
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month months 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 Scents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE e. Box 316 CABLES TIEMP For Advertisements, apply to tua Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER Vol ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Friday August 15th 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY N9 210 Misrepresentation.
latter seeking the desirable qualityor Shichi pitfall which must Shipping News Daring Robbery.
THE TIMES Bluefields Line Re Mistook King The Need of Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. ceiver Raises For Baker.
Some weeks ago we wrote about BRITISH REPORT ON Damage.
some trouble with an employee service paper relates an amusing story of King Louis of Bavaria, says an ex.
of the Criminal Judge office and Life consists of relationships and relaa conductor of the train.
We ustionships necessitate a certain amount of change. His Majesty was much annoyed MENTAL HEALING CLAIMS TO FITindependence. We must have to me ex.
on one occasion, when the soldier on guard derstand since the publication of tent confidence in those with whom wa TEEN MILLION. at the palace gates neglected to present the paragraph Mr. Northern, the live in the wider or the closer sense.
arms. The truth was the soldier did not well known and courteous conPleasant Philadelphia. statement of know His Majesty by sight The committee, including mediother Why don you present arms. the most adaptable dnetor has been accosted as the and the ving is a matter of adjustment claim to recover 15, 000, 000 damthings cal practitioners, physicians, nenasked quis. Don you know to person that was mixed up in the being equal, is the pleasantest companion tologists and alienists, appointed ages has been filed in the United whom you are indebted for your daily disgraceful row. We emphatical tion, however, there is States Courts here by the Blue bread po to consider questious counected ly declare that it was not this must be avoided one our independence, ou fields with healing by spiritual means Steamship Company of The sentry glared angrily at the King, gentleman but a servant that at acceptance of other people and our confiNew York to the use of Elmer E: and, imagining Him to be the army baker, has just finished its deliberatious tends to the coach. We are at a and issued its report. Among Wood. Receiver of the Company replied of independence which is absolutely indisSo you are the miserable son of a balose to think a man of Mr. North nos The Bluefields Steamship Com ker who Cornishes the soldiers with bread, the conclusions arrived at are. ern character should be impeach not lean too hard upon them, or become a pensable. In loving cur friends we That the essential factor in all pany claims damages in this are you? Well, should like to have youled and thought so little of.
burden to them.
forms of physic healing iu men.
amount for alleged stilling of by myself in some quiet place. d spread THE EDITOR In adjustiug ourselves to our neighbors, composition and creating an al your angainly anatomy over three king tal suggestion, which has been must not thrust ourselves upon them, make leged monopoly ill the sale of doms! make dough of you used from renioto periods, ala convenience of them, take advantage of them, or carry our adjustment so far as to though more fully explained by bananas in this country.
become modern psychology.
When he asked about 15, 000, nuisances. Blood relationship seems to impose some obligation in this di That there is abundant evi 000 suit filed in the Philadelphia. The Matina arrived here daring robbery was commitrection, but surely mere acquaintanceship dence of the efficac, of mental Courts against the United Fruit on Wedneseay does not evening from ted in the market on Wednesday suggestion in the treatment of Company, Colonel Elmer Wood, Manchester and brought one pas. night last at the stall of Don Whether she is conscious of the fact or uy disorders. No evidence bas the auxiliary receiver of the senger lose name is Mr. Escott.
not, the woman who borrows is disliked.
Ramon Corrales. The proprietor Proper independence does not mean unbeen forthcoming of any authenBluefields Steamship Company deals largely in fancy shoes and neighbourliness or a distant manner. IC ticated cure of organic disease.
said that there were really no The agent of the United Fruit boots, also other dry goods The does, however, mean doing one own Dr. Rşle, as Bishop of Winches points brought out in the stateCompany Line of steamers an stall is situated at the north east planning and then executing the plans one ter, was chairman of the commit.
ment of claim to recover the nounces the arrival to day of the end of the gate, and the boots are tee of the Lambert Conference, amount named in the despatch Limon from Boston.
kept on shelves that are fastened which dealt with tbe whole ques.
and that the suit was merely a to the outer partition, the thief or tion, and his reply to the British part of the old legation. Since The French General Transat.
thieves broke a part of it, large For Sale.
