
THE MARION DAILY CHRONICLE JULY 18, 1927 ALL:SPEAKS ON OLITICAL WAR OF NICARAGUANS this city it gave the United States the power to step in and put down any revolution which might arise. The Nicaragua government accepted the treaty but the Senate refused to accept the treaty with this provision. From 1911 to 1925 order was maintained in that little Central American nation and it was the de sire of our government to withdraw our forces after the election of 1925. The newly elected President Congressman Explains for another period of three months Conditions in Central until he had all matters under his control. This was done and then American Republic our government withdrew only to see another revolution break out within two months which is the be3 Congressman Albert Hall, of ginning of the present trouble the district gave an interesting ad there. The President was driven dress on the present political trou from the country, fifteen members bles in Nicaragua and Haiti at the were put out of office, another meeting of the Marion and Hartford président was elected by the NaCity Rotary clubs held Monday eve tional Congress an dthis President ning at the Rainbow Inn, east of appealed to the United States for the Marines to be sent back to reHe said in part: store order. This was done in the The disturbance last Sunday in interest of human life and the main Nicaragua calls to our attention the tainance of stable condition in Cenrelationship existing between the tral America. Some may say the United States and the Central United States is an imperialistic American countries. Why we are nation, seeking more territory and IT o there and what have been the re only interested in the dollar. pre sults of our relationship? dis fer to see in our activities an ideal fo tinct change in gur foreign policy ism, seeking to maintain order, ti was made about 1892. We became showing how to develop self governat responsible for the former colonies ment, a stabilizer among nations.
oi Spain. We could have added We could have annexed, Cuba, Nic 7 Cuba to our own territory as a aragua, Panama and other nations state, but we preferred to allow as a part of our own, but it apthem to set up a government of pears a wiser course to teach them their own an attempt to maintain a how to govern themselves.
stable organization. Our govern Following the address by Conment was content to act as a guide gressman Hall, George Lindsay and have the authority to step in gave a short talk on the existing should a revolution arise. The re conditions in Florida. He stated 3sult in Cuba has been very satis that the state had a very bright fufactory with business prospering ture.
and a large measure of general About seventy attended the first satisfaction.
inter club get together. When we consider the political disturbances in other neighboring nations Cuba stands out as a good example of the beneficial influence of the United States as a stabilizer aminkuence is made apparent by the fact that during the last century more than one thousand armed revolutions have broken out in Central and South America nations. That this experience has not been without results is shown by our experience in the Island of Haiti. This is a negro republic, which early in the last century gained its independence from France. The history has been reSplete with revolution, murder and anarchy.
During its existence twenty seven presidents have been elected, twenty four of whom were deposed and three murdered. Dur.
ging the period from 1911 to 1915 six presidents were elected three were assasinated and three deposed. Busiitness was at a standstill, property rights were lost, life on the island was held very cheap. The educated e class appealed to the United States a government for help. delegation t! was sent to Washington, asking for a treaty. treaty was made in 1915 to extend for ten years. By this treaty American Marines were sent to the island to maintain order and supervise the government, American officials were placed in supervision of the ports and all collecting agencies, roads were built, schools established, a survey of all lands were made and property rights established. Life has become safe and prosperity restored to such an extent that in addition to supporting all their government activisties from their own income last year dover one million dollars were paid on the national debt of the island republic.
The relationship has been so satisfactory that in 1926 we were asked to renew the treaty for another ten year period maintaining the supervision over the government activities. When asked how long this might be expected to con3tinue, it was said that perhaps for a fifty year period, or at least until another generation has a stable government such as is now being maintained. Our experience in Nicaragua is to a certain extent the same as in Haiti. Marines first went there in 1907 to help restore order under orders from President Roosevelt.
Later President Taft sent them there in 1908. The finances of the government were at so a low an ebb in 1911 that it became necessary to borrow money, to run the government.
The nation was SO torn by revolution that no nation or individuals would loan the money until proper security was given. It was finally arranged with private financiers to loan the money provided a representative of the United States Treasury was placed in control of all the ports and collecting agencies. This was done and our government has been in control of the business end of the government since that time with a group of Marines aiding. In 4913 while Mr. Bryan was Secretary of State, another treaty was made which in its first draft under the environments ofrown up


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