
Editor Rate of Subscription Payable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 Scents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to Il Manager to VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Tuesday August Srd 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 211 THE TIMES men go to towns to increase the compe Aggravated Assault Lunatic Asylum, and never seen Cholera in Mexico.
Port Limon, Costa Rica (C. tition in the labor market and ed to be in perfect health since another that both men and maids very cowardly assault was his discharge from the aboveMexico City. special despatch to the THE BRITISH CENSUS emigrate to the United States or inade ou one Uriah Adolphus named institution some years ago.
Mexican Herald from Madeira, Yucatan, says cholera has made its appearance there the Britisa dominious, and so the Robinson by Ernesto Ogado, He always remained indoors.
and that two soldiers have died from the SHOWS THE POPULATION country languishes for lack of re at Siquirres ou Saturday after. According to the story told by effects.
plenishing the able populatton noon, resulting in the breaking his son, Richard Bartley, the deTO BE INCREASING MORE and suffers from the dispropor of Robinson jaw bone and the ceased was seen to leave the house CASES IN PRUSSIA.
tionate number of the feeble, old, loss of three teeth.
and go into the yard. When Danzig, Prussia. Two women were revicious and degenerate folk left Robinson sought Dr. Aguilar, asked where he was going, he re moved to a hospital last night with sympon our shores.
the District Medico. but not find plied that he was going to prude The population of Great Britain, toms of cholera. There are three other favorable feature of the re ing him he had to see Mr. Shaw some chceolate trees. The son for the first time since the census suspected cases here.
of the kiugdom was taken, has the growth of our seaports, a fact turns is the marked increase in who recommended him to come to advised him not to go as it was Limon and consult Dr. Steggall. too late, and he went back into not, accordiug to the report of the Registrar General, maintained its ternational carrying trade is pro which tends to show that our in Both men are toployed by the the house. The son said that he Wonderful Ride Railroad Company. Robinson as left him and went to pick some rate of increase. During the grassing: the pity is that so much second track boss and Ernesto cocoanuts. When he returned decade just past this rate was 91 Mme. Kulashelf a Cossack, and widow of the goods thus transported are per cent. During the previous inade abroad and not turned ont as switch man. Something oe the old man was no here to ba of a Cossack officer, has arrived in Moscow curred to the needle of the switch seen, and none of the family could (writes Reuter correspondent. after riling decade it was 12. 17 per cent.
in our own factories by our own and Robinson who tried to render give an account of his absence, Especially striking does this 6, 666 miles en route from Harbin to St loss of growth appear when con people.
assistance was thought by Ernest search was made which result. Petersburg. The object of her feat prove the endurance of which Russian wo. In round figures the present to have been a strange person and ed in the body being found hang.
men, and Cossacks in particular, are capatrasted with that of Germany, for population of the United King. ar intruder, resulting in his deal in at the end of a rope from a while Great Britain actually inble. She is 36 years of ta and chocolate tres dead. His boots, age and has her hair cut short. She wears dom is forty five and a quarter ing the blow with a stone. spre creased in population only about millions, being an therease of criminal charge was laid against felt hat, und walking stick were 3, 275, 000 in ten years its greatest Cossack tunic, corduroy breeches, high topErnesto boots, and a large Cossack fur found under the tree. The rope some per cent. upon the total of Her continental competitor in com ten years ago, which then num The man was finest 20 by the which he used to commit the merce is increasing at the rate of Judge at Siquirres, CTO for Dr.
bered forty oue and a half mildend was about one yard in Mongolian pony, which has carried his nearly 1, 000, 000 a year.
mistress splendidly without undergoing any The two main apparent eaases lions. As the population of Shaw services and clo for Rob. length, and the height of the limbspecial training for the journey.
France at the last ones only inson as compensation, but he re from the ground is about ten In an interview here Mme Kudasher for this failure to maintain the totalled thirty nine and a quarter fused it.
related that she started from Harbin in the normal rats of increase of popu millious we have outstrippel that middle of May last year Under averig Sergeant Bernard was on the lation are the great fall in the country in the racial struggle conditions her pony covered twelve mies scene in quick time. District birth rate and the great increase but have by no nieairs approachan hour trotting and five miles ambling.
