
Rate of Subscrip Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months 00 00 00 10. 00 Scents 12 Single copies OFFICES: JID AVENUE PO Box 316 CABLE TIENT For Advertisements, apply to the Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER Vol 5 cents silver COPY Limon. Saturday July Its 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 179 ON Jured simon, therefore, is what to do with Miscarriage GOOD NEWS THE no Gout is a gen ments, and the mitted througly connected with tions. It is el feet in the nutrisystem, Cocoa captain THE TIME But what must be especially the park gates was knocked down and and. of prohibited are fatty substances. Port Limon, Gosta A woman of seventy two was linockel Castro? He can scarcely arrest him. But difficult of digestion and predis down by the slinieking, struggling crowd perhaps he could bring him up for tres.
posing to obesity those subjects and trampled. She is a serious condi. passing on the Haytian ship. By so doing of Justice.
who are naturally inclined easily tion.
he would win the gratitude of the Powers to become corpulent, and also TI ing and Queen were informed of who are anxious that Castro shall b: kept STARTLING DISCOVERY IN high game, owing to its extreme the unfortunate occurrence and expressed out of Venezuela. on the other hand Castro GOU richness in ptomaines DEMERARA that is, great concern and asked to be kept inform might make it rather warm. for anyone in ed as to the condition of the victims. Hlayti who attempted to obstruct him just in organie poisons.
After en interval of nearly two FROM EUROP)
EXPERTS Gouty persons will do well not INJURED ONES OUT OF DANGER.
The wisest thing for President Simon to years, says the Demerara Argoto take meat more than once a London. Queen Mary sent a bouquet do would be to let Castro alone. Let hin sy, an important discovery has constitutional day at the midday meal, abstain of orchudts and other chance flowers to Edith have his chance of landing on Venez elin been made which raises the quesshores it he likes. Now that he is located disease, the ceteristie pympfroni meat that generate uric acid lever, the thirteen year old girl who was in tion whether three East Indians, it will not be difficult to follow his move.
toms of which are often trans.
or are rich in oxalie acid, such as jured by the bolting of the royal horses reVenezuelan Government Aceessive generatuming from Ascot who were sentenced to death on the viscera (brains, sweet bread, All the others who were injured are out should be prepared to meet him. We a charge of murder, but whose liver, kidneys. game, potted foods, of danger think that Castro chances of suc.
sentence was subsequently comfundamental caviare; gelatinous meat (call cess in Venezuela is very for we can tive sulting in an immuted to penal servitude for life, not call to mind head, sheep trotters) and meat Jungle Spanish American ation of food and an are not the victims of a miscarPresilient who, jellies. Eggs should be permitted Current Items.
incompleto, idation of the nitro only in moderate quantity was able to win power again. Once fallen riage of justice. The discovery from his high estate, he has fallen forever, relates to what is known as The geuons my Sorrel, spinach, Freneh beans, The Committee responsible for Water Street Tragedy, in which the econd To this is due the rhubarb, chocolate and the blood of toxie the celebration of the one hundred diouzh a nich man, he has been unlucky was involved the finding of an East must be avoided.
Iudiau with his throat cut from ear ers, of which ric acid MC be the most important. thorized to day, because it has to, formerly forbidden, is ati the lo dependence of the United likely, therefore. that he will be able once of his excitable to ear at the premises of the Sal.
States have issued invites for a countrymen. He was executed some exaditions predisposing to vation Army Shelter in Water Imulation in the organbeen found to contain only a Stag Smoker to be held at Arras traordinary marches in Venezuela in the Street. The evidence which las trace of oxalates, while on the hanifold. Too rich a diet, ty Theatre, July 3rd, at 30 in. past, and won some notable victories. But been brought to light, thanks to other hand it is rich in malates The Editor uses this means of re.
ceed constipation, a seden and in excellent health if he attempted a enquiries which have been proseand citrates, which render the turning thanks for compliments campaign in Venezuela he would very pro al e, a permanent strain on cuted by Ghurib Das on behalf blood alkaline nind and lack of physical exshewn him by the committee Irably le marching to his death. We do of the incarcerated men, discloses As beverage pure water is re.
not think think there is much to fear from evidently contribute toward that ou his admission to the Pub.
commended. Still, white wine, ding the organic combustions admixed with water, may be als The Prinz Joachim arCastro.
lic Hospital the deceased conalso restricting the elimina lowed on account of its diuretic terday morning from New York rived early in the harbour yesfessed to cutting his own throat. of harmful products.
