
Editor Rate of Subscription Payable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month months 01. 00 00 12 Single copies.
OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316. CABLES. TIESPO 10. 00 5cepts For Advertisements, apply to te Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Thursday July 13th 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY N9189 at ried on.
VICTOR An Explanation THE TIMES While England has kept her and glycerine factory in the ciba sub:rb New Postage Work on the Maine of lavana on total expenses down amazingly, Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. the Havant Centr. tracks Bul: station France also has been very econoThe Ga Stamps.
mical. The increase in her total Bulle Soal Works of Vedado are the Havana, June The pump builders COST OF ARMED war ligare is hardly more than ing out of the water inside tlie It will be a complete modern factory of per cent. Germany, Russia; aud London. The new postage cofferdam about the wreck of the brick and steel, the main building being PEACE.
the United States show enormous stamps which have been in cireu battleship Maine has been sus. 6ox o metres, provided with its own water increases in Germany in the lation since Coronation Day are pended while other work is car. supped fire protectioa, double the size neighbourhood of 60 per cent. In not meeting with popular favour.
Members of the board well 160 feet deep will keep two tanks The latest computations of the the decade from 1900 to 1910 there The poverty of the design and of engineers say that it was not holding 20. 000 gallons of water each con.
cost of incessaut preparedness for was in fact au iuerease of 79. the mediocrity of the engraving their intention to pump out all of stantly filled in case af fire.
the coming European contliet per cent. Such an increase, borne are criticised and the Postmaster the water at once and that they are compiled by de Contenson apparently without inconvenience, General will be asked in Parlia. do not expect to encounter any and Jules Poche, the latter the affords a proof of the growth of ment if he will consider the advi difficulties.
editor of the Petit Annuaire du German financial resources. Ofsability of withdrawing the As the water is pumped out Chinese Cruiser to Contribuable (Taxpayer Hand the increase about 35 per cent stamps and having a fresh issue from time to time they are bal.
book. They include the military was for the army, the rest going designed with a portrait of the ancing and triuming the cylinders Visit New York.
and naval expenses of the eight to the naval account.
King that shall be an actual min by dumping in stone.
principal Powers of the worldWorthy of remark is the very iature likeness of His Majesty. The engineers declare that kin. Orders have been isstied to the Englaud, France, Russia, Ger smalll expenditure by which there has been no perceptible ino cruiser Haichi, Admiral Ching commanding many, Austria, Italy, Japan, and Italy, Austria Hungary and Japan tion in the cofferdam. It is evi wihich is now in English waters to parii the United States. They show in maintain their positions as imdent, however, that the work will cpate in the naval review, to proceed toCurrent Items.
the first place that whereas in the portant military Powers. Their New York after the coronation, be long drawn out.
This will be the tirst visit of a Chinese aggregate war budget of these budgets range between one fourth It is probable that the water cruiser to the eastern coast of America, Powers was in round numbers and one third of what the five The Harry Inge is ex. will not all be pumped out and The Haichi tons will include friendly 8, 179, 000, 000 francs, or 327. Powers of the first magnitude lay pected to arrive here to day from the mud cleared away within the visits to Cuba and Mexico.
160, 000, in 1901, they had only out. It is also remarkable that Italy Philadelphia next two months.
attained a total of 8, 384, 000, 000 spends more on her army and francs, or 333, 360, 000. in 1909, navy combined than does Austria The Meeklenburg of the the latest year for which a com One deduction that Frencht Hamburg American Line will plete set of statistics is available. commentators draw is, as might sail to dry for Colon, taking mails Hurricane in Of course in 1901 the British be expected, that the Powers of and passengers army expenses were altogether ab the Triple Entente allowing for South America.
normal. The drain of the Boer war the boundless wealth of Russia The Nicoya arrived yes.
wis at its greatest and the budget and the relative poverty of Italy terday afternoon from Manchez. IMMENSE DAMAGE DONE TO was approximately two and a half and Austria Hungary, are keep. ter with mails and passen.
times that of an ordinary year. ing their end up on much easier gers. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick MANY TOWNS IN CHILE Making allowance for this, the terms than their foes of the Trip e Weeks.
