
Editor Rate of Subscription Payable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month gonths 12 Single copies e 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES. TIEMP For Advertisements, apply to the Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER VOL ONLY cents silver COPY.
Limon. Tuesday August 15 rd 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NO Population of Liwn.
Buglish speaking woman is part and her first step was to obtain a fight the United Teri Combat Foreign Minister of were THE TIMES being in want of ready money presented, the Costa Rican offi. various parts of the city, several plate glass Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. and no longer enamoured of his cials and intelligent British resiwindows have been smashed and foundawife, offered to sell the latter to dents. His position as Engineer tions have sank slightly in the heart of the Walls of several mercantile houses an acquaintance of his named to the United Fruit Compauy did New York.
stoy big cracks, bat business continues THE STRANGE STA Demydoff for the son of 45 not prevent him from seeking the practically uninterrupted.
roubles, or say five guineas. rights of the people under his peculiarity of the tremors is that they New York. The population of TUS OF WOMEN When Ladyshkio had spent the charge and no complaint was have been confined almost entirely to the New York city passed the five money it oceurred to him that he ever made against the gentleman city it yitself and the smel valley in which it million mark on August The Towns within 15 miles report IN RUSSIA. was now free to wed another until a few ignorant loafers, chief no signs of seismic disturbance and the rest Statistician estimates that the woman. And he took steps to among whom was the celebrated of the state has not been shaken. city has now 5, 000, 400, a gain of carry out his intention. Possibly Cee Gee alias Kunsul, a turbu. The last of the severe shock occurred about 120, 000 for the past year.
The woman movement is often he wanted to practice wife selling lent Jamaican whose correct July 16, but there have been slight oscilla The official figure of the United spoken of as the awakening of tions since as a business. Anyhow his sold name was Ferguson, and who is States Census for 1910 was women and so iu truth it is. The wife also wished to marry again cited the St. Kitt labourers to 4, 706, 388.
wake, but there used every means in are many corners of the earth before whóm the. atter was taken his power to throw odium not where the movement has not yet called for all the woman docu only ou Mr. Grigor but on Mr Affairs Entertained Prinee. of Wales.
penetrated or is only beginning ments that might have any bear Laws, the Export Agent of to penetrate. Such a corner is ings on her petition. She pre the Company, who had contracted The Prinz August Wilhelm attracted Russia where women are still in sented several and among them the labourers and had given thein a laage crowd on Sunday night on the London. The Prince of Wales a state of servitude. Load)
English pier and it was not until mid night has begun his duties as Midshipan official certificate issued by all they were entitled to the more before they dispersed.
newspaper correspondent in the communal Board say, the ignorant of the population became It was in honor of the Minister of For.
man on board battleship Petersburg gives some stories of Municipality of Kotshalia, which bitter against the Consul for ciga Affairs who was entertained on board Hindustan which is now lying women thraldom which shonld declared that on such and such a inake us glad we live in an enwhat they claim was his neglect the ship. few ladies and gentlemen at Portsmouth. The Hindustan invited and helped to date she had been duly sold by their of case. Tudigoities of is of the King Edward VIIth lighter country under the Br swell the large number that was in transit.
her lawful husband. The doen.
ish flag every description were hurled at class, which with the exception of Dancing was indulged in on the upper deck went is dated 21 April, 1911, and him and while the trouble lasted by the fashionable gathering who enjoyed the Nelson and the AgamemHe says. What the status of bears all the signatures and seals the vice Consul was the most un the Russian woman who has ta inn non, is the most powerful type Ives inmensely. Don Tinoco and the Governor necessary, as well as the names popular man am a curtain a husband is, was, or mayb, of the pre Dreadnought fighting The o the two witnesses.
class, like a true Britain be never fits and listed with various colu ship. wis handsomaly decorated with transceads belief. As the coloured ship.
wavered and continued in the exewife name is on the husband electric light bulbs which lent a splendid ap.
cution of his duties until the mis. pearance to the already picturesque deck.
passport she cannot reside auy.
where without his authorisation.
guided British subjects realized Current News.
And he is at liberty to withdraw ibat he was not only fighting de government band remained on the pier Co. Absorbs it whenever he likes. Well retheir case, but that he was not night Before the party broke up the ship member a case which happened The gasolene boat Alva will scared by the open threats against band played the Costa Rica National and Another Line some years ago. He was wealthy be here to day from Binefields his life which were freely made the government band the British Anthems.
whimsical, tyrannical, and self and will sail in the evening for in his presence. That he had a London. It is stated that the Royal centred. She was fanciful, high Bocas del Toro.
difficult position to fill was bu.
Mail Steam Packet Company has taken Bouled and obstinate. They mar youd doubt, and even his great.
over the business of steamships of the Brazilian Lloyd line.
ried in haste, and she repented at The banana receivers, ens. est enemies were bound to as African King Recently the Royal Mail acquired the leisure. At last she refused to ployed by the United Fruit Com knowledge in the end, that he Shire line of steamers and the Lamport and live with him. He refused to give pany, gathered on the dock yesnever forgot his position as a genA Prisoner. Tot Line.
her perinission to reside anywhere terday morning for iustruction in tleman and the representative of but in his domicile. She ran grading of fruits, ete. Mr. Mer the British Crowl in Port Limon.
Lagos. The arrest of the away to Kharkoff they had been Till was the instructor.
