Guardar Descargar

referring to a glass of lemonade.
And the latter, with his air of a Presbyterian minister angular face, square jaws, horse teeth and squinting eyes behind his glasses clamored loudly for the rights of the oppressed of Europe and for the principle oi free determination for the enslaved nations, and at the Peace Conference at Versailles, at the same time that he had set the foot of Uncle Sam upon Haiti, Santo Domingo and Nicaragua.
Roosevelt, in 1898, at the head of his rough riders on the hills 0? San Juan before Santiago de Cuba, must have felt himself a second Bolivar, liberating towns as he advanced on his horse, planning at the same time a grip upon Guantanamo, a strip wrested from Cuba for the establishment of the most American formidable naval base, and which converted the Caribbean into a Yankee lake, in payment of the generous assistance given Cuba to emancipate herself. As regards Mr. Wilson, he did not believe himself comparable to anyone but Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. great many Mexicans do not know Geography; they are therefore ignorant of politics, and especially the political geography of the United States.
There are some compatriots of superficial patriotism who do not know the relation existing between a nation of one hundred and thirty million inhabitants, with an illiterates, and another of 14, 000, 000 with 82 illiterates.
Between one which rushes across the Atlantic an army of 1, 200, 000 men in less than a year; lends Turope millions of Dollars for the war and sends out gunboats of 36, 000 tons, destroyers, cruisers, battleships and submarines to all known seas, and another