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Editor ANGEL GORONAS Rate of Subscription Payable in advance THE TIMES month. months 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3D AVENUE Box 315 CABLES TIEMPO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to the Manager.
VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Friday August 11 rd 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY N0211 shows that the British Govern Earthquake Shock. he answered. Aruica or horse anTHE TIMES country It is pointed out that Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. aven in England, where this in No German Alleged Attempt to Late Departure of dastry is most higaly developed, the tonnage of a cruiser launch, Base on Coast Commit Arson.
SHIPS FOR THE at a private yard in January last was only 29, 680. Thus the fact of Africa.
The local train did not leave Four men were apprehended the Ferro Caril station yesterday MIKADO NAVY. have been ordered from the pri get compensation in Africa as London. That Germany wall and lodged in the enartel on Wed morning before eight o clock.
nesday night last, to be charged She left ou the old Northern lire vate yards of Japan should be resnlt of her descent upon Agadir with attempting to set fire to the (Potet) and when she reacheu That the notable efforts made subject of siucere congratulation and in return for the freer land premises of one Paol, a St. Lu Moin she had to return to the and still continuing to improve which France is seeking in Morcian, opposite Pardo grocery station to start her journey on the facilities of the private shipocco, is conceded bere. but it is and next to the restaurant, which the otherline, presumably through building yards of Japan have also clear that Great Britain is is at the corner of Fifth Street the wreck of the banana train.
been vindicated is shown by the Lloyds will not not going to permit the establish and Third Avenue.
action of the naval authorities in ment of a German naval base on From information obtained it giving notice to the Mitsu Bishi Accept Liability the Coast of Africa if she can is learnt that a cartman ap and Kawasaki yards that an orprevent it.
plied on the premises for a der will be placed with each for For War Risks. Great Britair great trade Coming to Earth.
Dom to hire and was shown one the construction of an armoured routes to South America, South by the proprietor. quantity cruiser of 27, 000 tons, to be the Africa and the Far East all pass Flushed from his flight, the of straw was on the floor which London. Lloyds Underwriters same in almost every respect as within striking distauce of Agathe armoured cruiser ordered from have given notice that they will tie proprietor said could be put young aviator alighted from his a British ship building yard last not accept liability for war risks dir, Morocco: and generations of into a bit of canvas, which he areoplave, and allowed a dainty British statesmen have maintain supplied, and put into a dirt pan to the field to the refreshment maiden in pink to conduct him under marine insurance contracts year.
ed that to allow a possibly hostile after August 8th. The decision These are to be of the latest tiat is kept beneath a long stairis believed to have been promptpower to establish itself on the cise that leads up to the upper tent.
form in design, equipment and flank of these lines of communica story. You were splen lid Mr. Wing!
construction, and in no way infe culty and partly by the Governed partly by the Morocean diffition would be a vital menace to The straw was accordingly tied she exclaimed, while they ate rior in detail to the most power meni approval of the Declarathis country There would be up by the eartman that intended strawberries and cream under the ful vessels of the same type now however, ion of London.
no objection here to to hire the room and put into the flapping canvas.
being built by the strongest naval France giving compensation in pan about 30 with the inNot at all assure you, procountries of the world.
the shape of a rectification of the teation of putting tt out next tested the interpid aviator, blushThis is a notable departure, for German and French Congo bound in thing. In the room four men ing between his bites.
with the improvement of the (at is said loafers) were accustomed Train ary, provided that it does not inBut you were, insisted his Derailed.
private yards to a point which clude a change of ownership of tsleep at night. An over vigilant fair companion, with her mouth enables them to turn out the the coast line detrimental to this policeman came across the buvdle full of cream. Do you know, largest battleships and cruisers While a banana train was com country of straw beneath the step and trembled for you while you were which may be called Japan na ing from ahead. laden with bana The activity of the Foreigu probably suspected that it was a flying over our heads! What val construction autonomy wit las and near Moin crossing the Ollice was agair marked, the ill plot to set fire to the house took courage yon showed. nesses a highly important exten rail split in two throwing the lo dications pointing to the near ap: the four men in charge and landHis color deepened, and he took sion. Never before have these comotive off the track. Nows proach of a stage where the crisis el them in the college. Three of the biggest remaining strawberry private yards attempted anything was at once sent to Linoy and either will become actively viru. tiem were released later ou und in his confusion.
80 ambitious, and iu view of this the wrecking car with a gang of lent or commence to dissolve. The the other will be charged before Oh, should so love to fly!
circumstance they will be assisted men was despatched to the scene composition of the group of Min the court.
she cried enthusiastically. Could at the outset by the mary, both of disaster After a few hoursisters actively handling the situaI do you think? ın very stupid.
as regards the work of cometrue. hustling all was right again and tion the Premier Sir Edward Does it require any particular ap tion and the supply of materials. the passenger train was able to Grey and Mr. David Lloyd George plication. To build the abips at these pass. yards will cost inore than to build ment is solid while the fact that them at a domestie naval yard or Sir Francis Bertie, the British liniment one as good as abroad, but Japau fiods compenAmbassador to France, and Mr.
At about twenty five minutes other. Answers.
sation for this financial loss in the United Fruit Co. Paul Cambon, the French Ambas: past eleven on Wednesday night greater independence which the sador at London, have been called last Limon was visited by a severe precedent, wins for her in the Yields. into the conferences, proves the earthquake, which lasted about sphere of ar. aments.
continued solidarity of the Anglo twenty seconds, and which must Poor Man.
French entente.
have alarmed many persons.
