
Editor ANGEL GORONAS Rate of Subscription Payable in advance THE TIMES month. 00 months 00 5. 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. cents OFFICES: 300 AVENUE Box 316 CABLES. TIEMPO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to La Manager.
VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Tuesday August 1st 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NO 205 The. SOUTH AMERICAN shallow wate vicinity Spiritual Healing. The Cholera Never before in the history of Marriage in but a few of the features of a Another Washington Sterling of coming to La Guayra on board village of Zapote Nicoya Pozo BondowState. com. and Health and Beauty.
gerins of infection.
THE TIMES have the most promising future Current Itells.
Limon was dePort Limon, Gosta Rica (6. of any nation on earth.
Haval Reservists.
spatched on Sunday last by the Numerous attempts have been a zent of the Company line made in the past to bring about Harry says his Baby has grown of steamers for Boston with the London. notable accession to the unious of Latiu. American coun a big girl since the Coronation following passengers. Gustav de strength of the auxiliary coast defence tries, but all have ended disasforces of Great Britain his just been made Cook, de Cook. Isaac Lorig, by the Admiralty. It takes the shape of a WORLD POWER. Of Central America formed a fed dors at Zent: but we understand and Thomas Larson.
In big field is open for Vanda Mrs. Falcott, Curotte new class of naval reservists formed of the skippers of fishing trawlers, who are to be eration, but it was short lived. In Jamaicans need not apply. great nelv nation, a South 1831 the Republie of New Granachin in times of naval hostilities in The Italian steamer Brasile the waters in American world power, may be da was constituted ont of what Government intelligenea is to arrived yesterday morning from of the ports and of fleets at at anchor for mines.
The total of this reserve has been formed as the result of a confer are now Venezuela, Colombia aud the effect that forty two houses Italy with the following passen. ses for the present at three hundred, bnt it euce between official representaEcuador, but its existence was were destroyed at the recent fire gers. Ardauus Albert, Sofia, is expected that during wartime the figure tives of Venezuela, Colombia, brief.
at Bluetields and not twenty two. Susanne, Juan Jiminez, would be greatly extended. The men are Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. This One of the impelling reasons Garcia Filomena, Joachim thoroughly acquainted with the coast announcenient was made in confor a federation at this time is to We understand tirat the Post around the British Islands, and they are to Machado. From Colour: Alden, receive a short annual training in their du.
nection with the celebration here form a deleosive alliance against Office still refuses to receive two Abel Farines and deck passen ties of mine sweeping.
Otherwise they of the centennial of Venezuela the interference of the United cents pieces. We would like to gers.
are to be regarded as a non combatant independence, which bas attract States. Uncle Sam is the buga know why the Government coin force, ed to Caracas the leading publie boo of South American statesman them.
men of all Latin American repub. ship, as It is the general belief lics.
It is even hinted that the that the day is coming, and is Mr. Titelicock who has been federation of the five States may coming soon, when the United in Limon for the past eight days London. The British medical commit.
be the nucleus of an even greater States vill attempt to gobble up left on a special on Sunday morn tee that for the last two years has been in.
project the unification of all all South America ing for Guapeles and returned vestigating spiritual healings has reported South America into ove great remid day yesterday the substance of its conclusions.
New York. The following report cov.
public Il finds that there is no practical differ. ering the cholera situation was issu al It is leunt that the United ence between the so called spiritual and other forms of metal of physic faith healing Quarantine. During the last hours no Venezuela gay capital have such new cases of cholera have developed at Fruit Comunye using the in which metal suggestion is in every Hoffman Island. At Swinburne Island scenes of wild enthusiasm ahl High Life. pruning knife in plowing business.
Cite the essential factur.
