
Editor ANGEL GORONAS Rate of Subscription Payable in advance THE TIMES month. 00 months 00 00 12. 10. 00 Single copies. cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES THEMPY DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to the Manager.
VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Tuesday July 25th 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NO 193 Despite the heavy rains that the captain of the Santa Rosa Victor Hugo Golden Gift.
Souvenir lised This the district.
worthy succeeded we wa says thar THE TIMES absorbed the royal prerogatives, Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. it aequired the right of creating peers as it acquired the right have been falling doring Sunday thought the captain of the of appointing bishops, generals night and Monday morning the schooner had not the necessary THE LORDS AND THE and judges through the Cabinet train left the station with the iu papers to allow him to leave the which owes its life to the popular tention of going right through to harbour, but it turned out difA Paris onnier makes a living of a COMMONS. house. By refusing to sort, and he sometimes, in overhauling the create San José: the chair coach was at ferently.
dustbins, comes across a find. In this repeers on the demand of the Pre tached but poorly patronized while The affair caused quite an ex.
mier, the King would precipitate the others were filled with citeinent among the many perspory of Pretorio Horar of Victor little silver gilt The struggle between the Lords a crisis far graver than any that passengers.
san sons that was on the pier at the Espoon which the poet valued very and the Commons will reach a could arise from the passage of time.
much, disappeared. Through the carelesscrisis within the next few days, the Parliament Bill and the ex Heavy showers of rain have ness of the maid servant it had found its for the Parliament bill which istence of the throne would soon way into the ash bucket, and is due course been falling in Limon accominto the hands of the chiffonnier who prac.
practically abolishes the veto of be in jeopardy, George does not panied by vivid fashes of light. Looks Like the Lords will be returned to the need to be told that by making ning and peals of thunder. SevCommons with amendments which in getting the the Tory cause his ow11, he wonld eral streels were fooded on Mona Block. poet to awake from his reveries and to the popular assembly is sure to enter upon a path which could day morning, thus preventing the descend from the lofty heights of Olympus, reject. Mr. Asquith will then have but one goal. What Charles traffie of pedestrians for several other words his study, to receive back state the government position in and Strafford failed to do is hours, while some others had to Throngh the inclemency of the the lost spoon. Hugo was delighted to get definite terms and will probably wenther and the continued slides back his souvenir. The author of Hergot to be done by George and take a circuitous route to get to fear that in a short nani was never a prodigal, so he rewarded say that he has the King prom Mr. Balfour.
their place of business without while the Customs Bordego will the chiffonnier by presenting him with a ise to create peers enough to put being swamped.
copy of his Les Chausons des Rnes et the bill on the statue book. In once more be blocked. They are des dois saying: There, my man, you that event the Lords must surrenUnfortunate We are pleased to report the quite filled and very little desnow up to the time of writing will find in it as much gold as is contained der, or see their caste swamped in any jewel in the world.
by the plebian newcomers. The Jamaicans mirth and merriment of the bye patching has been done. Some mere threat of creating the neeessary number of perrages suf PANAMANIAN AUTHORITIE cene pay car though late after the arrival of the quien say no cars, others slides. part ficed in 1839 when the Lords were which will be vory heavy, there Snatched Necklace.
WOULD LIKE TO SEE LUhope in a short time to see the so about to reject the Reform Bill is a large load of nearly 1, 000 long looked for monthly pay car which, hy vastly widening the NATICS SENT BACK.
tons by the Hamburg American London. The Times in the railroad yard.
franchise, put an end to the desLine of steamer Sachsenwall searchers for the 75, 00odols, necklace lost potism of the landlords. And at the gala opera performance at Covent It is understood that the Pana What might have terminated io consisting of a quantity of cement one can hardly imagine that the Garden Theatre have learned that a woman for concrete work and a large manian authorities are al present one going to Camp One Cemetery amount of rice to feed the poor.
among the audience snatched the necklace threat will be ineffective now, in communication with the local and the other to San Lucas was as it fall from the neck of the wearer.
because there is everything to b: Governtent with reference to a averted by a sharp eyed Spanish The dress of the thief and her general lost, but nothing to be gained, number of luvaties on the Isth woman. Two brothers (Italians)
appearance were noted and detectives are by fighting in the last diteh.
mus who are said to be natives of had an altercation in a tavern Shipping News following up the clew.
