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2. It would be very desirable for the United States to acquire the ownership of a building adequate for its diplomatic representation in Guatemala.
It would increase the prestige of the representation of the United States in Guatemala if it were raised to the rank of an Embassy, as Mexico did some time ago.
That step taken by Mexico was viewed even in the other Central American countries as a proof of consideration for all of Central America. Under the circumstances, the political and commercial interests of the United States would be greatly benefited by giving its representation a rank not inferior to that of any other country. The noble purpose which animates President Coolidge and which he has set forth in his remarkable speech made in New York, on the occasion of the anniversary of the United Press, should be made extensively known, by reason of its rectitude of discernment, its spirit of justice, its love of peace and its profound respect for international justice.
That makes me think of the desirability of making press services of the United States more ample in the Central American countries. It would be very advantageous if the United States established a service of aerial communication with Central America. Gua temala has a fairly extensive railroad system, and the link connecting it with Sal vádor is now almost finished. It would be a fine thing, if the remaining gaps in the Pan American Railroad project were speedily completed all the way down to Panama and South America.