
Editor Rate of Subscription Payable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 Scents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMY DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to in Manager.
VoL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Wednesday July 12th 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 188 ness Manager.
He was THE TIMES all the wheat raised in New England aud New Jersey, were grown TO ROB SWAL Arrival of a Busi Daily News PubPort Limon, Gosta Rica (6. on 25. 000 hectares of land, or 107 square miles LOIS NEST.
lishing Co. Ltd.
THE GREAT DEMAND It is figured that there are at least ten billions of aeres of well Boil Three Eggs.
We are pleased to welcome Mr. INCORPORATED UNDER THE FOR BANANAS. watered land in the tropies, and Williams, Joint Promoter COMPANIES ACT, CAPIthis would, at the present rate of AND THE BIRD WILL BRING Daily News, Jamaica, who has and Business Manager of the TAL 3, 000.
the production, yield 170, 000 bilThe Bluefields American, of lion pounds of bananas.
With RCOTS THAT WILL GIVE come down here in the interest of Hon. Dr. Grossett, a recent date says: the staff of life produced in the The United States census tells moist tropies, the entire temperLUCK TO GET MONEY.
the Company. The paper this Chairman gentleman represents has only Cyril Henriques, Esq. Viceus that two thirds of the nation ate, the subtropical and the dryer population live in the country tropical regions will be free to Au amusing story was told is seen light six months ago and it is Chairman.
remarkably surprising to hear of districts and one third in the produce cotton wool and neces. yesterday which goes to show the King, Edito.
the continued success of the Jour.
cities and that there is a coustant sary food crops, such as juicy utter stupidityot some people mat Its policy and aim is the The paper has been started by exodus of the people from the fruit. green vegetables. poultry and the extent of superstition inuplifting of the down trodden the People and is published, editfarm lands to town, with the aud dairy products. Under such dulged in these (as some say) erace. short, these are the main prospect that the proportion of conditions the world would suplightened days.
ed and inanaged for the uplifting the residents of the agricultural items on its programme which is The story runs as follows: of the masses. It is only six port 155, 000, 000, 000 human be.
their pleasure to carry through: inonths old but is kuown through sections to the total population inge just one hundred times the young man eager to raise money will continue to increase.
its fearless policy as The ThunNotwithstanding the fact that present population and yet the without mamal labour approach. Readjustment of the whole sysderer fear ed one of the young men that is tem of taxation, better and a Mr. Williams, one of the proout because moters and who has one hundred being made to take the place of wheat land of the temperate zones plant to attend and clean the are complete restoration of the Old Civil Service Examination, pay and fifty shares is now in Limon the human labour that had Hed are about all taken up. Bananas laps on the road, etc. and asked from the farms, the fact remains ment of all experises attached to (Hotel Imperial) selling shares can be dried like figs and dute him to get from one of the electhe importation of Coolies by each, same may be payable in that the essentials of the for shipment, and they will keep lire ses from the swallor those who want the the restaising full hina for han tilbys papered.
meals, are noticeably decreasing, it fig nest.
When asked what he was tive Co meil. You will thus see such well kuown men as the Right This is partly due to the increase ured out for us that there will going to with them, he said he of the population which we have always be enough food for the it is to your interest to support Revd. Bishop Collins, was going to boil them until they to feed, but it must also Gilbert be the Daily News.
became hard and then have them human race, no matter how greatCox. the people charged to the general decline in ly its population may increase, pat back in the nest.
champion) Reid Campbell, Dr the production of those neces.
what Carrington, saries, so that agricultural statis. the dieases to which the human but the ravages of wars and of further questioned as to Dr. Todd, Dr. Segree, Dr.
ticians, among them Hill, the Tace is heir will continue for a which he replied: The swallow Republic of Panama Paddington, Dr. Love. Dr.
