
Editor Rate of Subscription Payable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. 00 months 00 6. 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE BOX 316 CABLES TIEMPO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to tl Manager.
Vol ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Sunday July 30th 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 200 REIGN OF TERROR IN Shipping News.
a sermon.
THE TIMES Robbery in Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. The Cartago will leava Church. For the second time, members here to day for Southampton via are requested to attend the ATTACK ON Port Morant, Jamaica.
Jails Crowded with Some vagabond entered St.
General Meeting which will take Mark Church and stolo four place at the Club Atlantida, on KING GEORGE Peaceful Citizens The coal ship Sellasia left electric light bulbs on Friday Saturday, 5th of August, the here yesterday afternoon for This is not the first oecasion that meeting called for on the 29th Cienfuegos where, after taking a Remarkable Open Letter iust not having taken place.
Who are Loaded the places of worstip have been cargo of sugar will sail for Balti entered and elecric bulbs taken, ALCIDES RAMIREZ.
Read by Minister in more.
With Chains.
te Baptist Church lost at least nity during the short space of Secretary Church Mails for the United Kingdom two months and finally the pastor Limou, July 30. v.
Are Being Tortured. via Colon and Jamaica, will bu was compelled to install the are In City of Liverpool.
closed at the Post Office to day as lamps in lieu of the incandescent.
COUNTRY SUBJECT TO THE follows. Ordinary letters at 30. The stolen bulbs find a ready Leyland Line.
GRAVER MATTERS TO ATsale at a cheap rate in the Chi.
WILL OF MINISTER OF registered letters at 12. 80.
ne shops and we hope some day The Steamship William Cliff. TEND TO THAN ABSURDIWAR LUISS MENA.
The Prinz Joachim will sail one of the sacrilegious wretches Captain Hannaford, will sail for TY OF ROYAL CEREtomorrow afternoon for New will be caught and au example New Orleans on or about Wea(By Cable Co. York via Colon, Jamaica and made of himself and his com nesday, 2nd August, taking pasMONIES.
Pavama, July 18. Reports Cuba, taking mails and passen panion in crime the purchaser. sagers.
gers For further particulars apply London. most remarkable from Granada, Nicaragua, declaro to attack has been made on the King that the jails of Managua are The Unitel Fruit Company MADURO SONS.
by the Rev. Harry Youldeu, the crowded with respectable and steainer Limon arrived yesterCuban Situation.
clergyman who occupies the pul pracrtal citizens who are loaded day from Bostou with the followAgents, pit from which Dr. Aked, since with chains.
Havana. The Governor of Cumaguey Limon, July 30, 1911. v.
of New York and San Francisco, Their only offence is opposition Oscar Simmons, Dr. Louis ing presengers. Mr. and Vis.
has requested President Gomez to supply him with arms and ammunition. He says formerly preached in Liverpool. to the present Government. Many Guier Enrique Guer, Fred. de at the situation is not alarming and that Cabrera Peña Hnos.
The attack took the form of an persons have been exiled, the open letter read in the course of wealthiest obtaining their liberty brought 40 tons cargo consisting Cock, Gustav de Cock. She also the request is merely a precautionary move.
President conferred with Senor LA CONVENIENCIA It began as follows: by paying large sums. The fa of cement, cross ties and 32 sacks Lanuz, the Conservative leader of the We owe you no loyalty except vourite torture applied by the mails.
House regarding appropriations voted by so far as the welfare of the nation GRAND FANOY STORE Congress which there is no money to meet.
present regime, it is alleged, is Minister Wilson has cabled Washington depends on you If we are cold We keep a special assortment of Americalled Capo De Cato and conWe learn from a reliable source inquiring what measures shall be taren to can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw amid the general excitement of sists in tying together the thumbs that the Royal Mail Steam Packet protect American property in case of trouIlats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats, your coronation day it is because of the vietim behind his head and Company will in fatare omit Ties, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. Beaubile in Cube. The leaders of the different tiful Babies silk Caps and a Hirst class we are not convinced that the suspending him thereby. From Costa Rien from their itinerary Liberal factions met and agreed to put stock of superior quality goods.
greatest duty of the nation is the crook of each elbow as tuany aside differences lest intervention result, Our prices are the lowest in Town!
The. Sprehoidl that is ex It now seems certain that Zayas will be the Call on us at the premises formerly order bound up with the throne. We rifles are hung as the victim can pied by The White Store. Limón, are not revolutionaries. There bear withont fainting.
pected here shortly will be the party Presidential candidate.
last of their boats that will call are greater matters to attend to In Masaya sixty political pris here.
than the absurdity of royal cere. oners were locked for twenty four change has been brought about Ram Nibbles City monies. have said this much hours in a bared floored room six through the lack of trade for the sake of sincerity, and that teon feet square.
All persons indebted to the might clear myself of the com The state of siege continues.
Hall Grass. firm of Charles Rodgers at Sipany of those who are now gror. The country is completely subThess. Cartago consigned quirres are called upon to settle elling before you and behaving jeet to the will of the Minister of ed into the harbour early yesterthe United Fruit Company steamLITTLE DOG SPOT OBJECTED, BUT their accounts by the 25th Au.
like pagans before a fetich. War, General Mena.
gust, 1911. Should anyone fail WS OVERRULED BY FINE Then the leiter day morning from Colon, bringgoes on :The Government has suddenlying several passengers for here to comply with this notice bis Would it inake your coronation prohibited the circulation of 5dol.
PAIR OF HORNS, name will be published in the less real if you were accompanied and 50dol. bills printed by order sit. The following is the list. and a good many others in tran.
newspaper to the Abbey by men from the of Zelaya aud Madric, alleging Louis Paz, Leonard aroyd, Dr.