Medical Association, printed in the filing of the original soit for lantique Line of steamers Mar enough to admit a hand, and in the British Medical Jourual, is 10, 500, 000 which was the first tinique is expected to arrive here that manner six pairs of ladies new Gusolene Launch of ma.
quoted as an interesting and amount sued for in the Philadel to day from Manchester, consigt. boots were taken out. The woudium size. suitable for freight: candid specimen of the answers phia Court by the Bluefields to Felipe Alvarado Co. der is, in the face of the police. ing purposes, owner has no use received.
Steamship Company, the Attormen that are stationed to keep a fur it.
An opportunity of a life Persoually, says Dr. Ryle, neys and Anditors of the Com The Heredia is expected watch over the people goods are time for anyone with a little do not draw any marked dis pany have been at work on the to arrive bere this morning from never able to effect a capture. It ready cash. Terms cash, but very tinction between the claims of books, and having found that the Colon with mails and passengers. is almost a weekly occurrence. reasonable. Apply to such healing alleged by Christian damages cansed the Company She will sail the next day for Cannot something be done to put Scientists, by Church of England were in excess of the amount New Orleans via Barrios with a JENKS a check to this sort of business.
healers, by faith healers, by Mo tn ntioned in the first suit, they cargo of 55, 000 buches bananas.
Sau José, hammedaus or by members of have concluded to raise the other religious. Where the amount to 15, 000, 000.
The Rosina. one of the Women in Business, Casilla 29.
Christian faith is firmly held, steamers of the United Fruit Co.
Limon, August 18, 1911. v.
believe that the patient may, by Line, sailed into port yesterday Wonen, as soon as they vain the requimorning after a fine voyage site degree of experience in handling mo of Christian truth, be predisposed across from New Orleans. She ney, bide excellent cashiers in business in will aud mind, and consequent on Strike. brought the following passengers: houses. They are alert, watch ful. quick of Notice.
ly, in some unintelligible manner, Dr. Franklin and wife, percep:ion and keenly uservant, and, therefore, they are found most useful in po.
in physical conditions, toward the FULLY 60, 000 MEN OUT. Frontras, Philip Simmons and Sitions where these faculties can be exer All persoas indebted to the successful combat with disease or wife, Mrs. Mario de Mercury and firin of Charles Rodgers at Si.
disorder But have been no London. Dock labourers to child, Miss Conner and One of the most important members of quirres are called upon to settle reason to accept the view, which the number of 60. 000 went on Gordon, and 117 sacks mails, the sex to wrich financial affairs are intheir accounts by the 25th Auin some quarters has been maintrusted to Mis Margaret Kelly, of the strike here.
Mint Bureau of the Tie isu y Department gust, 1911. Should anyone fail tained, that gifts of heallug are The seamen strike here, which Current News.
at Washington. Miss Kelly, who has been to comply with this notice bis the prerogative of clergy or of was settled some time ago, con The Rosina branght a fine chief clerk of the Mint Bureau at a salary members of the Church of Christ vinced the dockers that they could lot of lemons from New Orleans name will be published in the of 2, 250 a year, was appointed on Aug. newspaper, also obtain their demands by simi yesterday, Mr. John Simmons by Secretary MacVeagh as examiner of In the course of the investiga. lar action, and as a result strikes purchased the lot and the pier mints ia the burvau, virtually assistant di. Sgd. CHARLES RODGERS.
rector tion seem to discern that there have oceurred in various shipwas besieged by hawkers.
