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congenial task of ruining Central Amerios through a system 01 cupidity, Brood and fanaticism.
They had found a land immensely wealthy in ise coming opper, gold and silver. the native population proved so docile that even the stony hearts of the Catholic mise ionary were molted by their bumility.
Ia 300 years everyti ing and everybody W8. ruined and in utter OF confusion, till the Hepolconic wars riddl the Spanish dependencies oi the hated yoke.
The st to proilt by the indepuniunce of 1821 vas, very naturally, the inaden. ale was oflivially recognized as a free esent in 1824, but liberty to rely meant for him a change of masters, and it is a matter of some do mother the apuniard was much worse than the hall breed and natives who suco eejee bia.
and nos nothirt short of a miracle can ever liberate the Indian.
who wpaniarās broke nie spirit and sluvery las bitton do deep into his soul that he needs help before he will again try to 888ist hinsoll in his troubles.
Blavery wil. exigt, in form, if not in name, as long as the finguaro chooses, unless gradual liberation comes through ucation.
It certainly would not prove prolitools to the wealthy finquere to disillusion bis indian, when they insist that God crea tod them to be beasts of murden.
why Ily in the face of Providence?
coa bad expressed Bid purpose throven the missionar les why on earth andeoeive them?
Tant mieux for the finquero: And now