One long ram exused more wonder in Syd. CHARLES RODGERS.
City Hd Park than a fourth of July or forge and the mine instead of by that many are counterfeit. As Cueva Garcia and wife, ConsinThe Sheep, a beautiful three quarter 26 11 troops? Althongh you eboose to millions of dollars of these bills live for the world of soldiery, uot arh in circulation, much distress tia Castellon, Mrs. Amelia Castel grewn animal, grazea as peacefully on the severel millioa dollar law as iſt wire his ALICANTE WINE by them is your throne supported. has been caused by the order.
loo, Gustavo lindo. Mrs. Julia nitive gris in the wild of Wyoming Lindo, Miss Mary Liudo, Miss It is open to you to be patron of wastiel with a fliteen rope to one of the Genuine spanish wine: the best tonie Carmen Lindo, Ricardo Oluber.
for the stomac and terves: Imported the arts. You have bestowed honour Luis Moreno, Eloy Cuberg, Miss Little dor Spot could break no rival in only for JULIAN Packs, front the mar Timely Warning: his City Hill groumits. He muile a dash at ket. Proof it and you will always drink which we at present despise beClamenta Parros, Hubert Palfrey, Nr. Run. The latter lowered a heal Pre.
20 in transit and 10 deck passsencause they have been wrongly be.
from which protruded a businewslike pair Do unto others as you would have gors.
stowed. Meanwhile genius of lors gave a belligerent bus. REMOVAL them do unto you.
and a waited the attack Little dog Spot is starving in its garret starving. The Office Or DR GALLEGOS changed his mind and started for Broad uurecoguized. Painters, singers, Current Items. correspondent writes that writers, actors, meu of syience, whilst he is an admirer of clauisli way Therm is a pedigreed animal and was American Dentist have to sell their souls to make a sent east to a City Hall reporter ness and love for one country Zaccheus has come down.
living. Nothing, sir, in your emslvipped direct to his office and be called Formerly located at South West of Marku for tid from his find. Toe Ryan, son of his been removed to Dr. Miguel Velazqucx and contrymen he is no less a pire is so cheap as brains and house, in front the Park, opposite the Unitea lover of fairplay and justice of The Vice Consul job is going the custodian of City Hall. Joe turned genius: nothing so easily despised Fruit Commissary inan to man. The action of a a begging. Many have refused it, the ram out to grace Sudock and at by thu vulgar rich: nething so Crown and bridge work midnight found a berth for hunt in the en Fitting plates Filings.
tragically misunderstood and dis cartain gentleman employed by the excuse in many cases being gine ruoni. Ile will be out to graze and Paisless extractions. Long experience. the N, Company in Limon as Too much trouble.
regarded. Yon patronise the turf will yo to East Setauket.
Reasonable prices. Julio and stimulate the muititudy to foreman over a gang of West Ingamble ou horses they never see.
dian carpenters, has been doing The English sloop Victory is Your private tastes are not my too much to show his love for his no more detained, but the Colomcountrymen. Not long ago be concern: but if you are the head bian ones are held in cheek. of this uation you must make was in the ranks with hammer certain lawyer is making a small One hundred and thir y colonte (G. 130. 00) from one thousand quare feet above, at yourself acquainted with more and saw bearing the heat of the fortune out of the concern. Peña Brothers than its jockeys. The glory of day, but now be is chief, and as such discharges for the most certain mandador has been LIMON, 4th AVENUE 50 YARDS FROU FOLICE STATION BOX 156 kings in the past has been too much the glory of the sword and trivial offence (if any) anyone having a fine time on one of the We keep a special assortment of flooring battons, siding, celling and partition Febrero who hails not from Barbados, Company farms, at which sey We acceptor ders from the Llaes.
conquest. There is a greater glory within your reach if you by a Barbadian.
filling the vacancy immediately eral of the fair ladies attended have courage and discerument.
We un lerstand that he will be AMERICAN DENTIST During the past fortniglit this decorated with the gentleman las discharged or DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS cause to be discharge:l not less Baron MunchauThe railway station in Limon Oltice: Hotel Siglo XX, downstairs Everything done right. No Tlux than five men in seven days, his bad a lively appearance yesterTodo trabajo se varantiza Especialidad en extraneiones sin dolor sen Loses. He makes lis promises before countrymen being the successors. day morning, many of the gentler sex were well in evidence and had hand and harilly two hours a pleasant time before the iron mare and colt are said to be elapse between discharging and horse drew out with its live straying about Victoria Farm, it appointing, his choice being con freight. All the coaches were was bequeathed to a gentleman spicuously always on hand. He filled, as alsa the chair coach The New Cash Store offers to its numerous customers, a rew and comolele assortment in here but the legatee is afraid to had better go slowly as his chiefs which was utilised by passengers the special good as follows: Umbrellas, arasols. Necktics, Panama, Felt and straw hats for claim it as he has publicly stated are not fools or blind man, or else Lidies, Gentlemen and Children, Lindings, Silk cards, Ribbons, Fags. Ties, Baskets, Jewelry, that came by tho Cartago. Ow Flowers, China porcelain, Crockery Wire, Enamel Ware, Aluminium, Buhemia glass Ware, that he was not related to the de le may soon have to handle hising to the presence of a banana Lamps and accessories, Furnicture, and a great variety of Novelties in articles four ornaments etc. etc, at economical prices.
parted, now like Peter of old he hammer and copper nails, instead train on the line she did not leave RAMIREZ R, is weeping over the denial.
of nursing piles.
till 10. 30.
Port Limon, C, 191 tion sinull trees It was Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber Open she Eyes Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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