
Editor ANGEL GORONAS Rate of Subscription Payable in advance THE TIMES month 00 months 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single copies. 5cents OFFICES: 30 AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TEMP For Advertisements, apply to the Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER Vou ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Wednesday August 2st 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NP 206 some Hector recovery Hali) is vexing and JA It THE TIMES Of course, the increases su con Colon: Barbino Garcia, Mr. and the inhabitants had to take small We are reliably nformed that Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. stantly demanded in the wages of Mrs. Alberto Delgado. Mrs. Joa: bouts and seek the mountain tops. Mr. Bonilla, the local agent of labor have much to do with the chim de Bonilla, Mr. Roberto All cattle were destroyed and the the Northern Railroad Company increase in the cost of everything Lishman, Mr. and Mrs. Jacinto provision fields devastated. The will shortly sever his connection THE GOSTS that labor produces. If the sup del Tejo Alonsa, Master Luis Bluefields inan of war was sunk with the company. It is further ply of farm labor were not only Fernandez. For Jamaica: Viss and other vessels sailed over the learnt that he will lake the place OF LIVING. able to keep up the quantity of Wynter. Rev. A Glasspole, land as the water was not less of Mr. Glen, the cashier of Stinagricultural products to meet the Sale. Rev. MeDonald, than tea feat high.
worth, who we understand will be home demand for the steadily in rs. Me Dould, and four chil When it was possible the Gov. going in business on his own acIt has become a sort of fad with creasing population and at the dren. Mrs. Edwards. ernor proented a boat and carried count.
self constituted financial and economic philosophers to at same time furnish a surplus for Brady, Mrs. James. Mus. a quantity of foodstuff for the export to meet all foreign require Heron. Mrs. Miguott, str. perishing people.
Siquirres Notes.
tempt to account for the rise in ments, it is uot likely that there and curs. Nathaniel Green and in It is said that it was the severthe prices of such necessaries of would be any cous. derable in. faut, Johti Laidlow, Gor est flood that oceurred since 1906.
life as are the products of agricrease, if any at all, in the prices dou, John Vernon and child culture by the increase in the of farm products.
At the time the captain left the Richard Taylor, Zaccarial Walk rain had subsided and the rivere Heavy rains are of daily occurr. nee in world production of gold.
But the fact remains that our er, Vis. Reynolds and infant, this locality, with the were on a level with its banks.
exception of the rail.
According to those wise men road which is well stoned and sanley, surplus of wheat is so much re John Muinroe, Mrs. Eliza Ansel, there is already too much gold in else is deep mud. Newtown duced that Europe can no longer Octovio James, Mrs. Dickand Jamaica Town peple have great diffihuman possession, and if the sup depend on the United States for and children and Mrs. Pin Phenomenon. culty to get out in consequence of the thick ply continues to increase at the its wheat supply, but is drawing nock and 101 deck passengers.
mud an swollen rivers. San lay last same rate that has prevailed for heavily from Argentina. This is Cargo. 25, 000 biches bananas, proved the only dry whole day since the several years it will become alalso the case with meats, a trade 809 sacks sngar, 52 sacks coffee, On Sunday, the 39th ult. at advent of July, and it was a pleasure to see most as the dust under my feet, in which we once had a virtual 15 sacks rubber, 104 loose hides about 30 a brilliant star our lads and lasses airing and warming their Sunday clothes.
while the prices of necessaries monopoly. But as our surplns and 20 live turtles.
was see in the heavens travelling THE TURNED TURTLE ENGINE will soar beyond the people for export steadily decreased, Eu.
in a south eastwardly direction NO.
ability to buy them.