Representations having been action. Old red wines, especially On the other hand certain convia Jamaica. Very few passen Huge Joke. made to His Excellency the Govthose from Bordeaux, may also be Ations, apparently inverse, seem hers came on her. The following ernor of this statement, the matCo tavour the prodnction and exerally forbidden because of its permitted. But Burgandy is gen is her list: From New York: CASTRO DID NOT ARRIVE AT ter engaged the attention of the William Arazon, Pedro Israel, Executive Council, with the rebretion of a large quantity of uric richness in faunin. It has been neid when theoretically they said to have gont in every glass.
Antonio Tabust. From Colon. sults that it has been decided to Buld diminish it. Frequently Cider has some partisans.
Mrs. Hauuah Lewis Fernando Port au Prince Htyti. That the report refer it to the Law Officers of the ANI noticed that prolonged musFuego and 33 deck passengers. of the presence of General Castro aboard the Crown in England for their authorities are agreed in disallow Consul Grostuck, the cruiser recently pur.
lar exercise, excessive fatigue, ing beer. Gout is said to have be.
opiuion and advice.
The Telegraph and Guardian chased from the Italian government for the ong inountain ascents and artiengun to spread among the people (Jamaica) Coronation Number is Haytian navy, has no foundation in fact, flar traumatism are accompanied by but was the result of a joke on the part of in London the day porter eame in quite a bunds me one. it has considerable uric discharges. And the to general use.
the warship, as the astonin fact in cases of pronounced many interesting articles and ishing assertion mute list nigir by the Italy Low As a general rule fats and sugout any slightly excessive exerfine pictures of the King and offiial to President Simon.
gar should be taken in moderatiou. Queen. The issue is quite a The captain said he told the authorities leise may eause a gouty crieis.
Death Rate.
Hence to give rise to gout there Condiments and spices should be unique one and should be in the at Port de Puis, where the vessel called restricted to salt, vinegar and must first of all an original tenhands of every readlor. Copies was on board, and that when they believed Rome. An official statement in orsol lemons. Coffee and strong tea are on sale at this oflice. 25 cents deney; some primordial defect in the tale he did not trouble to undecsive by Marquis di San Galiane, Minister to are to be avoided.
e ich them Foreign Affairs relative to the con litions of nutrition, by virtue of which the When a fit of gout comes on leath in Italy, wis given out. It sets waste matters intended to be elimthe patient must regulate his diet, Whilst the Prinz Joachim forth that the death rate in 1910 through inated are accumulated in the but should drink largely of apple was on on her way to Limon a ont the Italy was lowest since 1862, while system. The accumulation goes ptisan, barley water, infusion of Mexican Election. the death rate thus far in 1971 is even low.
woman and a man was found on on silently until the day when, err The death rate in Rome, it is pointed cherry stalks and parietary, these board without their tickets or out is thirteen per 1, 000, the lowest rate owing to the fact either of an exCONGRESS CALLS PRIMARY AND in Europe.
aggerated productiou of uric acid liquor being cooled if required. passports. When questioned how As soon as the fever begins to they got on board they could ELECTION FOR OCTOBER or of a partial insufliciency in abate some stewed fruit should be The renal elimination, the crisis oc given. When it disappears green give no satisfactory answer.
off man was out ut Accorling to private advices received Colon.
vegetables and potatoes may be We are informed that some kind Although it may not be possi added. Later a gradual return call has been issued by the author Fear Castro Landed friends on board subscribed the ty of Congress and signed by the governors ble to get rid of the original deis made to meat in small quanti necessary amount to pay the woof the several Mexican stares afhoffing In Haytian feet in the nutritive system which ties and to the dietary given man fare herenpon she was pinay elections on October anlagen gives rise to the gout, especially above.
when it has been transmitted with allowed to leave the ship. The eral elector of president and vice president Capital At the same fime, as the protheson Sunday following which will be intensity through several genera. duetion of uric acid is diminished woman is how wonulering about October towo penniles without ip15.
Torder, which wus issued by Cin.