It is reported that Mr. Keith Akarigbo of Jebu Reino at Lagos ALICANTE WINE living in Moscow. The husband has positively declined to accept on a charge of larceny has created instructed the police to send his The Prinz August Wilhelm Mr. MeGrigor resignation in Genuine spanish wine: the best tonic view of the valuable services he an upheaval in the Jebn country.
fugitive wife bome, and invoked left here yesterday afternoon a for the stomac and Tierves: Imported The Provincial Commissioner and only for Julk Packx, front the mar the law in his favour. The lady little after three o clock for New has rendered the Companies over ket. Proof it and you will always drink was accordingly requested by the York via Colon and Jamaica. She which he rules, and that he has the Inspector General have gone Pte.
to inquire into the matter.
authorities to return to her hus carried a long list of passengers, been called to the United States The King is accused of purloin band. She refused. Thereupon the names of whom will appear for a conference with the Vice.
ing certain books of the native the authorities became quiescent. to luorrow.
President of the corporation Court The question is a serious For in Russia, to their credit be The appointment one, involving the possibility of For Sale.
it said, the educated meu ou the The Joseph Vaccaro sail. MeGrigor in Santo Domingo is hostilities among the natives.
whole are generous and chival. ed on Sunday afternoon last for one of great importance and value, fine dwelling in Cairo situated in the rous towards women. And even New Orleans with the following and from what we can learn the best business centre, direct in front of Win.
the police dislike such dirty work passengers: Mr. and Mrs. Mateo United Fruit Company will make Lee Grocery, containing rooms, kitchen as this. But the husband again Carceller, Mrs. Maria Villareal, it worth his while to remain in and verandali. Cheap for cash. Apply to Famine in China.
moved the lever of the law, and Mrs. Cadagan and child their service.
THOMAS MCLEAN demanded that his wife be sent and McGrigor.
Cairo New York cable from home to him by etape. That Port Limon, August 13 90 meant that she should be arrested Shanghai received by the Chris and despatched, together with on were much disappointed on Sun.
tian Era indicates that the relief criminals from one forwarding day evening last, not having their prison to another until she arrived usual band concert in the Park, C2 REMOVAL in Moscow. And that was duly owing to their engagement other crops had been minimized by an.
The Office Or DR. GALLEGOSwise. large gathering turned By order of the British Vinis. other food.
The only divorce possible in out but only to promenade and ter, Sir Claude Vallett, Aliyande Valley flooded, awful Mr. Doswell, the British struction and death, American Dentist Russia is pronounced by an eccle enjoy the balmy air.
terrible siastical court composed of unCousul Agent, will act as vice famine this Autumn, the cable Formerly located at South West of Markt married men monks on strength Consul until a perinanet appoint. Teads.
has been removed to Dr. Miguel Veraque of the depositions of eye witnesses ment is made on the return of house, in front the Park, opposite the United Fruit Commissary.
who have sworn to baving seen Departure of Mr. Nutter. Cox from Englanss Crown and bridge work Mr. Doswell is one of the mot.
what everybody knows that they Cabrera Peña Hnos Fitting plates. Fillings.
Painless extractions. Long experience. did not se.
obliging and courteons officiadi Reas nable prices. Julio It is among the uneducated LA CONVENIENCIA that terrible abuses prevail which and British residents are to be GRAND FANCY STORE no legislation will root ont. No Mr. MeGrigor, the Britishi congratulated in having their inWe keep a special assortment of AmeriDr. Villa thing short of education will hu vice Consul and Chief Civil En terest in the hands of this gentle can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw manise the savages, of whom a gineer of the United Fruit Com mhan.
Itats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats, Free consulting hours at his residence Ties, Umbrellas, and tine suspenders. Beaugoodly number is to be found pany was a passenger on the tiful Babies Silk Caps and a first class veery Tuesday and Friday from to here and there in Russia.
steamer Joseph Vaccaro which stock of superior quality goods. mn few days ago a curious case left here on Sunday niglit for Our prices are the lowest in Town!
Call on us at the premises formerly once Limon, July 23, 1911. Daily of wife selling came to the notice New Orleans.
pii by The White Store Limón, Cienaguita Box of the authorities, which shows reported in the columns of this how much there is still to do among paper, Mr. MeGrigor tendered his in Guatemala.
the masses. No doubt in the resignation to the United Fruit LA lowest orders of the population Company in order to take up an Guatemala City. For the last three.
such transactions may be discover important and lucrative post in weeks there has been af average of an ed in almost any country. But Santo Domingo, where he had earthquake every day in Guatemala city Is the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis han!
what surprises one about the par previously resided for many years, The shocks have not been of daily occur rence and there has not been much damage, ticular sale now recorded is the in fact since the age of 17. He is but the people are very apprehensive drinks part taken in it by the local autherefore no stranger to the The fast shock was tell un July. There thorities, who raised it to the country where he will make his were two shot, sharp shudies of consid level of a perfet legitimate piece future home.
able serenity. The next day there were AMERICAN DENTIST of business authorised by the As British Vice Consul liere to shocks. July, there were eight tremors.
State One of the inhabitants of Mr. McGrigor was held in high tent series of quakes.
Since then there have been several intermit DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAINLESS EXTRACTIS Oruce: Elotel Siglo XX, downstairs Everything done right. No HUM the city of Kagool, Ladyshkin, esteem by the Government he re number of cornices have fallen in Todo trabajo se garantiza Especialidad en extracciones sir dolor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
given Mr.
The music loving public of Līm. Temporary Appointment. districts of China from the Spring Mr. McGrigor. of the United Fruit Company, As previously Earthquakes GEISHA American


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