The case would be entirely differ Jamaica it being the desire of near the market when the ent, if the King took sides with the Government of the republic younger of the two attempted to The Sachsen wuld brought the Lords, instead of the Com that they should be sent back to draw from his back pocket a re100 pieces of iron pipes for the Notice Warning to mons: for Mr. Asquith would Jamaica.
have to dissolve and appeal to the The matter has been referred to danger yelled out and the byvolver. the woman seeing the electrie plant at Heredia.
the Public.
voters once more, with the possi the police department and they standers took away the weapon.
The Rosita sailed on the bility that the voters might also are at present collecting evidence few policemen were quickly on 22nd inst. for New Orleans with Do not pay more than 60 cents uphold the Lords. But according as to the relatives of the unfortu the scene and took the two men the following passengers: Mark per cartload of sand from washto the British Coustitution, the nate people. Of the number, 14 to the cuartel.
Ewing, Thompson, Aniceto house delivered at your house.
sovereign must act on the advice are said to hail from Kingston.
Montero, Domingo Nagera, Mrs. This is the price to day, purof his Ministers; by refusing to baseball match was played Nagera and child.
chase same at my office, next to do so, he would become personon Sunday afternoon at the Plaza UF. Co. Comunissary.
ally responsible for his acts, as Trouble is del Toro, between a team from The Agent of the United Fruit his remote predecessors were. GRANSAULL.
So far as an outsider cau see, the American gunboat Marietta Company Line of steam rs des Brewing and a team representing the patched the Esparta on th: the Lords have got themselves Limon, July 25, 1911. v.
Limon Sports Club The game and inst. for Boston with the into an uncomfortable fix, in atwas interesting from start to following passengers: KAALICANTE WINE tempting to revive prerogatives IN THE REPUBLIC OF CUBA finish and at the call of time the ben, Ross, Robert Roas, whici few aristocracies can hope George Ross and Genuine spanish winc: the beat tonic Havana. The Secretary of the ship crew were the vietors. The to wield in this age. By throwing Government who commande the Government band which was in Shoholin for the stomac and nerves: Imported out a budget, the finance of the only for JULIÁN aix, front the mar: realm was dislocated and the peoarmed forces of Cuba, says that attendance played lively airs at ket. Proof it sud you will always drink intervals.
The Sarnia left yesterday the Government is prepared to ple control of the government Pte.
afternoon with the following pas.
was menaced. The Ministry of the crush, with a strong band, any sengers for New York via Ja.
day must have a working majority though so per cent of the Cubas An Amusing Chase Miss Alcest: Cook, Mrs.
maica: Louis Xiques and son, in the House of Counous, be Cabrera Peña Hnos.
should rise.
cause that branch of Parliament The rural guard Ferrell, Miss Myrtle Ferrell, Salholds the purse strings and taxes which is quartered in La inrza, On Sunday afternoon last be.
LA CONVENIENCIA caunot be levied, or spent, with the ancient fortress built in 1535, vador Munoz, José Agueillo, tween the hours of one and was called out to surround the two o clock quite an out its sauction. It is not astonEvan de Pass and 30 deckers.
amusing Cargo: 21, 000 buuches banauas, GRAND FANCY STORE ishing that so astute a parliamen Palace against a possible attack.
