
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months 12 Single copies 00 00 00 10. 00 ucents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 319 CABLES TIP For Advertisements, apply to the Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER VoL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Sunday, August 13 rd 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 216 gress, and sometimes called the Aeroplane Turkey Getting Ready For War.
Admiral Togo THE TIMES Service.
overboard and sauk. The Com Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. pauy paid her five dollars gold as Birmingh u of Spain, is Huelva compensation a mining town in Western Spain, London The Postmaster GenTHE KINGDOM which has been on the boom for eral is arranging with Graham The United Fruit Company some time, and boasts a sooty at White for experimental aeroplane Line steamers Esparta arrived Constantinople. Turkey is mosphere, most suggestive of in postal service between London from Boston Thursday evening hastening war preparations on OF SPAIN. austrial prosperity. More than and Windsor. The King is great with the following passengers: the Montenegrin frontier. Sonie 1, 000, 000 tous of copper, iron py ly interested in the project and Rev. Frany, Mrs. Charlotte of the most brilliant siaff officer rites and sulphurous ores used in has given permission to use Wind. Veiga, Stone and have left for the border and Mili BY FREDERIC HASKIN. making fertilizers are shipped sor Park at the terminus of the Hoar and Sam Bowlse in trausit; tary students in Paris have refrom the Huelva piers in the route. The service will start she also brought sacks mails. ceived orders to return to Turker.
course of a year. Huelva ships during the present month. Turkish transport has landed more tons of freight to America Mr. Smith, the tobacconist, left Barcelona chief manufacture than any other Spanish city, and at Saugsovatti Media, which is the front of his cigar factory for a just south of the Montenegrin ing industry is cotton, but its in trade with the world is the woolen factories run 200, 000 spin third Spanish city, Barcelona befew minutes and on his return he border on the Adriatic Sea, a Pope Recovering. found that he was minus of one large quantity of rifles and am dles, and the paper and linen iuing the first and Bilboa the secof his electric bulbs that was muniticn.
dustries are of great and increasond.
It is understood that England, ing importance. Through BarceSpain is a protectionist coun.
Rome, Aug. For the first hanging over one of the show cases on the counter. The thief France and Russia are doing lona passes about 10, 000, 000 time since his recent indispostion, try, which has shipping laws that must bave been awaiting his everything in their power to pre worth of cork gathered in the re.
aim at protecting its steamers by the Pope has been strong enough chance.
vent war.
gion whose output it handles.
About 87, 000, 000 worth of silk is monopolizing Spanish trade for yesterday afternoon to take a short drive in the Vatican garmanufactured in Barcelona and them. It cannot complain, therefore, at the fact that the American dens.
the latest and most modern indus.
high tariff has greatly diminished try of this city is an automobily factory that will do a greater some of its exports to America. case of drowning occurred in amouut of business when Spanish The protection of Califoruia wine off to cost ihe city of Jerez de la Fro Deposed President. the barbour of Kingston on the roads are made better than they morning of the 3rd inst, a short are today. Another up to date terra a considerable portion of distance from the Royal Mail New York. With the exception of a few its population when a largemi Port au Prince, Aug. Gen. Company pier. The deceased enterprise is a scheme to boost minor details the arrangements for the regration followed by the falling eral Simon, the deposed President named William Keating. The ception and entertainment of Admiral Togo Spain as a country of interest to tourists, and got for this country off of exports of wine to the of the Republie, sailed from bere United States. Malaga has also last night for Kingston, Jamaica, man was summoned to appear be are completed and the distinguished visitor more of the stream of American fore the law courts the said day coming here from England, where he resoffered from California compe on board the gunboat 17 De dollars that flows constantly into to answer to two charges, pre Cornation of the King, will be given tition in the American market for cembre.
ferred against him, the first for Royal reeeption.
Europe, but of all of the Spanish Ile sailed to day from cities Barcelona, with its modern grapes and raisins.
The capital is now in posses. disorderly conduct and the second Liverpool on the Lusitania which is exIt is While much remains to done sion of General Leconte.
aims and airs, seemne least fitted pected to arrive here next Friday, August for stealing a kid. He was seen to develop Spain agricrtitural now feared that conflicts will take 4th to make a success of an enterby a man the previous day who prise of this kind.
lauds to their highest point of place between the followers of asked him if he was going to apSpain produces its own sugar, efficiency, and to open up its Generals Leconte aud Firmin who pear at court tomorrow, to which taineral Tezontes, the sonud are both candidates for the Presichiefly upon the fertile vega of fiuancial conditiou of the country deney and have a strong follow somewhere else. This being ro he replied: believe will be For Sale.
Granada. The south of Spatu is a and industrial awakening indicate ing.
huge forest of olive trees, the it is believed the man committed that if political conditio is le General Firmin is still in PorA fie dwelling in Cairo situated in the suicide.
groves covering botouly the main sufficiently quiet not to in to Rico, but is expected to leave hest business centre, direct in front of Wm. vegas. but also tlie sides of the thera momentarily.
Lee Grocery, containing rooms, kitchen mountains, upon which nothing terfere with industry, the counand verandab. Cheap for cash. Apply to else would gror. The mills of try will surely forge its way THOMAS MCLEAN nearer the trout as a prorlucer of the country are producing its Praying for own tour, aud very little flour is wealth, and Spaniards will not be Cairo imported. Spavish vineyards proso anxious to einigrate to South Bubonic Plague Citizenship. Fort Limon, August 13. 90 duce an abundance of grapes, financial condition.
or North America to better their from which is made wine that is in California.