Shipping News.
Constable George Davidson was She travelled only in the day time. The in emigration. As was pointed ed Germany teaming population, out in a recent article in The which was more than sixty and a ordered to guard the body until greatest distance traversed by ner in a single The Zeut is timed to ar when a post mortem examination Sun, the bulk of this emigration ball inillious in 1995 and had still here to morrow miles. She took with her a cavalry man morning from will be held. It is also stated pack, containing a chance of clothes and has been directed to other parts further increased at the last quin Manchester with onssengers and that some years ago the mau made linen, a brush and a curry. comb, and of the British dominion, so that it she quenaial census. That waique mails.
an attempt to cut his throat, and carried also a dagger and a revolver. Decannot be regarded as lost to the and vigorous offshoot of the Anit was then that he was found to spite the bitter cold in Siberia, she never empire: glo Saxon race, the United States The San Jose left here on be insane and sent to the Lunatic The fact that the lowest rate wure gloves or tashilk (woolen hood. and only once had her hands and face frost.
of America, bas of course surpass. Sunday last for Boston with Mr. Asylum.
of increase has been in purely sa the three European countries and Mrs. Simmonds and Mr.
agricultural counties accounts referred to, largely at their ex Lachland as passengers.
Water Limits.
partly for both the falling birth pense, and even in the last dec.
New Armor rate and the incroasing rate of ade numbered over 75, 000, 000. The Agent for the United Fruit Tkin. Reports received here indicate emigration, says the Queen. As Company Line of steamers has Plate Tested that the United States, England and France every one who has studied the announced that they will not deare inclined to agree with the Japanese proquestion kuows, the British rural test in the matter of territorial water limitaLondon. It is stated that ex.
population does not increase as it Man Paid Dare for spatch any boat for Colon this tions and modify Article 16 of the Treaty should for two main reasons, the periments at the government as requested lowness of wages and the scarcity His Kindness.
The Antonio Lopez, confiring grounds with armou plate Other reports say that there is a possibis of housing accommodation. The signed to Filipe Alvarado Co.
made of molybdenum, used in ality of a new arbitration treaty between Jai former is undonbtedly due to our KICKED AND WOJNDED. arrived here yesterday from Ha loy with nickel and steel, proved pie an America which Baron bida niegotiating at present, antiquated fiscal system, which vana with the following passen.
it to be from 15 to 20 per cent. admits forrigu produce free but For doing another a favour a gers: Luis Salabarde, Rafael perior to the recognized armor taxes heavily the British means of 139 REMOVAL young man of abont 24 years of Marin, Jose Maria Pierra Josefa plate standard in resistence to su productiou.
age was kieked. beaten aud The Office OF DR. GALLEGOSLopez, Josefa Martinez, Juana per caliber projectiles. The Brit The latter is due to the fact wounded in the head by the man Tarra, Manuel Rodriguez José ish Almiralty is said to have re.
that the capital required for that elips the tickets at the door Guvman. Ramon Ormiji, Bautisto fused to purchase the discovery. American Dentist creating laborers cottages is so of the coachi.
Morino, José Feron, Claude Bart: Forte y lonated at South West of Marke has been removed to Migual Velarquez highly taxed ih it it produces a It appears that some time before let, 14 in transit and 51 deckers.
house, in front the Park opposite the Unite much smaller return than when Fruit Cominissar, the passenger train left the staShe left again last night for Oslon.
employer in other methods. The tion a man that was leaving Limon Persian Situation.
Crew and bridge wnik The. Siberia wailed yester Fittig plates. Filings.
average rate of interest on agri on the train asked the young man day afternoon for New York vin London The Standards Teheran us ertrictions. Larg experience. cultural laud, includiug farm to deliver a parcel to a friend of Jamaica with the following passen.
Reas nab e prices hi.
buildings, cottages, u. is only him. The man made efforts to correspondent represents the Persian capital gers: Chas. Stanisfer, Leonard as endangered. says Teheran is deple.