The Government made the de bour.
occurrence took place in the har 466 sacks sugar.
tarian as Mr. Balfour should have We keep a special assortment of Ameritry made Shoes, Italian Straw allowed his party to assume a pomonstration merely, it is said, to Ilats, Stetson and Von JI felt Hats.
show how promptly the soldiers noticed of late four sailing boats We daresay our readers have sition which could not be held, or Ties, Umbrellas, and tine suspenders, Bea 11tiful Babies Silk Caps and a lirst class abandoned, without a fatal loss of could respond to a call. The gen lying up in the harbour under stock of superior quality goods.
The late Eli Perkins, sail a magazine Our prices are the lowest in Town!
prestige. Most of the speeches eral belief, however, is that the government supervision, the cap editor, had an apt way of driving home Call on us at the premises formerly occudelivered in the House of Lords manoeuvre, was to intimidate tains of which were held up for a his points with little stories.
pied by The White Store Limón, show an utter lack of sympathy any action that conteinplates an breach of its regulations. One of Perkins once offered me a sketch at with the spirit which has made attack upon the Palace, La Luthe vessels however has been rele a bargain price. accepted the sketch REMOVAL RED England what she is. Though cha published this afterncou a leased and the master elected to eagerly, and asked for more at the same figure cartoon representing the personi The Office OF DR. GALLEGOSboth parties agree that there start to sea hoisted sails and should be some check on the pow.
fication of the Cuban people siuk.
But Perkins, laughing sourly, shook weighed anchor, bidding good bye his head Anerican Dentist er of the House of Conmons, the ing beneath a towering wave of to the shores of Costa Rica after a He said reminded him of a tramp to Liberals cannot be expected to mud but upholding the Cuban Formerly located at South West of Markt tiresome suspause of a couple of the genial old lady gave a nickel, saying has been removed to Dr. Miguel Velazquez tolerate an assembly which is flag and crying Let all be for weeks.
Here my good man, take this nickel house, in front the Park opposite the Unitea packed for the Tories. Nor can Cuba Before the captain covered a No definite news has been reand drink my health in a glass of beer, Fruit Commissary.
the Liberals be expected to achalf mile the Government guard Crown and bridge work Thank you, ma am, said the trampFitting plates Filings.
cept a compromise which would ceived from the outlying distrlets, ship Santa Rosa, with a gool Bat you look so infirin, hadn I better Painless extractions. Long experience.
put certain questions, like Home but rumours from every where say many soldiers on board went in drink two beers Reasonable prices. Julio Rule, beyoud the reach of the that trouble is brewing. One pa pursuit of her, and when on even people reprerentatives. Par per goes so far as to announce terms with the school crossed liament must be free to legislate the early resignation of the Presi. her bow twice, but the captain on all subjects, else it will be a dent.
evidently knowing his hands were mock Parliament.
clean took no notice of her and One hundred and thir y colones (G. 130, from one thou al cuare feet above, at In consequence of the Civil War and the revolution of 1688, Current Items.
kept on his coast. The little Yan Peña Brothers kie captain of the Santa Rosa the whole nature of the monarchy not to be denied for he LIMON, SATENTE. YARDS FROM POLICE STATION BOX 156 was changed. Originally, the From late foreign papers to crossed her bow a third time, il We keep a special assortment of flouring battons, siding, ceiling and partition King could do no wrong, because We accep vor ders from the Llaes.
WebToro hand we learn that the revolution most causing a collision: the caphe was believed to rule by divine in Hayti is still going ahead and lain of the sailing craft then right: now he can do no wrong, that the government gunboat brought his boat to a staudstill, AMERICAN DENTIST because all his acts are the acts Antoine Simon is commended and after exchanging words with of his Ministers. And when the by an American while her crew the enptain of the guardship he DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAINLESS EXTEACTIOss House of Commons practically is said to be a cosmopolitan tribe.
Orbice: Hotel Siglo XX, downstairs Everything done right. No Hum proceeded to sea.
Todo trabajo se garantira Especialidad en extracciones sin dolor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica can and Too Grasping.
whom Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber was

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