Northwestern railroad man, are Lumsden, Dr. Ogilvie, Mr. Vine, long time to thin out the popula on finding the eggs in such a predicting that before many years tion, and we may not expect to be condition would leave them and is Facing a Poli Dr. Stanford, all of whom are shall elapse the United States largely interested besides being free from their attacks until the get som roots of a plant and will be importing instead of ex.
cal Crisis. shareholders.
Universal Conqueror, the dread throw over the eggs: this root the porting wheat and meats, and that monarch Death, shall be buished electric light man was to give him good reliable man is wanted these supplies will have to be Irom the domain he now rules.
aud he would carry it in his at every section of the in The Rpublic of Panama is facing a po.
brought from Canada and Arlitical crisis which may have its outcome in Costa Rica to sell the paper.
But the prospects of the human posket, and this would be the gentina means of his having a flushed a revolution according to despatches retrade are enormous, and long may Price only cents. Costa Rican ceived.
But these prophets of evil omen Trouble lies in the fact that President inonay per copy.
it flourish to keep our race from pocket always, or in other words, say that as the popnlation of the it would give him luek to get Do not in et if tue above is starving Arosemena has declared he will be a canglobe increases, the time will come plenty of money didate for re election and towards that end not sufficient guarantee of the when wheat, corn, pork and beef, To do the job the electric light has adop ed some tactics which ling reliability of the concern if it is, which are the products of the citizens are said to be much opposed to.
maa charged him (1. 00 to which then invest a part of your sa.
His candidature for re election has temperate zone, will be so serious Well Dehe agreed. The eggs were got awakenel in many sections of the Repubvings at home in RELIABLE ly instficient that dependence on CONCERN.
and given him, but whether he tropical fruits will be necessary served Promotion. boil them and got the roots from statementaat Washington officials did not Limon, July 12 A We are told that the human the bird our nran was not inform propose to be brought into the dispute, oprace had its beginning in the of the President have seized the British subjects in Costa Rica ed. The dark and benighted ponents tropics, and vegetable food alone opportanty of proclaiming their disapprowill be pleased to learn that King man appareutly did not succeed was relied on, such as dates, figs George has kuighted the Cabrera Peña Hnos.
semena in his first venture from the fact Secretary of War Stimson is to sail from and bananas. Concerning our Hon. Clande Coventry Mullet, that he again asked the electrie. New York Jaly en route to Panama, and it «LA CONVENIENCIA products of the temperate zone, is believed that one of his chief errands Sir Claude Mollet is light man to get three more exgs we are told that wheat prolucas, will be the oldest Consular Oifiger in for him. This second attempt to be to pacify the anam. citizens according to the United States rose nena, elected by the Liberals has Central America, he arrived at get mora eges made the man got not been able to keep harmony in his GRAND FANCY STORE Department of Agriculture, 739 Panama in 1878 and served in the suspicious of their worth she party and added to this feature is the fact We keep a special assortment of Ameripounds per acre. Potatoes, the that his critics have bitterly assail many British Post Office at that place charge (20, This he refused can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw most productive of the staple before the advout of the Freneli to pay and offered a little less of his rings and for some time been enlats. Stetson and Von Gall felt llats, Ties, Umbrellas, and tine suspenders, Beatifood crops of the temperate zone, in fomenting public sentiment it to tiful Babies sük Caps and a first class Canal Company. From Vice but the man would not accept it. Faged abait yield 3, 700 pounds of food inate ful the new Knight his steadiny a change in the administration stock of superior quality goods.
The superstitiovs man then Tile stimation now according to the Our prices are the lowest in Town!
rial per acre. but, as potatoes are reports fiere, is rapidly taking on the acute Call on us at the premises formerly orci.
a moist food, containing 75 per deut to Costa Rica and Panama, risen to the post of Minister Rus asked another of the employees of the Company to do the job but he stage and threats of a revolution are prepied by The White Store Limón, cent of water, it is necessary to and this latest coronation honor wisely refused, telling him it was parhag a crisis which may directly concern divide their weight by three and the Um States in hindering its work on proves the biggestaan held of all black art and rol.
