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Inclosure No. Despatch No. 719 The Chargé Affaired of the United States in Togu.
eigalpe sent to Goneral Forrera a tologram, the latter part of which was se follows. have received instruetions IIon Jovornont, in case your motions make the 2020! ing of an rooivent lipos.
sibie, to let you know that the Unitod states will not recognige any administration wit? you 20 mliei, WT Wii. it on.
tend oyupathy nor norel aid to 0212 provlsional government Which may be established by you.
Through the cables it is known that the Goverutent of the United States, thru its Logation in Tegucigalpa, has been making proposals towards 20 artezyenent between the rovolutionists led by renereFerrere, and the rovisional Government in chargo of General Tosta. Due to these suggestions the revolutionary chier proposed bases for a peace peet, which, in part mere acoepted by tho Govermont of tosta and modified in one point thich Ortora considered essential. Tosta, on his part also proposed certain bases, which were openly refocted by tho rebel chis.
Upon this decision of Forrore being conmunicated to wahington, the Department of state isaned instructions to its gution in Tegucigalpa to comunicato to him the contents of the above telegram.
Suppoaine that Ferrera qucaoeds in dominating to situation, totally defeatin his advercuries on tho lield of battle, he then without doubt will eatbliali a 20visione Government, presided over by him or 018 01 118 friends.
Hondureans who eat the rosoat 1ro dociding partisan questions by the use of arms, now, confrontod with intervention