
Editor Rate of Subscription Payalile in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. 00 toontlis 00 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. Scents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to Le Manager.
VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Thursday July 97110 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY N9201 bow and while there she fell in love Cotton Growing THE TIMES tion inay be made of the large and small in lentations onlrer Bunau Varilla seconds. Admiral Fouri importations of coffee by the side.
Imperial Port Limon, Gosta Rica (G. nier and Paul Doumer, a friend of Roose.
Royal il Company steamers.
velt, lunched, dined and supped with HemEfforts have, Mr. Clark says, re Re robberies which were comYacht Club Le Tellier seconds, Senator Humbert and Rouzier Dorcieres, the latter a hero of a Importation of Bana coutly been put forth to make mitted in the yart of the Northern hundred duels.
of Costa in Kiel. local newspaper says They decided that the duel should go to nas into England.
and, as far as one can arbitration, udge, the many discoveries have been made, that the Kaiser overrode the cus.
movement promises to be success and most astonishingly among tomary formalities in making ful by reason of the excellent ac the accomplices are notable mer Morgan a member of the ImII.
commodation which the docks af chants. It is alleged that in one perial Yacht Club. The club is ford for this enterprise.
case seven or eight kegs were опе of the most exclusive in Notice.
Southampton, like many other found. Whether the keys were Europe and the names of aspiThe docks are well provided large towns, exhibits the tenden. made here or not it is marvellous rants for membership must be Subscribers and advertisers of with modern facilities for hand cy of the population to migrate Many people are curious in the posted for weeks in the club this paper are called upon to set ling freight, and cargoes can be from the town proper and build matter, and very many are look house, the Ministry of Marino tle their bills nut later than the unloaded and despatched in an its homes in the suburbs. In this ing to see who will be the next to and elsewhere. One blackball 31st iust. failing which we will uncommonly short time. It is a connexion it may be pointed out be arrested. One gentleman said excludes a candidate.
have the painful necessity of pubwell equipped dock in the fullest that the official Census figures, not me, and another said who The Kaiser waived every pre lishing their names on the 1st sense of the word. But docks und 119. 036 were below the estimated knows.
cedent. He simply entered the August.
wharves and coal yards and grain population, and while the increase club and announced, We have a MANAGER THE TIMES.
elevators and railway facilities do in the population of the munici. girl named Lizzie alias Razor new member, Mr. Pierpont Mornot alone compromise the equip. pal borough, 14, 215, was satisfae Bump was before the Police Judge gan of New York. This settled Limon, July 26, 1911. v.
ment necessary for the expedi tory, it is believed that the in yesterday charged with stealing the quickest election in the record tious handling of merchandise in crease of population in the Par a pair of shoes. The girl was of the club.
these days, when quick transit liamentary borough must be much sent with some clothes to Club Atlantida.
permits of the carriage not only greater. movement is taking Donaldson, the American Consul, of live stock, but of fruits and shape for extending the perishable food products of all daries of Southampton, to include with the shoes and carried them Members are invited to attend kinds. There must be eattle jet the population now resident ont home. From information thie in Mauritius.
General Meeting which will ties, lairages, abattoirs, cooling site the present town limits. Consul received a woman was sent take place on the 29th inst, at rooms, and cold storage ready to to the house where the girl le receive the cargoes and consignsided aud on enquiry the woman An experiment is at present 30 with the object of dis cussing a contract for the manments, arranged for unloading and was told that the girl did bring a being made in the growing of cot.
Shipping News warehousing. All these may be pair of shoes home but said it tou in Mauritius, under the aus. agement of the Club.
found at Southampton. There is The Cartago is expected who gave them to her. She was chester. About 400 to 500 acres was a friend of hers tamed Adline piers of the Fine Cotton Spinners Members of the Club Atlantida, and Donblers Association of Man.
a storage capacity sufficient for are hereby notified that from this to arrive from Colon to morrow the hanging of over 15. 000 qmarmoruing with mails and passeufined C10. 75.
date, the Club remains reinstalled have been planted in various ters of chilled beef and 155, 000 in its new premises opposite the ger carcasha of sheep. It seems to be parts of the island, and while market.
some 200 acres of these are not a very up to date cold store, with To Increese Naval ALCIDES RAMIREZ The Limon is looked for special space allotted for the store good from a producing point of Secretary age of butter, fish, game, poultry. She brings cargo, mail: an. pasto morrow morning from Boston.
Force at Agidir. viw, owing to planters lack of eggs, and fruit. The situation is experience and to the want of knowledge as to the best time for Cabrera Peña Hnos.
on the waterside, and ships of the sengers.
Berlin It was announced that planting, Mr. Lee, the expert largest size are able to discharge The Mount Vernon left liere the German gunboat iberi is to gent out by the association to nddirect into the cold store, there LA CONVENIENCIA be sent to Agidir, Morocco, to vise grovers, is not dissatisfied being at low tide a depth of 32 ft. yesterday for Mobile with a carof water alongside the quay.
go of bananas to the amount of maintain communication for the as to future prospects.
GRAND FANCY Srons Warehouses for storage purposes 17, 500 bunches.
cruiser Berlin and to relieve the Uuless anything autoward laplatter in euse she visit another pens, he estimates We keep a special assortment of Amerithat some can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw are to be found at different parts of the docks estate, more particuThes. Karen will leave this port for coal. This explanation 40, 000lbs. to 50, 000 of ginned Hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Ilats, Ties, umbrellas, and tine suspenders. Bean indicates that the Berlin miscotton will be available for ex till Balies silk Cips and a first class Jarly in the vicinity of the Outer port to day for New Orleans, carsion to the Southern coast of port this year The picking will stock of superior quality goods.