REMOVAL the Panama Canal.
one half to reduce them to a bathis services by the British Foreign The Office OF DR. GALLEGOS sis comparable with air dry grain Office This gives 1, 057 pounds, Daring the stoting of over 20 Notice. American Dentist In the Central American counBritish subjects at Culebra by Shipping News Former y located at South West of Market, tries, as reported by the Bureau some Columbian soldiers who de LANDS FOR SALE AND LEASE has been removed to Dr. Miguel Velazquez of American Republics, bananas liberately opel tirs on the ma house, in front the ark opposite the United yield 16, 950 pounds per year per while sleeping in their camps Hamburg American The Mecklenburg of the ON THE ATLANTIC. Froit Commissary.
acre. Bananas contain about the Line of Crown nad bridge work Sir Claula Milet throuzi his ex same amount of water as potatraordinaty pill with th: Govera.
steamers arrived here yosterday Parties requiring land on either of the. Fittiag plates Fillings.
above conditions can have same from the Painless extractions. Long experience. before, we find that the produc ment the at the head of affairs anquilla Louis Heneke. From Cundersigned. have been appointed agen!
Reas. nable prices. Ju io in several sections of the lines which is too tion of bananas is 851 pounds avertel what might have been a lon. Mrs. Marie Hall, Wilmany to mention here. Perso is desirous of perio international chiusi bu. more than six times as liams, Ewert Hamilton, Joseph acquiring lands will do well it they wilt twean the Government of Great first consult me by sending to the follow Walker, Septimus Bennett. From Genuine spanish wine: the best tonic MUCH FOOT SUBSTANCE Britain and thit of Combit.
Bocas del Toro: Hubert Smith.
ing address.
for the stomac and cerves: Imported PER ACRE Coloniais paid he vily for WILLIAM DALLAS only for JULIÁN acks, front the mar Albert Drummond, Miss Vary the nigit annamal, Dor the Box 712, San Jose ket. Proof it and you will always drink as of wheat.
Brown and child Limo. July 12 15 Pte.
fatnilies of the killed, as well as While the wheat crop is at a tha walal Jam ticans, were all standstill we find that the banana The following passengers at enpasatal hun isualy. only crop of the Central American rived on the Parisihina to work az) a policamah illStates increased threefold from from New Orleans vin Barrios traate la Jamnean in Colon and 1895 to 1907 In the later years yesterday morning. Miss Lucila the Minister. 823) conpensa.
One hundred and thir y colones (G. 130. 00) from one thot an! Iguare feet above, et Costa Rica alone produced ten tion for bim as well as another Johnson, Mrs. Larisa Lujan, Miss Colton, Jolie Chappel, James Peña Brothers million bunches of bananas Jam tican who bully treated weighing half a billion pounds Martha Lujan, Miss Maria Mora, LIMON, th AVENUE 50 BARDS FROM TOLICE STATION. BOX 166 in Bocas del Toro by the polica and worth nearly five million dol.
Miss Adeline Gutierrez, Miss We keep a special assortroent of fluoring battons, siding, ceiling and partition man wharrastelin. It em lars, and Costa Rica is a little safely by stid that no British of ebrero Elisa Gutierrez, 40 cabiu passenWe acceptor ders from the Lles.
country that you could put in the ficial in Central Ameriez la gers in transit for Southampton State of Penusylvania and shake and New Orleans, deek passenaround like a loose pea in a pod. the snbjects under his care.
stood up so firmly on balalf of AMERICAN DENTIST gers in transit for Colon, deck And these Costa Rican banauas WANTED. Brigai Duy. WINOUr phopassengers and 123 sacks mails.
DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ AINLESS EXTRACTIONS Oloce: Hotel Siglo XX, downstairs Everything done right. No Hus containing more food value than to gallery.
Todo trabajo se garantita Especialidad en extracciones sin dono Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
bang ALICANTE WINE Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber


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