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revolution showed the futility of any attempt to set up a coalition government in Honduras in accordance with the Ama pala Pact.
With Ferrera defeated it may be possible for the National Party to hold elections and constitute a government that can maintain order.
In the elections held somewhat over a year ago it was obvious that Carias had the support of the majority of the country. The Government of President Lopez Gutierrez so juggled the election returns as to throw the election into Congress where it was impossible to bring about an election.
It seems altogether probable that at this stage the American Minister could have effected a peaceful solution in accordance with a plan proposed by the Department, had he had any prestige or had he enjoyed the respect and confidence of the prominent Honduraneans and had he not misinterpreted the Department instructions. Unfortunately his action instead of bringing about a settlement seems to have precipitated the open break that occurred at that time for Carias then started a revolution which, under the terms of Article II of the General Treaty of Peace and Amity of February, 1923, disqualified him for holding office as President in the next reorganization.
However Carias has apparently the majority support of the people of Honduras and also has the backing of the Provisional Government.
Should he come into office he could probably maintain order but we have already definitely stated over a year ago that we