Port au Prince. Tae American scout tions, yet by an appropriate and by the dietary, its destruction and well directed bygiene one may at parel, save what she wear gts under date of fute ir passed through cruiser Birmingh on arrived here and Ameri.
elimination should also be aimed the links of Provisional esident Francis. can officinale a dorongli search of the least retard the manifestations of at. For this purpose muscular COLD La Birra and by him wis roler.
The United Fruit Company pel to the Department of comicion, and Cipria Cittasid to be bidin No Con al Gruck, aboard wich General the diathesis and attentuates its exercise regularly repeated and Espartaarrived yesterday tance to the governors of the sates of the of the es dictator was evil effect.
wisely regulated as well as frieThe most important points to tions, massage and hydrotherapy. following passengers: Han noon from Boston with the fol. believed that he is in con The call provides that the governors of cealment in be watched in gonty subjects or are indicatell. regular life and ckel. HC Oirens, Douall. states and the highest authurities in Federal The Haytian authorities also searched those who are liable to become District and territories shall divide their the warship and announced this evening such are the food and drink. In continuous work, well distributed son, Miss Donaldson, Miss that they believe General Ca tro landed at over the day and without being Petroua Alvarado, Mr. and Mrs.
jurisdiction into electoral districts. This a general way, there is no spreial excessive in the evening are ob Hingh Mount and 37 seks mails.
division shall have been completed by the some point on the coast before the vessel dietary for the gouty, but there liged to fulfil important social end of June.
reached ort au Prince The elections will be governed by the The Consul Grostuck is still flying the are some precepts from which they duties.
The following passengers ar.
laws of Dec. 18, 1961, and May 24 1904 German mercantile flag. President Simon should never depart. The first of intended to take over the war Ship anul rived on the Heredia from all is moderation, a thing more rename her, but this cereinony has been Colon. Mr. and Mrs. Starke, postponed. Meanwhile the Birmingham is difficult to achieve than may be Accident at Master Starke, Pradilla: keeping a strict wateli.
supposed, for, being habituated to Nickerson, Vandaster. Genuine spanisli wine: the best tonie a copious table, the more the Windsor, Vandaster Mr. and Mrs. Vergara for the store and morvos: Imported stomach has been accustomed to Clarke, E, Solis, RK Booth, gentleman smoke cigarettes receive the more exacting it has London. An acculent happened at become.
Emelio Garcia, de la Esperilla kot Proof it and you will always drink of Nacional it. Pte Windsur iminecliately after the King and William Morgan, Alberto Mari The diet should be neither exQueen entered the castle 01 their return chal, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, clusively animal or exclusively from Ascol spare team of rayel horses Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Esquevel, vegetable, but mixed. Milk given took right and dashed among the people 30 in transit to Southampton and in moderate quantitius will figure who lined the long walk with the result 31 deckers One hundred and thir y colones (C. 130. 00) from one thousal re feet above, at Peña Brothers its alkaline and diuretie qualities. dren, were in it usefully by virtue both of that eight Pured severel several chil. perambulator in which three children LISON AVENUE 50 YARDS FRON POLICE STATION BOX NO 165 Vegetables are necessary and were sitting was should be taken in quantities one of the children beng badly cut the Castro Turns Up.
We keep a special assortment of flooring battons, siding, eriling and partition, mouth and head and bruise!
We acceplurders from the Llacs.
greater than those of meat. While flesh fools are the principal Physicians arrived quickly and a sure of Castro has been iliscovered. To the source of urid acid, the vegetable persoas who had been knocked down were treated. One was taken in an ambalance to great discomfiture of President Simon, the AMERICAN DENTIST famous ex President of Venezuela has been aliments destroy its effects by proKing Edwards la spital with a broken arm. found in Haytian waters on board a vessel benzoic DR. ROBERTO JIMENEZ ORTIZ Two other children were severely injured, SINI EXTRACTIONS ducing hippuric and belonging to the Haytin Goveroment. He Orice: lotelglo XX, downstairs Everything done right. So Ilu and a chauffeur standing withi liis car at acids, which render it soluble.
has a lot of arms and ammunition with him, Todo trabajo segarantiza Especialidad en extracciones sio door Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
trace at in this city ALICANTE WINE Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber rer Web


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