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index Burdan UNDER SECRETARY, RECEIVED NOV 10 1924 MAY 14 1926 OF STATE.
Dept. of State The Under Secretary.
Our Central American policy. TO: RE: anted (GFORETARY OF SOME NOV 1924 Lag: Dear Mr. Grew: With reference to our conversation a few days ago 711. 13 desire to lay before you the following considerations regarding our Central American policy. feel that in many ways it has not fully met the situation as is shown by the conditions in Honduras, An opportunity to put into effect some of the principles of the Central American Treaties of 1923 was first afforded in the case of Honduras.
The key note of those Treaties is constitutional government and they are theoretically sound but the weapon of non recognition or the threat of non recognition is one so surcharged with unforeseen difficulties that it is likely to prove a boomerang against the spirit of the Treaties in which it is enunciated.
In Honduras in any event it has made it wellnigh impossible for nearly a year to find a solution of the difficulties and to set up a government that can be recogعبده خار MAY 14 926 nized.
With Ferrera completely defeated and a refugee in Guatemala it may now be possible to find a solution.
Ferrera revolution