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many hindrances and potty vexations.
Anything in the management or curricale of those schools that looks like an attompt to wean pupils away from Catholicisia will impair their usefulness, and bring them under the bun of partial disapproval.
II managed with fact, a non sectarian institution should pive quite gatis.
factory results, 13 it would be likely to receive moral support from all havins children to anacate regardless of religious bellera, wm financial su po ort from those who c018 afford to send vir children to such school.
OF CARCHIVES THE It is thou oht that the bost way of starting tho schools under considoration would be to acquire suitablo groud within THE or in the vicinity of oach capital.
here piurchase is impractical, a lons 1euse nirht be secured. part from the auhintage accruing to any institation from the possos8ion of its own land, the acquisition of rol estate is sale investmont in these countries.
alonld the schools be Liscontinued in later years the property. could be sold, probably at quito satisfactory prices. The school buildings should be orected with their own adjacent play grounds, for too much stress oannot be laid on the necessity of paysical culture for the native pupils.
BOARDING SCHOOLS SR. PE HALA BI ti It ia manifest that results would be moro quickly obtained if the school could take pupils to board.
They would thus be more constantly in touch with spoken nglish, more isolated from their native