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10. 00 5cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 310 CARLES TIEMPY DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to the Manager.
VoL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Sunday Auglist Gel 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NO 210 Constitutional Revo rogative lution in England for dictating the policy of surren. Went on Ship An Accomplished their guns.
to the meeting of the Lords this The German Em tuin him, but Salinas protested strengthened. THE TIMES consider themselves. in Lord which would gradunlly establish the eternal Lansdowne words. free agents, principle of justice between man and man All Sorts.
Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. Cardiff Strike.
and will yield to the Govername it Sir Sydney Olivier, Governor of Jamaica, threat to invoke the Royal pre will be one of ihe speakers at the Races No Rest: Are you in favour of woman Cardiff. The strikers held up the suffrage. she asked. Oh, yes! Enthuwagons loaded with the belongings of the Congress.
siastically, he replied Now, wish you Chinese crew of steamship and after Consideration for the King was would tell me why you think women onight overpowering the police guard turne the given by them as the chief reason to forget children and their household duties wagons into a side street and looted them, and get out into the world to mix up in Nen and women carried off much valu.
der. What the King feelings political affairs. If you know of any good ble broty in the way of furs and bric a bruc Good heavens! beg your are caunot be known, but it is and what they didn wish they made a a Prisoner. reason merely said was in favour of bunfire of.
generally believed that he is anit to avoid arguing with you. Can a man There are 6, 000 idle seamen and dockers xious to avoid the necessity of BUT MAN DISTINGUISHED be safe on any side any more. The in Cardiff and 156 ships are detained in the creating a great number of new Housekeeper harbour.
The constitutional revolution peers.
It is understood that the HIMSELF IN DISASTER appears to be an accomplished King always thought, that he was NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS.
bound to follow the advice of the Great Britain, in the future, You start the year in hope with resolutions Beaten by constitutional advisers.
This will be governed practically by question, however, is distasteful CHARGE IS SQUASHED.
bright and new, Determined at the outset you will stick to Maderists.
the House of Commons with its to him, all the responsibility The Independent of the 21st them like glue, hereditary Upper House possess resting on the shoulders of the And then temptations come along, your ult. gives publicity to the fol.
ing only a Veto with a time limit RAIL ROAD SUPERINTENDENT hold begins to slip, Ministers not his.
lowing: of two years.
And suddenly the first you know, you find It is understood that when the Gregonio Salinas went aboard you ve lost your grip.
CLUBBED BY MEXICAN The Peers find their oue gleam conciliation committee met on the ill fated aboga as a prison of hope in the predictions that It really is disheartening to know vou ve Mexico City. Kelly, superinten.
June 9th, 1910, there was an er, on her last voyage.
broken down dent of the Interoceanlc branch of the Na.
the next Conservative Government will overturn Mr. Asqniih if the conference failed to solve agreement that the King course, Salinus was on his way to Pana You feel you are a laughing stock to every tional Railways, was beaten by Maderiss ma to be tried by the Supreme one in town.
near Pueble, several nights ago and is at revolution and restore the old the problein, should be guided by Court for some offence which we But if you re wise, you ll start again, with the point of death in the company hosconditions, but the Radicals are the result of the general election have not been able to ascertain.
purpose to amend, pital in that city, according to information confident that in such matters And this time, warned by failure, you may which has just reached here, Kelly was and by the fact that his father the hands of the clock will never On the nigut the ship struck the hoid out to the end.
riding on a freight train which was held up contemplated the same aetion. rock, und sank, he rescued many and robbed. He tried to argue with the turn back.
The Premier letter giver round that would have been drowned if In any case, don get the blue because you Yesterday the future career of try and fail. looters, who clubbed him with the butts of for the belief that the Govern such a breve swimmer as Salinas the Veto Bill was apparent to all When things go wrong, don waste your meut will accept some minor modi had not rendered them aid.
politicians and its eventful accept. fications of its Bill, such as the time in puttiug up a wail RAILROAD STATION ROBBED.
