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14 And now 90 per cent of the whole control merican populltion works 311 day and almost every day, for mere pittance of 50 conts silver, or le 38, per diem and monotonous meal of tortillas and beans twice a day. li to maintain the planters in tlak lup ol luxury!
hat, in ad neok, can be done to held them? ha laulty comunications and the character of the over mente offer little in ucement for emigration and the Ch11100 traders who have appeared in recent years are only add ang Oriental stolidity to the arrogance or the Spaniard and the spa ihy of the Indian. pretty potpourri with a vengeance!
and the result is neither beneficia nor picturesque. Moreover, taste for sunbl ing and aguardiente is causing much misory and ruin, while the very soil breede tropical diseases, which the natives do not combat very suecessfully.
The Morro e Doctrine excludes any interterence by the Turopean Powere. Under krenoh or Eritish rule, entral America mi ht have rapidly recuperated from her conäition of inertia.
Beneath the outward lethargy lice u deeply rooted distruet of the United States and 21hereworks, despite (or, perhaps, because. or the elder brother attitude.
ny interference from us AS e nation would reise Gain from Rio Grande to Perance and excited diatribes in the press of southern America.
Any local Central nerican Government that honestly dared to espouse the cause of the Indian would meet with disaster and sudden death at the hands of wealthy politicians who depend