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depend upon peon labor for their prosperity, though the Government of Costa Rica and the president of Salvador have made an effort to clean the agean Stable analded.
In Quatemala the reckles uiché is contimally in debt.
His kind mae ter steps in at the risht soment with a loan, am he bag oos the ve 01 that master till tre loan is discharged, In other words. He is Slave forever.
In Salvador and Honduras 28s formerly not unusual for an apent or the wealthy ringueros to invito their peons to the fuliet gamble on Saturday night, when 20toi the weake earning returned to the master pockets.
One ti ing alons Callikave the Indian and that is public instruction and practical developm nt.
the elder generation of inqueros its 1:828t praying for, out much can be done 971. th the onildren.
Bithorts the poor do not rret even a chance for mor equipaent in any posibl utrugle with the evils of herellty.
Rivo hem good schools from their orllent daye, 12tili higher ideals into their minds, iro then clean End oroita, hearts, and tliw SOIRO 201 the Irular vi 21 Gradually disapp VEI.
and il auricu, through the notion of her philanthropiste, provides the funds for his enterprise, then erhaps, Votants prophecy may yet be 1111111eu.
The ahip of dreams will come again to the strickn 10 ian nation, una salvation 111 be broacht by the white laced gods in the end.
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