San Juan, Secretary of a household necessity in every War Stimson speut a day recentO REMOVAL ly receiving business and profes. The Office OT DR. GALLEGOSbrage or Families curug als Steals in Her Sleep. plague has appeared in Califor sioual men and gathering at first The quality of the wine warrants nia and has already caused one hand information of the actual American Dentist for it a more important position Chicago. Mrs. Pertha Frank, death. Fear are entertained conditions on the island. He has Farwerly located at Syuth West of Marke in world commerce than it holds was described by her husband, that the disease will spread and considered the question of trans hsben removed to Dr. Miguel Velazquez at present. One of the great in Jacob Frauk, as a somnambulistic every day precaution is being ferring the abandoned naval sta.
house, it front the Park opposite the Unitea Fruit Commissary.
dustries of Southern Spain is kleptomaniae in the municipal taken by the State and munici tion property for the use of the Crow and bridge work orange growing, and the oranges court. He 8. fied that his wite pal health anthorities.
insular goverurmeat. Fatig plates. Fil. ings.
compare favorably with the best whilst walking in her sleep not campaign against rats has Mr. Stimson will inspect the Pintes extractions. Long experience. grown in semi tropical America.
Reasonable prices. Ju io only searched bis trousers pockets been waged in San Francisco and waterfront personally with a view Andalusia is the only province and extracted sinall change, but other cities of the State for sever of recommending to Congress that that produces a surplus of grain. frequeatly marle nocturnal visits al years. It has now been decided relief be granted, as at the presThe great grain fields of Andito neighbours homes and rifled to wage a war of extermination ent the docking facilities are couDr. Villa II.
lusia, treeless and rolling, presenc the pockets of sleeping occupants. against squirrels, of which there gested.
the appearance of the prairies of She was arrested while pilfer are large numbers in the State. Mr. Stimsol and General Wood Free consulting hours at his residence America. The old fashioned inething the trousers pockets of Johu The bubonic plague is brought received a big reception at every veery Turday and Triday from to ods of cultura are gradually giv. Kelder. Other neighbour told to California every year, and town in their progress across the ing way to modern machinery of losing small change white they usually exacts a toil of death. island. The Mayor of the town Limon July 23, 1911. Daily.
from England, Germany and slept. The woman said she had the diseasa is usually Cienaguita Box found delivered speeches of welcome and America, too little coming froin no recollection of the matter, but among the Chinese crews of Ves.
Ameriva, becanse of the failure admitted that she often walked presented petitions for citizen sels arriving from Asiatic ports, ship.
Cabrera Peña Hnos of American purveyors to interest in her sleep.
most of which aru seldom free Stimson responded in ibemselves sufficiently in the marfrom the disease speeches iu which he expressed «LA CONVENIENCIA ket. The American plow is, himself as gratified at the hospihowever, seen bere aud there in talit, shown to him. He promised GRAND FANCY STORY a field next to one that is being Circles of Fire. Current News.
that he would present the peti We keep a special assortment of Americultivated by the arehaic wooden tions for citizouship to the Presican and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw Hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats, plow of ancient Spain and the. dent and Congress.
Ties, Umbrellas, and tine suspenders. BeauParis. Inposing and inexpli.
Preparations for enlargening tiful Balries Silk Caps and a tirst class Smoke «La Nacional» cigarettes.
the public market are going Thabet, the cheapest in the counstock of superior quality goods.
Seville is constructing a gigan cable phenomena, say the astronoOur prices are the lowest in Town. mers at the Paris observatory tie irrigation system that would ahead, men are engaged cutting Call on us at the premises formerly orec fertilize the already rich, but were to be seen over this city on pied by The White Store Limón, down trees and leveling the try.
somewhat too arid, country sur the night of July 28. They ob ground preparatory to the comrounding it. The irrigation dans served two brilliant circles of fire mencing of the concrete work.
are to be builded on the Guadala with green toogues of ame sot quivir, near Cordova. The lakes ing from the circles into a backThe men that was driving the at the various levels are to oper ground of the whitest of elouds.
train on Friday morning when One hundred and thir y colones (C. 130. 00) from one thou and guare feet above, al ate turbine water wheels to gen The phenomena lasted about Sewell got crushed and was ap. Peña Brothers erate electric power for factories, two minutes.
prehended is still in the enartel, LIMON, th AVENUE 50 YARDS FROM POLICE 5747 IN BOX NO 166 electric railways and other plants also the Faquin. Don Lucas apin Seville, and the waste water is pealed for their release but to no We keep a special assortment of flooring battons, siding, ceiling and partition We acceptor ders from the Llaes.
to be run to the orange groves, ALICANTE WINE effect.
vineyards and grain fields. It is Genuine spanish wine: the best tonie believed that with irrigation this for the stoate nnd serves: Importail baggage from the August Wil While landing the passengers AMERICAN DENTIST section would become one of the PATXIESS EXTRACTIONS richest agricultural and fruit ket. Proof it and you will always drink DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ helm on Friday a truuk owned Ordce: Hoteli iglo XX, downstairs Everything done right. No HUM growing countries in the world. Pte.
by a woman fell from the sling Todo trabajo se garantiza specialidad en es acciones sin dolor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber Febrero


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