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11 e and prosti for the Spaniards.
But, in the southern moricu. the Indiang never had a chance against the inver.
Do basin with, the al te is not onducive to heroics: trov 10, 81secseg 0216 interbeoino strico had weakonod Deix anleo und 78 titutions.
alvarado a tuok wuis. yout too Ody: sà xu tố kia tribes rotull, met him 11 orlando o 1200rs and eccl.
tions of welcome, thou not, ono loro, quite unnixed with inquiries 18 ti the date mai departure.
nowere did not ne vpen to be the 37. tot in nt pasion with the Speaki ards. thay dennio 2014. stad their melinas can be 10 agined whaa ty beard that the innocent coc0 bean congtitatei the only klou currency oi than country.
wong weze de Sion Or Dulons all that had beguiled their matomas the deadly southe SWEDS.
panier de ovor powere then; 10 wolconi ahiet wer promptly executed; the brired mer branded and sent to the copp az indes rust Wor6 sent to the slave markets of the Spanish depo ndancies.
Yur Ind will at the preant day is rather inolini te lindwa and it 2001 be die rather than lace a new or painful situation.
in lvarado day 2010 tribes proferred sui aide to 21avury: many of the victims in the nines died from overork and from an imbility and disinal ination to live undor altered circumst does.
the paniards, now entir cay in their element. began thu congenial