In this new position, in addition to 26 11.
was evidences of the traces of piug ports in England and Wales drawing 000 a year, Miss Kelly will be curative influence upon the physi iondoa has hitherto not been seThe Matina brought 16 heads actug der of the wints of the country cal condition of patients produced riously affected.
in the absence of George Roberts, the cows, horses, mares and a director. She will have charge of all the by personal forces to which these The strike of the clockers was Cabrera Peña Hnos stud; rabbits and donkey. mints and direct their immense business at different names have been given. not ordered by the Union The They were landed on Wednesday any time the director is absent.
But have been very unwilling men sinply refused to a wait arnight. The stud is only years, This is an interesting items and it shows LA CONVENIENCIA eithor officially to recoguize such bitration and walked out. They but he stands fully sixteen hands, not that women are like men and should be alleged cases of healing or to en demand a raisy of from seveu and is a fine arm. These new put on an equality with them, but that wo. GRAND FANCY STORE courage the claims to work such pence to eight pauca an lour, men are like women and should be pnt on We keep a special assortment of Ameriarrivals are to improve the bread results until scientific inen had can and Country made Shoes, Italian Struw an equality with them, but that wonen in The mai trude is seriously of our native stock. We comHats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats, investigated the phenomena, and threatened by the strikt At mend such efforts and in a year their own sphere and in every department Ties, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. Beautirul Bables sik Caps and a lirst class so far as the physical coudition is least twenty steamers nie maable classification concerned had ser reason to ad to discharge cargoes. Many other stock of superior quality goods or two we believe the republic incomparably above any Our prices are the lowest in Town!
that would rate and rank them with men.
will be able to boast of its prize Women as rulers of nations have in not a mit that physical changes had vessels are in port with meat from Call on us at the premises formerly orect sio been produced and healings efpied by The White Store. Limón, Australia, New Zealand and Arfew cites risen to the highest rank and refected in which the causes al gentine. The meat and other quirements, and as rulers of the home they dis rraceful and scandalous have been just as pre eminent. Let women leged to be spiritual or physie perishable goods are being taken Dr. Villa be accorded their rightfat rank and positira row took place at Mr. Moffatt had been vigilantly recorded and care of in refrigerators aboard in the business of life. nd there will be less scientifically registered and de yard on Weduesday night that Free consulting hours at his residence the steamers, but if the strike talks about their political claims.
disturbed the peaceful residents veery Tuesday and Friday from to fined.
contin res there will be a short of the neighborhood. It appears Smoka La Nacionals cigaretten age in the London Provinces that about 10. 30 a man that occu The host, the cheapest in the COM Limon, July 23, 1911. Daiy Tae men went quietly from Cienaguita pies one of the yard rooms was try. Brx Lecture.
steamer to steamer calling on on the bust and filled his stom.
their fellow. workers to join the ach with guaro which interfered movement and in every case were with his brain, and caused his The second of a series of in successful.
paramour to come in for a sound.
portant lectures will be given by. REMOVAL 01 thrashing. The poor woman one of the vice Presidents of the 18 the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hani The Office OT DR. GALLEGOSyelled and bawler pitifully which Limon Literary and Friendly Asdrew a crowd. When she made sociation (Rev. Worsfold)
American American Dentist her escape che songhit the proon drinks Wednesday next. 23rd inst. at Formerly located at South West of Lrk. tection of a police, but as she St. Mark schoolrooin, at 30 has en rimoved to Migue! Vine could nol speak lis language he house, in front the Park, opposite the Unitea Friends and well wishers Fruit Commissary.
took no notice of her. The wonAMERICAN DENTIST of the Association are cordially Cruwa and bridge work der is, when these brawls ocear invited, as a great literary treat Fitting plates Filings.
the limb of the law is never pres.
DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ LAINLESS EXTRACTIONS Painless extractions. Long experience. Orice: Hotel Siglo XX, downstairs Everything done right. No Hux is in store for them.
Reasonable prices. Julio ent until all is over.
Todo trabajo se garantiza Especialldad en extracciones sin dolor the wist and hopeful inculcation Dockhands go cised, as such.
of the mint LA GEISHA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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