Hospital there have been no further deaths patriotie devotion been witnessed good number of the labourers Although mental as mental suggestion practised amung cholera patients since this moru.
as in today commemoration of at some periods has been more fully exThe Banns has been published have been put out of commission ing report the 100th anniversary of the at the Aleades Court of the marOur friend Ashe will be able to plained than modern psychology and there abandant evidence of its efficiency in SERIOUS NEWS FROM EUROPE.
throwing off of the Spanish yoke. riage between Sam daughter buy cheap plows soou.
many disorders, there is no evidene how An exposition of the tremendous and Buster soll, tie marriage of an authenticated cure of an an organic Chilsao, Switzerland. The Italian Gov.
natural resources of the republic, portion is said to be one hundred We learn that the Mandador discase and no evidence of a special gift for ernment is encountering great difficulty in a review of troops and a magnifiSicily where the cholera has appeared in colones WC referred to in our Sunday so called spiritual healers.
The benefits cent parade through streets of issue as living spent a fine time best obtainable from qualified therapeu ists of the people against the doctors and offihypoo ic suggestion are grave forin. In overcoming the hostility swather in flags aud bunting were on one of the Company farms who are capable of distinguishing conditions cials, the Red Cross workers who have has since been decorated with the amenable thereto. Any formal coopera. often been attacked by peasants have been day of universal rejoicing. The too clorgymen and physicians in the obliged to depart from the villages where United States was represented by creating of discase, says the committee, is their presence is greatly needed. a special embassy headed by to be deprecated.
Superstition has reached such a point in sume the rural districts that several of Thomas Dawson, American It is reported that Solomon is the Mayors who went to Rome to be pres minister to Pauama, the party According to El Noticiero the laying a stock of Robert Porter ent at the unveiling of the monument to Victor Emanuel have been unable to return the armored cruiser North Caro.
is able to boast of a Flor Machado in view of the to their posts, the villagers believing that they had gone to the capital to bring back lind. Captiain Marsh, commander quack doctor of the same villain fact that Richmond again is in TH. OF THE HAIR.
of the North Carolina, represented ous type of the rascal whose name the field. the boys who patronize the United States Navy, and the appears at the head of this arti the Caballo Bianco threaten to Don put the hair in crimping irons be.
army delegate is Captain Frank ele, Estaban Vasquez has been take passage to Canada in the cause they are sure to destroy it in the long Parker of the Eleventh infantry. Posing as a medical mau, collect event of the articles being raised Hugh Knox, sou of the American ing enormous fees and making in price.
Don wash the hair frequently in cold German System of Secretary of State is secretary to scores of people ill from his vile Don use hair dye, because all hair dyes National Education the party.
prescriptious, the police authori Mr. Curotte who was forunsilled hands are apt to be injurious.
The centennial comes at the ties are after him and it is hoped merly Master Mechanic at the Don apply any pornade or grease to opportune time, as Veuezuela is the Charlatan will be roped in at Northern Railroad shops and later the hair unless the scalp is very dry, be.
London. An incisive change, according an early date.
now more prosperous than ever Traffie Inspector, left here for catre Nature alle supplies enough grease to The Standard is about to be made in from before in its history. President Boston on Sunday last to take up the glands in the sealp.
the German system of National Educatiou Don on any Goinez has proven himself an able Whereabouts of an important position in Cuba.
account use any animal fat Greek which has hitoerto been the pride of on the head, because it becomes rancid and the German gymnasium, is no longer to te and honest chief executive, and irritates the skin.
obligatory and English is to take its place.
peace is practically assured as Castro Unknown. Lindo Bros. accompanied by his Mr. Lindo. of the firm of Don have a dry shampoo containing earbon tetrachloriju, because the funes are long as he remains in the office, despite the machinations of the family are, ou a visit to Costa very poisonous.
REMOVAL deposedl Castro The advance in Caracas. The Venezuela Gov. Rica.
Mr. Lindo represents the. The Office or DR GALLEGOSthe price of coffee has greatly ernment has yet to definite in firm in New York in whichi city formation about the whereaboms AIDED THE PROSPERITY OF of General Castro. It was offihe bas resided many years.
