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w LA LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ar ma Guatemala, June 28, 1923. No. 328 1923 DEPT OF STATES a not 814 Socirea locion the camercana 1923 pp wokTE 29 7871 Why Department Saite 11118 61 INDIX WRXAU JULI 1923 Division of Political and Econom information OLE. when Ngì. 12 FILED JUL 13 1923)
Confidential The Honorable, The Secretary of State, Wash ington.
Sir: FOREIGN PROPAGANDA While conscious of the fact that, ordinarily, little or no attention should be paid to anonymous communications, beg leave to submit herewith a translation of a letter of that kind, which received today; and do that, because it doubtless expresses an opinion held by many sincere friends of the United States, in Guatemala, and it is suegestive of thoughts worthy of most serious consideration.
The communication, translated, reads as follows: Guatemala