Docks where great quantities of rying a cargo of bananas to the Our prices are the lo vest in Town!
extent of 25, 000 buncies Morocco may be a prolonged one.
coffee are stored begin next month and will go on Call on us at the premises formerly oreuuntil September, according to pied by The White Store. Limón, G, THE BANANA TRADE The United Fruit Company The Situation in when the sowings were made.
steamer Pacuare will leave here REMOVAL On the sonth side of the docks Haiti. The Office or DR. GALLEGOSberthing space is usually given today at 5p. for Kingston, Jamaica, taking mails and passen Britain Trade.
up to the timber trade, but pers.
throughout the banana import American Dentist IS CAUSING CONSIDERABLE London:The Board of Trade returns seasou, which opens iu May and Formerly located at Sruth West of Marke, The passengers and mails ihat ANXIETY.
show that the imports in the United Kinghas been removed to Dr. Miguel Velasquez extends over several months came by the Cartago on Tues.
cum fuis months ended on June 30 house, in front the Park opposite the Unitea steamers may be seen regularly Washington, July 18. The amounted to 331, 174, 958, a decrease of Fruit Commissar. at the south western berth of the day and which was carried out to 282, 393, as compared with the corres Crown and bridge work dock, discharging immense quan.
sea iu consequence of the brister situation in Haitiis causing grave pardon period in 1910. The exports Fitting plates Filings.
tities of that fruit for which, in Pinless estrictions. Lung xperience. ous geas was landed yesterday anxiety to American Minister amount to 223, 668, 297, an ini tease Reas nab e prices. Ju io.
Furness, who reported to this compared with the same period last year of the shed alongside the quay, are morning at 39.
special storage rooms, fitted with State Department to day that the 19. 082, 57 pounds.
revolution, in spite of temporary heating apparatus to keep the fruit at the required temperature.
Current Items.
Dr. Villa government victories, appears to The trade in bananas is growbe growing Duel Abandoned.
Free consulting hours residence ing and importations of this fruit It is currently reported that our Heretofore the revolutionists ycery Tuesday and Friday from to Paris. The duel between the directors of are increasing, in the United popular Vice Consul has been had confined their operations to the interior and small towers in the Matin and the Journal will not be Kingdom. The heaviest consign offered and accepted an appointLimon, July 23, 1911. Daily.
inents arrive between May and ment between Santo the northern coast, Mr. Furness fought Domingo July, ranging in number from and Cuba reports, but they have now seized All14, 000 to 30, 000 bnnches.
severid more important poiuts among then the second city in other branch of the saine trade Mr. Wendorf, who was the republie, Gouaives, which is coming into promiuence train despatcher for the Northern large quantities of supplies of an where One hundred and thir y colones (C. 130. 00) from one thousand quare feet above, at is that of Cape fruit fine sainples Railroad for. uy years, but now of produce from that colony being Superintendent of the Guatemala American railroad construction Peña Brothers now regularly brought by the Railroaci, under Mr. Wilcompany are stored. lato tele. ZON, Sth AVENUE VARDS FROM TOLICE STATION BOX LES Union Castle steaners. Other liamson, who is General Manager suggested the advisability of send gram from the minister to day We keep a speed assortment of Mooring battons, siding, celling and partition Febrero lines importing considerable quan. arrived here on the Cartag in ing another American warship to We areutur ders from the Lloes.
tities of fruit are the Royal Mail trausit for Southampton.
Steam Packet Company and the 10 Hatien waters and the gun boat Des Moines, now itBoston, is AMERICAN DENTIST Americau and White Star lines, The coul ship Sellasia was the last mentioned companies car carried out in the stream on under orders to proceed there al DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAINLESS EXTILACTIONS rying heavy parcels of Californi: Tuesday mid day in consequence to inerease in gravity, another once. If the situation continues Orlice Ilotel Siglo XX, downstairs Everything dolie right. No HUN Fapreialidad en extracciones sin dolor an apples, many of which find of the rough weather.
Todo trabajo se garantiva She was their way into the cold store for brought alongside the pier yes gun boat Petrul, now on the north vessel will be dispatched and the future delivery terday afternoon waen the uncoast of laiti. but under orders IMPORTATION OF COFFEE loading of her cargo was resumed.
to return to the United States, Besides the usual articles of As a result of the continued inay be detained.
commerce foreign, Colonial, and battering against the pier the ALICANTE WINE The New Cash Store offers to its numerous customers, a new and complete assortment in Continental wool, hides, mohair, Sachsenwald which had been the special good as follows: Umbrellas, arasols. Neckties, Panama, Felt and straw hats for bacon, butter, eggs, manufactured discharging her cargo on the Genuine spanish wines the best tonie Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, Lindings, Silk cards, Ribboas, Fags. Ties, Baskets, Jewelry, goods, and the thousand and one Flowers, China porcelain, Cruckery Ware, Enamel Vare. Aluminium, Bohemia glass Ware, inetalie pier sustained damages only for Junts Pais, front the mar for the stomne and nerves: Imported Lamps and accessories, Furniture, and a great variety of Noveltics in articles four ornaments things continually passing on the aft end smashing a part ket. Proof it and you will always drink etc. etc. at economical prices RAMIREZ through the port special men of her adornmeat. besides bruises Pte.
Port Limon, C, 191 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber Open she Eyes


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