VENEZUELA cially stated that a thorough Formerly located at South West of Marke search of the coasts of the Coajiri PersFor the first time in France a has been removed to Dr. Miguel Velazq ex Terrible Floods.
New industries are constantly be Peninsula, Columbia, forming the resolutia in favor of a tax on bachelors house, in front the Park opposite the Unica was voted by the Lyons Municipal Council.
Fruit Commiary ing established, and trade gener headland of the Gulf of MaracaiCrew and bridge work mus proposed to rate ally is improving. Pablic finance NICARAGUA HARD HIT. Fitrag plates Filings.
bo and the States of Zulia and 412, 000, that it needs for the alleviation Pieless extractions. Long experience. is now a sound basis, and a Faleon has failed to reveal thre of the distress suffered by innu nerable Reasonable prices. Julio great scheme of highway im. lauding of any revolutionists.
We learn from a reliable sonree large Lantiles among the labouring classes provement, giving work to thonThe Venezuelan Consulate at that Nicaragba is in a terrible in this city. It is proposed to make all Cabrera Peña Hnos.
sands, has been launched.
Willemstad cables that even Cassingle mon residing in Lyons liable to a state and many people are starvtex of ss, and a supplementary tax fgs if If the project for a federation tro friends there have no knowing and rendered homeless in they pay a weekly rent of 49. or more. LA CONVENIENCIA of Venezuela with Colombia, Tedge of his movements.
consequence of floods. It has Parlia nent has been asked to pass a Bill Peru, Bolivia and Eeuador is carbeen raining there for saveral to bring the proposition into operation ried out, it is probable that the weeks. Iu Rama and Carma ser GRAND FANCY STORE new nation will be known as Gran Defeat of the eral Trouses have been washed We keep a special assortment of AmeriALICANTE WINE can and Country made Shoes. Italian Straw Colombia. Great secrecy has away, and many of the inmates Hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats, Genuine spanish wine: the best tonic Ties. Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. Beauattached to the plaus, as the President Force. to save their lives had to climb for the stomaca serves: Imported tiful Bables! Silk Caps and a first class nations interested do not desire on top of the foating houses.
Twelve lives are reported lost.
only for JulN AGÁN, front the mar stek of superior quality goods to attract the attention of the kot. Proof it and you will always drink Our prices are the lowest in Town!
San Domingo City. The de. The farms at Bluefields have sul. Pie Call on us at the premises formerly occc United States and Europe until feat of the laytian Government pied by The White Store Limón, the scheme is well under way.
fered severely over 100. 000 There is a belief prevalent among troops under General Simon in a bunches of fruit have been debattle with rebels is announced stroyed.
South American diplomats whether well founded or not that in despatches from Cape Hayti.
The revolution Great Britain, the United States, is spreading One hundred and thir y colones (C. 130. 00) from one thousand quare feet above, at throughout the northern part of Germany and France are desirous the Black repulie. Many gov. Peña Brothers of continuing the present South ernment soldiers have deserted American regime of small rival LTON, 5th AVENUE 30 YARDS FROA POLICE STATION BOX 156 and joined the rebels. The Pre Leyland Line of steamers arrived The William Clift of the countries, without standing or inWe keep a special assortment of flooring battons, siding, ceiling and partition sident las telegraphed to the We accepter ders from the Lises.
Bebrero fluence among the world powers.
here yesterday morning with the South American federation, if capital ordering that all avail.
following passengers: From Carble troops be rushed to the front, successful, would become a power tagena, Mr. Harry Hardy. From AMERICAN DENTIST to be reckoned with, and, so far Colon. Manoel Beddal and 12 in as undeveloped but rich natural gentleman smoke cigarette. transit for New Orleans.
DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS of Nacional Oftice: Hotel Stylo XX, downstairs Everything done right. No HU resources are concerned, would Todo trabajo se karantiza Especialidad en extracciones sin dolor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Tun in Tax on Bachelors. American Dentist Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber Shipping News


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