulties this American control has not been arranged. meanwhile a Telefunker station has been erected at San Salvador and it receives regularly radio messages, from stations of the same make at Mexico City, which reflect impressions unfavorable to the interests of the United States. a) It is recommended therefore that our Government supply such funds as may be necessary to acquire the control of the present wirele88 station at San Salvador, and lend its good offices to the end that a concession be granted to a company controlled by Americans 80 that the present plant may be transformed to suit the requirements and desires of our Navy Radio system. 6) In addition it i8 recommended that our Government supply such funds as may be necessary to acquire concessions from the other Central American countries for Radio Communication 80 that an American company may establish stations where they are thought to be necessary, and in any event po88088 the rights which will make it impossible for foreign, or conflicting systems to be installed or operated. c) So practical has been the aid extended to our Government during the present war by the Tropical Radio and Telegraph Company that it is thought