rope, and Englaud particularly, from a point about 36 degrees Oa Saturday last while on its way to take Of course, this is a wild theory, north west of the horizou. Its up bananas at La America Branch Engine with no basis in truth or fact. va for beef and on Australia for Emancipation Day. pace was a timely one and in a No. turned over and was badly dumped The reality is that although many mutton, the meats being shipped circling manner, but before it had of our states are chiefly agricul from those countries in large mud. Train. master Owen was in charge Yesterday marked the Seventy reached the centre of the sky it of her, but this time the engine got the tural, producing almost every quantities in refrigerated ships. third Anniversary of the Eman disappeared from sight owing to mastery of him, who though awfully scared, necessary article of food, and the a heavy mass of cloud that inercifully escaped with his life. Engineer The farm products, which are cipation of the negro race. The Hall material in cotton and wool and got hit; but the unfortunate firechiefly food products, have en names of Messi Kuibb and Wil spanned the celestial flare at the leather for clothing, the fact remin Thomas Knight got the dirty end of hanced in price becavze the sup berforce ought to be fresh in the time One of the observers who the stick in a nasty cut about his knee. We mains that the population enply was not equal to the demand minds of every negro, because it hails from Greece, and who is sympathize with him and pray for his gaged iu and depended on for as it formerly was, due chiefly to speedy earned a gool deal in philosophy was mainly through their uutirthese agricultural products is not That renegade and absconder (William the proportional decrease in the ing zeal and love for equal right real it to be the outcoms eagerly wanted at Siqu es increasing in proportion to the supply of farm labor, and so by for God creatures that many of lof a disastrous earthquake to ocnumbrs of the consumers.
Amin Rodgers to pay his debt, marked is this decrease caused by our coloured brethren to day is er soon in Costa Rica is both expensive for this man For instance, as shown by the the migration of the population able to with prond hearts achieve M to be sending his son to Limon so often ni census of 1910, there has been a fruitless search of this modern Shadwel from the rural districts that But today what they were not even great decrease in the rural popul for the introduction of inachinery allowel to think of much less How long will he continue to hide in hlis lation through the migration of into field work the deficiency in uttr.
Shipping News.
Tuitor of a rat bat dare not come out in the the people from the country to the food supply would be greater Whether the race have made day, but is inverse posture cover: his head towns and cities.
for sharine and only prowls about in dark than it is.
marked progress in the short In the ten years betweeu 1890 The Argan, is expected agit like that ang who hate the light But to return to the subject of space of time is a question that and 19. 30 the increase in those tarrive here to day from New which frustrates the practice of their evil the alleged excess of gold, the answers itself. This we know, we engaged in agriculture was only question inay well be asked. Who Orleaus. She comes in ballast. dieds, Chiropteru Nocturna improba es, see the colored man to day filling 21 per cent. while among those in other occupations it was 32 has it: where is it? Does any positions where he is trusted with The Manistee is timed to body it in ciren la equal proficiency and dignity as Ephemeral.
per cent. and si o then this difb. here today with maiis and tion in business! Do the banks ohera. We know of no station ference has still further increased.
passengers from Manehester.
pay it to depositors and other of life that be does not hold his The urbau population is increasThe interviews with men of state customers Not a bit of it. It Os with credit to Hiroself and ing faster than the rural or agriThe Rosina is expected from In which dark things are hinted is true one billion dollars in gold satisfaction to those in authority.
cultural with New Orleans to morrow class. Manufacturing, Fill us with apprehension is lying in the United States To mark the When they at first are printed.
occasion the mining, transportation, day lamails and passeng 18.
But suashine sends the clouds away.
treasury vaalte, but it is held the Friendly Societies of Limon borers, those employed in trade The world has scarcely read em there in plidze to redeem the inareted with and mechanical pursuits have unin procession The Josepili Vaccaro left here Deore the great man speaks next day The relative in United States paper notes. They torch lights on Mouday night yesterday after you with a cargo duly increased An says he never said em are as good as gold as long as the last to the Wesleyan Church of 25, 000 bunches bananas for For eononics let adopt crease in agricultural oceapations government rau redeem that where a musical service was is less than in other lines.
New Orleans. scheme of optimistics, par, which it is able to do now.
Ford Nor let our joyfulness be stopped The census bulletiu re ating to held. Revds. Pitt and But what has the gold in the gave eloquent addresses, and at By guessterk or statistics The José will leave here the population of counties in the Taouga sad the words of mighty men, United States treasury or the the close of the service the mem.
several state shows that in the to lay for Mobile with a cargo of here is no canse to dread em Bank of England or in the moon bers of the societies reformed and tier of great agricultural states bunauas to the extent of 22, 000. few hours hence they il speak agiin from Obio west, wirile 600 counto do with the prices of bread marched to the Governor house, And say they never suid em.
and meat and potatoes and cab. laulting in front, where Mr ties increased in population, 422 bages and shirts and shoes! Combs gave an ad tress in Spandecreased. Doubtless the increase Nothing whatever.