As soon as he got ashore, in The world is still a rolling on, in spite of auce by the House of Lords not concession of a Committee to as stead of trying to escape, as the of Adnr fall, Guadalajara, Mexico. The railroad stdoubted. The Premier dispelled sist the Speaker in determining the majority of prisoners would And it better to resolve and slump the tion at Tuxpan, near Culina was robbed of all clouds to day by communi.
not resolve at all.
several cases of arms and ammunition by a cating formally to Mr. Balfour the Government inay insist that what are money Bills although have done, he walked from Bucatand of former Maderist soldiers, it became no to Tonosi, a distance of many know here. From Tuxpan they wert to the substance of an announce this be a committee of the Com miles, in search of aid for the Situation in Tecatitian, attempted to open the jail, but ment which he will make in that were driven off by state gendarmest In mous only.
lesened ones. The Alcalde of the House on Monday. His letter, the affray a sergeant of the state force which Mr. Balfour cominunieated village of Tonosi on learning that Honduras. wis killed.
he was a prisoner, desired to de.
afternoon, was brief and to the BONILLA IS IN CONTROL OF THE REMOVAL and returned to Bucano to render point.
The Prime Minister stated that press and Her further aid to his shipwrecked NORTH COAST. The Office OT DR. GALLEGOSthe King had agreed to take such companions Mother.
The survivors of the disaster, uerte Cortez, Honduras General American Dentist measures as were necessary to seon their arrival at Panama, petiManuel Bonille control of the Atlantic coast Honduras has been further Fery located at South West of Marke cure the passage of the Bill, and brusles aside the lingering hope The German Empress has a very tioned the President on alf of his en removed to Dr. Miguel Velazquez by the appointment of Ricardo that a fuw Peers bave cherished winuing, gracious presence, and the prisoner who had rendered Lopez, his private secretary, as collector of house, in frost the Park opposite the United Fruit Coinmissary them such valuable aid, and, as customs of Puert Cortex, Lopez has Crew and bridge work. that the Crown would refuse her own subjects say of her that Fuig plates Filtings.
been secretary to the revolutionary leader to lend its anthority to weaken.
she is much handsomer now, with the papers in the case against him were lost when the ship sank, rived from New Orleans in Junuary, and and presidential aspirant since the latter ar. Pinless extractions. Long experience. Reasonable prices. Ju io ing the prestige of the Nobility her quantitius of fine gray hair, which stands between the Crown than she has ever been as a he was released there being no he was sworn in as a successor to Carlos and the people.
Inestra arengad Founger woman. Her sous adore evidence against him.
Cabrera Peña Hnos Satinas, though a This was General her, and her daughter satis never a day of Caucuses.
prisoner, Christmas, the well known American soldier of fortune and chief per Three meetings were held to dis happier than when under her proved that he is a hero. sunal advisor to General Bra is said to «LA CONVENIENCIA cuss the situation. Tne Cabinet mother wing The Empress have been selected to fill the Gover assembled early with a full as.
dregges very handsomely, in cost.
chair of ci the district of Corte, This report GRAND FANCY STORE semblance and sat for two hours ly materials well fashioned. She is unconfirmeil, bar it is believed to be We keep special assortiment of Ameritrue, as the appoiunem is tu keeping with can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw Later the Conservative leaders wears large hats with many the well understood policy of General Bu liats, Stetson and von Gall felt llats, of both Houses thet at Mr. Bal plans. The Garmo Royal la The Rosina left early to control the norta coast from now Ties, Timbrellits, and fine suspenders. Beall.
four residence, the Marquis of dies paid our Royal Family the this morning for New Orleans until aber ve October elections titul Babies Silk Caps and a tirst class General stk of superior qualitas Lansdowrie, Lord Curzon, the compliment of appearing in half with 25, 000 bunches bananas. Christmas is present inspector of police Our prices are the lowest Town!
of Team, the capital Calon us at the premises formerly ore Marquis of Loudonderry, the Earlinourning colours pin by Tbe White Stre Limón, of Selboroe, Mr. Ansten Chauber It is al was dificult to julge of While Passional President Bertrand is The Siberia will sail for adminise the affairs of the general lain, the Right Hon. Henry Chap. anyone looks by portraits that New York via Jamaica on Mon governt with apparent impartiality, it is lin, the Earl of Halsbury and appear in the papers ani wa have day afternoon at o clock, taking a fact that entire Atlantic coast is now Reward! Reward! Reward!