Bonie per cent. and now that find the owner but failed and Lerroyd, Piroutet, wife and ted of trops, all being engaged in restoring Cabrera Peña Hnos rates aud taxee are constantly when the train moved off he ran child. For Jamaica: Gabey order in the province. The only available rising while rent does not increase after it and jumped ou the plat and infant, Mrs. Inocencia Simms, forces for the protection of the capical are LI COVVENIE VCIA Porsi Cossaks who are under Russian proportionately, landowners are form and returned the parcel as and two children, Edith Carnegie, influence becoming less and less willing to he failed to carry ont his promise: Ada Williams, and 28 deckers.
GRIND FANCY STORE It is believed in both European and na We keop a special assortment of Amerisink their capital on such are after the parcel was delivered be Cargo: 22, 000 bunches bananas, tive quunters that Mohammed Ali Mirza can and Country ni ule Shoes, Italian Straw munerative terms, especially when alighted.
797 sacks sugar, 56 sacks coffee, Uhye depused Shih, has both the moral and Hats, Stetson and Von Gali telt Hats, the security is a continently fallThe man that clips the ticket Ties, Umbrellas, and tine suspander. Beau216 bundles hide cases rubber, financial support of Russia. If Mohammed Ali re enters Teheran, says the correspon ful Bates sük Cips and a list class ing one.
saw when he left the train, and 10 Live turtles und cases turtle dent, it is feared pillace and murder on an stock of superior quality prod.
Hitherto great landlords have evidently thoaght he was a loafer, Our prices are the lowest In Town!
been willing to accept a nominal so while the young man was walkunprecedented sole will result.
Call on us at the premises furmeriy oree pied by The White Store Eimón, return for the capital expended iag towards the station he purTEHERAN IS EXCITED.
on their estates largely because of sued him and when on even terms Old Man Puts Teheran. News that the Ex Shah Mo.
ALICANTE WINE the sentimental interest attached he kicked bim who in return hammed Ali Mirza is hurrying to the capito them the pride of possession, ponehed him hard. struggle End to His Life. tal, has caused great consternation. The Genuine spanish wine: the best tonic social status, family connection, between the two then ensued Goveroment has dedared martial law and for the stomac and nerves: Imported personal knowledge of and sy when a policeman turned up and the Bakriari Chiefs have offered five theus. only for Jurás acks, frout the mar WM. BARTLEY, EX INMATE and men to defend Teheran, but they can. ket. Proof it and you will always drink patby with the tenants, and so on. took the black pan in charge, the Triven. Pto.
But now that the actual burdens other took to his heals faster than OF ASYLUM, HANGS HIM.
of landlordisin are outweighing the iron horse could do it and its tangible advantages large own songht refuge in the train deSELF AT LINSTEAD.
ers are beginning to sell off their spatcher office, and on no aclanded estates and the new own count would he show up himself, Linstead, Jaunaica, July 26. ve, at ers, chiefly riners or small holdOne hundred and thir y colones (C. 130. 00) from one thot and square feet neither woulil he be handed over, Quite a sensation W18 created ers, are so put to raise the pur and after fruitless appeals by here yesterday evening shortly Peña Brothers chase money or find the interest eager policemen they had to rebefore six o clockwhen it was on their mortgages that they have tire with the odd bird to the made known that Will Bart.
LLION, AVENUE 50 YARDS FROJ POLICE STATE BOX 156 ecarcely enough cash left to reley had brouglit his life to a close We keep a special assortment of flooring battons, siding, ceiling and partita Febrero cage.
We acceptor ders from the Llaes pair the laborers cottages, let by hanging himself.
alone build new ones.
Hundreds of people were seen Under these cireumstances Smoke La Nacional» cigarettes hurrying to the scene of the trageAMERICAN DENTIST young couples find it an ever in.
The best, the cheapest in the coun. dy about a mile from this town.
From information received, the DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ creasing difficulty to marry and try PATYLE: EXTRACTIONS Oruce: Hotel Siglo XX, downstairs Everything done riglit. Nullus deceased, an ohi man of yxt.
gettle down in the couutry. One Todo trabajo se garantiza Tiesuo odlia Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber


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