Valparaiso. This city felt the sting of figures show that the annual cost Alliance. If the outcome of the the cyclone and when the day broke the of armed peace in Europe had contest in peaceful armament is The late bandmaster of the harbour presented many sorry spectacles in swollen iu the first nine years of to depend on the depth of purees, Government band in Limon has wreckage. Numerous craft were sucked the century, not by 205, 000, 000 they infer that those who have just arrived here from Germany, under the water and lost, while small craft franes, or 8, 200, 000, as appears kept increase of expense within where he has been since his ab.
was like straw in the face of a gol.
It is believed that a nuinb. of sailors on the face of the returns, but bounds will not be the ultimate sence from the republie lost their lives in the clements during the really by about 1, 622, 000, 000 losers.
early hours of the moming going down in GET francs, or 81, 082, 000. In prac.
It is rumoured that the mem capsized ships tically every country the expendibers of the Semi inilitary Display IMMENSE DMAGE DONE.
VICTOR and tures for war preparedness are Corps have been invited to San enstill on the increase.
Jose to hold a review during the Iquique, Chile. Ten millions of dollası England reached high water fiestas in September will probably be the total reached in the TALKING liver To the Elizor of the Times, losses due to the severe hurricane which your inark in the matter of naval ex.
Sir. In view of the numberless reasons swept over the republic, doing untold harm home penditures in 1904. Starting expressed by thousands of persons Mr. Willians, the Repres. and and at Valparaiso MACHINE from 694, 000, 000 francs or 27, wide of the mark as to the cause of the entative and Business Manager Pisagua and Calata 760, 000 francs in 1900, she reach absence of the Queen Mother from the of the Daily News, Jamaica, Many towns on the northward are found ed 930, 000, 000 franes or 37. Coronation of King George 1, shall le who is now in Limon, ask us to to have been sorely devastated.
200, 000, in the year named. Her think will effectually set the nitter at glad if you will publish the following which Forty vessels in Lake Junnin are stranded state that his Post Box is 163, and the force of the cyclone razed village EXPENDITURES DROPPED rest Limion, and that he can be inter after village, leaving hardly a single house Yours truly.
viewed at Imperial Hotel to mark the place MADURO SONS to 741, 000, 000 franes in 1906, but The loss of life will also reach a high ODACREMED.
figure, it is reported.
by steady stages have advanced agaiu to 882, 000, 000 francs in The steamships Nicoya and 1910. France, starting with Queen Alexandra abstention from the Greenbrier is timed to leave Cabrera Peña Hnos.
Abbey and the Enyal processions on Coro 372, 000, 000 francs in 1900, never nation Day and the entry into London the here to day. The first named went higlior until last year, when day following is in strict accordance with vessel will go to Manchester via LA CONVENIENCIA The Jji states that the Japanese Na.
she appropriated 375, 000, 000 precedent; the reason which kepler away Jamaiea with a cargo of bananas val Department will equip one of the new franes for her navy. her low is the same that kept Emperor Wilian 11, amounting to 59. 000 stems and battleships with 15 inch guns of the type Alfonso and other Royal relatives of point was 292, 000, 000 in 1904. with whic the British naval authorities are GRAND FANCY STORT the latter to New Orleans with King George her uaval appropriation has been 35, 000 stems.
experimenting We keep a special assortment of AmeriStrict etiquette prescribes that the King can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw from 800, 000, 000 to 335, 000, 000. and Oueen shall be the chief figures, and Tits, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats In the following, table the e presenee of niny other Crownel head at Ties Timbrellas, and line suspenders Beat cricket match was started tirul Babies Silk Caps and a first class massed amounts for any and a Coronation is held to desract from the stock of superior quality good.