Current Items.
Cabrera Peña Hnos.
It is all a ish, to which Governor Pardo in urban population alone kept question of demand and supply wisely the other counties from similarly replied in lish Mr. Hitchcock, the General LI CONTENIENCIA in those articles and nothing with great appreciation.
showing a decrease.
The Manager of the United Fruit more.
In the States of Obio, Indiana, procession then repaired to their Company, left in his coach yeg.
GRAND FANCY STORE lodya room where they spent the Illinois, Missouri, lova aud Michibalance of the evening, terday morning for San Jose We keep a special assortment of Ameri gan there were 313 counties to The Government Band Wis can and Country mad Shoes, Italian Straw The American Consul paid llats, Stetson and Von Gl felt Elats, Such has been the trend of agrikindly supplied by Governor Ties, more las and fine suspenders. Reatt visit to the gunboat Marietta tiful Talries Silk Cups in a flirst class culture in that region. Prinz Joachim. Pardo.
yesterday morning, and on leaving Strokoferir quality rude In the South Atlantic States the boat he was accorded the honOur prices are the lowest in Toxn!
Cult on us at the rises formerly od and cotton states also including The Prinz Joachim sailed on or of sevel guus.
Ted by The White Store Limón, Kentucky. 200 counties fell oll, Monday afternoon last for Now Floods at while 1, 041 showed an increase York via Colon and Jama ca.
Juan Knohr Hijos have removed ALICANTE WINE In North Caroliua but seven Long before she left her tooring Nicaragua. in their new quarters lately vaca Genuine spanish wine: the best tonic counties show a decrease, but if a large crowd of people assembled ted by Solomon Esma and Lebfor the stomac and serves: Imported only the rural population be con on the pier to bid farewell to those TERRIBLE DESTRUCTION. in inn Book Store.
only for Julia Picks, from the mar sidered, twenty show no inerease. who were leaving. An unusual kot. Proof it and you will always drink Were the same minute examina quantity of passengers sailed on MNO WAR SUYK. Pue tion made as to the counties in the ship every berth was oc 11the agricultural states of the pied, so great was the rush. The Captain Porter who arNorthwest, probably it would ap following is the list of those that rived here yesterday from Bluepear that there has been a falling left: For New York: Mrs. fields on the gasclene boat Alva off of rural population in each of de Morales, Miss Dalia Morales, gives further details of the terri One hundred and thir y colones (Cp 120. 00) from one thot and are feet above, at those states.
Miss Muriel Morales, Mrs. Mari ble flood that occurred recently Peña BrothersThe towns everywhere have ana Morales de Ortev. Miss Varia at Nicaragua. It had been raingrown at the expense of the couu Ortez Morales, Jr. and Mrs.
LIMON, the ATENUE60 YARDS FROM TOLICE STATION. BOX NO 166 ing almost incessantly for three try, but the country at the Sonth Bliss and children, Mrs. weeks and the three rivers that We keep a special assortment of Gooring battons, siding, ceiling and putton bebrero We acceptor ders from the Haes.
have not suffered relatively as Pamela Hine do Bonilla and ser meets together Ranna Escan much as the Northwest has. Our vant, Maximo Fornaudez, Miss diao aud another had swolleu so agriculture may be more prosper Isabel Fernandez, Miss Adela high that it overfowed its bauks, AMERICAN DENTIST ous, or perhaps there may not be Fernandez, Rafael Angel Fern thus sweeping away everything it the same demand for labor in the dez, Miguel Cardenas. Clodom ro came in contact with every house DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ, ORTIZ PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS Office: Iloteliglo XX, owustairs Everything done riglil. No HUY Southern towns as elsewhere. Ureuyo aud Charles Webb. For was swept away, and to save life Todo trabajo se garautiza Especialidad en extracciones sin dolor see great decrease, while only 266 increased. Departure of the Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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