Another armoured cruiser is to It New York. As a result of a be built at the Yokosuka yard, King Alfonso also appeared is said by a few that experienced rich landlord in Berlin is Kaiser Wil.
conference between Capt. Anderand the keel will be laid down on the scene having arrived the shock at Cartago, that ruined son, marine superintendent of the helm, who owns urban property to the shortly. One more battleship has at Portemouth on the Spanish the aucient capital, that it was value of nearly 40, 000, 000. The sum does United Fruit Company, aud re to be built under the latest pro presentatives of the crews, the not include the value of the mass of buildRoyal yacht Girelda and immealmost as hard.
gramme formulated by the nary, latter announced that an agreediately came into London where alone is calculated to be worth 10, 000, 000 ings composing the royal palace, which and the work will be uudertaken he conferred with Sir Edward He is proprietor of thirty four of Berlin ment was reached and the war of by the Kure yard. The keele of the marine unions against the Grey. The King is remaining in principal buildings, including the ministry all four Vessels will be laid down town and messengers pass fro Current News.
of the royal household and the royal stables, company was suspended pending at an early date.
cover inany acres in the heart of the quently between Buckingham The following is a revised list the signing of papers embodying Palace and the Foreign Office The Prinz Wilhelm arrived private houses with are royal property the terms of settlemeut.
of the new Japauese warships are all over the city. In one of now in course of construction. Frazier, chuiman of the ed in the meantime, the Atlantic yesterday afternoon from New of them, at overwalle russe; the Kaiser. live las a child with his brothers and Name Gonnage, agreement will apply to all the Fleet, the projected visit of shieli to Norway was cancelled, will be It was at that time an annex to the Crown Kure Settsu (battleship)
20, 800 crews of the company engaged in While landing the cows that Prince palace, tristhei Berlin residence sent back probably to its base at Kure The house was connected by a covere. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, 18. 000 came by the s Zeut Wednes. bridge with to Crown Prince palace 11 Yokosuka. Kawachi 20. 800 Baltimore, Mobile and New On Gibraltar at the end of the week.
day night, consigned to Holipe order that the Kaiser parents might hav: Yokosuka (cruiser)
26. 800 leans.
Alvarado Co. one of them got ready access in any wcuber to their chil.
Maizuru. mikaze (destroyer)
He said that under the terms dren.
Maizuru (destroyer)
of settlement the firemnou will be In the Kaiser privately owned houses Mazuru (destrover)
100 officials are loyed, making with their Kobe, Hirato (cruiser) 950 paid 40dols, a month, the coal Kobe (cruiser)
families a population of 2, 000 souls.
26, passers and sailors Odols, and the Cabrera Peña Hnos Sasebo, Chikuma (cruiser 950 quartermasters 35 dols. The waitBenjamin Reid was drunk and Smoke «La Nacional, cigaretterSasebo Launboat!
ers are to receive dols. 50. a lie down near the track line. DearLA CONVENIENCI. The best, the cheapest in the coun.
Nagasaki, Yamakaze 150 month, the pantrymen, udols. ly opposite to where the engine try.
Nagasaki, Yalagi (cruiser Nagasaki (cruiser) 800 the chief cook on tach vessel, GRAND FANCY STORE take water, in the direction of the England cruiser 26 800 75dols. the second cook, 50 lols. crossing. Some breaksmen had We keep a special assortment of America and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw ALICANTE WINE the third rook, 30dols, the ship an eye to business and feigned Hat Stetson and von Gall felt Hats, Total 15 185, 00)
cook or batehur, 35dols; the sympathy for the man, and took Genuine spanish wine: the best tonie tifal Babies Silk Caps and a first class Commenting on the announce baker, 65dols; the second baker, him to the rear of a nearby yard for the stomac and serves: Importe of superior quality woods.
only for JULÁS xes, front the mar menthat the Japanese navy has 30:is: and the cook mate, Our prices are the lowest in Town!
and there placed him for safety Call on us at the premises formerly occer ket. Proof it all you will always drink placed orders with the private 25dols. The wages of the men in that is out of other people pi by The Winite Store Limón, Pto.
yards at Kobe and Nagaski for the other department were said sight. While the man slept, he two cruisers of nearly twenty.
to be satisfactory being hopelessly drunk, hisseven thousand tons, the Liberal would be sympathizers extracted News Agency declares that this fifteen dollars gold from his pocknews has aroused certain 30 REMOVAL et. The maneame froin the One hundred and thir y colones (C. 130. 00) from one Uhonan suare feet above, at amount of nervousness among the lines and he declared that wus Peña Brothers The Office OF DR. GALLEGOSPowers.
naval well known all the money he had with him.
officer is quoted to the effect that LION, Sth ATENUE 50 YARDS FROM POLICE SZABOX 166 The poor fellow looking around American Dentist this departure from a virtual govsa none to give him aid burst We keep a special assortment of Gooring battons, siding, ceiling and partition We acceptor ders from the Llaus.
ernment warship building mon. Formerly located at South West of. ke into tears, declaring he was in has been removed to Dr. Miguel Vaucz opoly, with the exception of a few able to return to the country.
house, in front the Park, opposite the United destroyers and small cruisers Fruit Commissary good Samaritan, in the person AMERICAN DENTIST marks an important era in the Crown an1 bridge work of a woman. gave him 50 cents. Fitting plates. Fillings.
and with thische man became a DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAIX LES ESTE ACTIONS gistory of the Japanese navy aud Painless extrasting in promedad de la Biblioteca Napre nevestupon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Makinerio blocatusi slavenida odstavrastairs Everything done right. No HUN of the art of ship building in this Todo trabajo se Especialidad en extracciones sin dolor.
sisters 150 800 IIIIIIIIIIII. Robbery Followed one of its hiul leg broke Sympathy.
250 930 Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber a Webrero
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