Our prices are the lowest in Town!
navy purposes spent by each of in the Chanelones solely to the occupants yesterday at the Plaza del Toro To Light Coast Call on is at the premises Corunerly ore the Powers studied are given for Thus the Kaiser and other near relatives Mr. Horton and another from the three sample years in millions of of the King and Qucen are represented by of Panama, pibly The White Store. Lion, dock. Mr. Hortou wou the toss franes. Her Majesty Queen Alexandra has been and decided to go to the wicket. Panama. At the request of the Gov.
When two wickets fell the total REMOVAL people idul ever since she set foot on crnment of linama, Walter Beyer, former.
1905 the Britsh Isles She will greatly stood at 19 Cox 25, Dulany 15, ly connected with the United States light. The Office OL DR. GALLEGOS England 2, 973 597 missed from the general festivities, but Horton. Nation and byes. house service and now assistant engineer in France 1, 070 1, 931 Royal etiquette is Royal etiquette And At this stage the game was stop charge of the lighting of the canal, has United States American Dentist 1, 050 1, 219 421 there is a certain signified justice about it kussia been directed to assist in providing lights 1, 140, 370 1498 which few of us would wish to see abolishi ped as the men had to work on along the Pacific coast.
Formerly located at Suth West of Mark.
Germany 953 19 539 the Nicoya tint had just ar Aparty has gone to inspect the proposed has en removed to Dr. Miguel Velazque Italy 416 As a chill King George was a fine rired in port.
house, in front the lark, opposite the Unitei Fruit Commissary Japan 239 159 type of a British youngster, full of. with Crown and brid: work Austria 358 369 a spice of mischiel, keen love adven. It is alleged that a systematic Fitting plates Filings.
Rubber ture and a very strong will of his win.
8, 179 7, 322 8, 384 Puises attractions. Long experience.
robbery has been going on for Nullimg could give a better idea of Reas nable prices. Julio. what u present Monarch was like in nor.
some time in the Ferro Corril Exhibition.
The authors point out that these days the then well known story of yard and no detection could be anomalous item is the expendihow his ALICANTE WISE Royal Grandmother Victoria the made. It is reported that a quan Guod in order to punih him for some childture of the United States, es.
London. Tremendous investments in tity of valuable goode were missed the rubber industry made by Englishinen Genuine spanish wine: the leat tanie escape, told him to pecially as repects the army fig. at which she was writing and stay there from time to time from the lockin the last two years has led to the organi for the stume perves Imported ure, given as 311, 000, 000 francs till he was good After a long pause she up cars that we allowed to reonly for Jul Ialy, front the mar main over night in the yard.
lied Trades Exhibition which is open in in 1901, as 608, 000, 000 in 1905 asked him it he was youd yel. Not yet ket. Proof it as you will always drink te.
and 611, 000, 000 in 1909. These grannie she was promptly uns weel.
Agricultural hall and will continue to June As Leather to the value of not less 28 ile reply was characteristic of the wilful than 1, 000, a quantity of whisky, amounts in no way represent The show is the first important one of and always blutniy truthful child. the its kind ever held and is attracting wide tobacco and many other artieles was not particularly surprised, and THE RELATIVE EFFICIENCY NOTICE bad him wait till he was.
have recently been taken from am good now al length came a the ears.
of the force, the pay and main.
Anait is now held on FOR SALE tenance of the officers and men meekly penitent voice from under the ta suspicion in colection with the Cuba Going Ahead. mouse colour, Stable Jack, in fine being on an incomparably higher the most regal modern Queen. And forth matter.
condition very young. For particulars apply scale than in any other country in from uuder the table darted a small boy, Havana desparech says: Cuba newest industry now under con.
Burrell Tilliams the world naked as the day he was born. LP, struction is a 200 gooduls, soap candie Cienaguita Box Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Japanese Navy.
King deputy the 1901 1909 ed 390 478 Sites 116 under the croble Queen attention.


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