the Marquis of Salisbury being all been woudering during the mails and passengers.
officerel by adherents of General Bonilla the principal figures at the conA Solid Silver Key chain with last few weeks what sort of girl who is content of being returned to the ference, Princess Louise of Gray has San Jose arrived presidency of the republic in October. In keys attached was left hanging It is specially The last and most important turned out to be here on Thursday evening from controlling the north coast General Bonilla from the key hole of Post Office will be able to frustrate any atempt of his Box No. 46 and carried away.
gathering was at Landsdowne interesting because of the reports Boston with mails and passengers enemies to land arms and ammunition from House, which has been the scene that connect her name with a The following is the list. Messrs. the states. The troops vo the Lorth coast, The finder presenting this chain Allaro, Thompson, all Bonilinistas, are armed with modern of many important meetings, but young Prince not unknown in and keys to the owner will be none as historie as this. More England. Now everyone who has Coine and Baine in tranrifles and have a plentiful supply of ammu liberally rewarded.
nition JULIAO than 203 Peurs were present, seen her agrees in saying that she sit, and 20 sacks mails.
among them being almost all the is a pretty girl, not tall like her FRONTIER.
greatest names of their order as mother, bit erect and graceful in Limon, July 31, 1911. One week.
sembled, and listened to the read bearing of fair complexion, and Exiled From Lisbon. The Sixth Regiment of Chasing of the Prime Minister letter with au intellectual expression.
seurs was ordered to the northern frontier ALICANTE WINE and practically decided that they she can look sever. itku her to reinforce the girison at Braga.
Genuine spanish wine: the best tonic must accept the inevitable with father, and agaiu gentle like her the best grace they can. Lord mother Washington. Three Liberal leaders, in Smoke «La Nacionals cigarettes for the stomac and nerves: Imported only for TCAN Ickx, front the mar Lansdowne, Lord Halsbury, the cluding a nephew of former Presidente The best, the cheapest in the coun. kot. Proof it and you will always driuk Duke of Norfolk, the Duka of laya, have been exilel from Nicarilgina. Pte.
Devonshire, the Duke of Bedford, The Universal the State Department was advised. There have been rumors recently that Zelaya con Lord Salisbury, the Duke of Soms templates returning from Europe to his erset, Lord Curzon, Lord Selborne native country and several others made speerbes, after which a statement was given MOVEMEN. FOR PEACE.
One hundred and thir y colones (C. 130. 00) from one thousand are feet above, at ont that the Peers reserved their decision as to their course until London. The hist Universal Races Peña Brothers the Premier announcement as to Congress was opened at the University of LLION, th ATENUE 50 YARDS FROM POLICE STANDOXI. 156 London under the Presidency of Lord the policy of the Government on Weardale. Fifty cuntries were represent.
We keep a special assortment of fooring Tattoos, siding, ceiling and partition We acceptor deo from the lines.
Webrero Monday ed. In welcoming the delegates, Presi Washington. Ieciprocity with Mexico, Apparently this was more tem dent says that the similar to Canadian reciprocity, is proposed gined as an essential part ol th porizing. The Lords are not an great in a resolution introduced by Representa AMERICAN DENTIST peace movement which was taking posses tin Barleson of Texas, calling an President xious to emphasize their surren: sion uſ the conscience of the world. He Taft immediately to start negotiations with der. but, speaking privately, few PAINLESTRACTIONS hope that it would be the beginning of a Mexico looking to freur commerce be.
DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ Orice: Hotel Siglo XX, downstairs Everything done right. No Hum failed to say that they no longer more human contract between the races tween two countries Todo trabajo se garantiza Especialidad en extracelosas sin dolor Shipping News milo to the The Nicaragua Races Congress.
Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber Wants Reciprocity With Mexico.
Congres, woulbere Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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