
Editor ANGEL GORONAS Rate of Subscription Payable in advance THE TIMES month. months 12 Single coples. 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIEMPO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply to La Manager.
VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Friday August 25th 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NO 225 THE EARTHQUAKE INVESTIGATORS. map will be drawn which will day. They looked in the best of and lecise. it would be impossible to Alfonso Plays in gress in life.
as the THE TIMES catalogues are published each year. Recently a moving platCurrent News.
Port Limon, Costa Rica (G. Lecture at Arrival of the form was built at this central burean for testing earthquake in Mr. John Keith and family were St. Mark Prinz Joachim.
struments, and next year, ac. among the passengers who came cording to Professor Milne, a on the Prinz Joachiin yester On Wednesday, August 23rd, The Prinz Joachin ar a lecture on Sport was given rived here early on Thur day show Strassburg as the centre of health by the Rev. Worsford in St. morning with the following pasthe world.
Mark Parish Room, before a Bangers from New York. Mr.
Seismology is a science in its In a general way it is already Limon market has been too fair number of the Association Basigo, Mr. and Mrs. Schlessiuinfancy. No one seems to have possible to foretell earthquakes, small and to compare with the members and friends. The speaker gir and son, Mr. and Mrs. John an exact knowledge of earthaud it is lioped with the progress Capital extensions have beguu was introduced by the Ven. reh Keith, Mise Emily Keith, Miss quakes, but for the world peace of seismological science people Those in the know should re. deacon Robinson Rosita Keith, Masters John of mind, the security of lives, will be forewarned with greater member all sanitary laws.
The speaker gave a brief ac Keith, Henry Keith, Raproperty and commerce, men have exactitude of the times and locali conut of Sport from the earliest fael Keith, Miss Lilian Taywithin the last quarter of a cen ties of such disturbances. We The new road to St. Mark times, making mention of te lor, Mr. and Mrs. Luis Ferro tury systematically set to work know that periodicity, space dis. Church tends to mark well the sport which was indulged in to study them. These pioneers FOD, Miss Julia Carazo, tribution and meteorological conin this science have just beld a ways and means of getting along. various empires and peoples. The Master Frank Chose, Mrs.
ditions are among the factors that The municipality have now seen meeting, the International Asso enter into calculation, said Dr.
favourite sports were mentioned Johnson, family and nurse, Mr.
ciation of Seismology, at Manchestheir way for constructing a good in which the Romane. Greeks, and Mrs. de la Espriella and Omori, and from these, with street which has been long wantter, England. Delegates were early Britons, early English, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Poff, Mr.
fuller knowledge we shall be ed.
modern English indulged. These Peyrouttet, Mr. Dario Anerzapresent from all parts of the able to make definite calculaworld. Professor Harry Fielding tions. The practical benefits chief sports were National Sports. ni. From Kingston. Mr.
Mr. William Dalzell the active Each nation seemed to have a Reid, who made a study of the Hill, Mrs. Minott aud family.
derived from seismological inves.
San Francisco earthquake, manager of Zent division of the particular sport which it claimed From Colon. Mr. Yee, Mr.
tigations are inany, according to presented this country: Dr. Klotz, these students. Seismology will United Fruit Company is in town as the National Sport or pastime. Jose Alvarez, Mr. Juan Alvarez, Canada, and Dr. Omori, professor explain break in cables fir out seeing and we again feel pleasure in Sport is essentially part of the 26 tourists, 53 deckers and 3, 500 of seismology in the University in the sea those innocent smiles nation life, and therefore, also Profesor Milu, men.
packages of freight for this port.
of Tokio, Japan.
which is always customary in his of the individual. Without exertions a case when lack of such gentleness.
The earth is shaken on an aver.
kuowledge led to a curioas mis.
age every half hour, which is conunderstanding. In 1988 the ca. Business on the whole in Li skill.
Polo Match.
siderably more frequent than blus connecting Australia with people supposed before these mon town is very bad and if the He therefore contended that earthquake students began keep ously broken, and the sidden merchants will be asking for a the outer world we resi multane depression continues many of the sport should be looked upon as London. Duwing the afternoon King ing records. It is, however, the the second great factor to pro Alfonso played his first round of polo at isolation was regarded as a possi Bankruptcy Law as you have Eaton for the challenge cup.
disturbances in some well marked His Majesty ble operation of war and the elsewhere. Sales are always earthquake districts was a member of the Rochampton team, that make colonists called out their naval falling and debtors are always Sport has two sides (a) The who were pitted against the Royal Horse this average so high. Japan, for Moral and (b) The Physical.
aud military reserves.
Records saving Guards. Roeampton was conceded the The barometer works instance, in seven years had 3, 331 cf earthquakes originating at Physical exercise reste the man maxiu start of five goals and won by cleven quakes, an average of more badly.
whose work demauds any mental goals to eight. Alfonso, as usual, played a great distances ma, be depended strain as it acts as a tonie to than 1, 000 a year. Some of them fine game.
upon to anticipate, correct, ex.
caused a sensible shaking of sot company of Jamaicans have the tired brain.
tend or disprove reports of visasmore than a few hundred square ters. Seismology will also show ervoo to bring a bont a new in clear head, because through his been formed with a Capital of Holland.
An athlete is a man with a miles, but the vibrations of inoat parts of the ocean where disturb. dustry in this town that is FishiSTEAMER SUNKTY BOILER of them were marked all over the wise use of sport he becomes ances are so frequent as to make globe. In view of the frequency the laying of cables inadvisable, EXPLOSION ing by Nets and Pontoons. They physically and morally fit.
will after a while procure gaso.
of earthquakes it is porhaps not give insurance companies that do True sport helps a mau to conRotterdam. The passeng steamslip strange that Japan should take line lanaches which will greatly trol his temper and passious: gives Gutemberg is reportep to have sunk and business in earthquakes centres a an unusual interest in their study, basis upon which to proportion success and do hope that they assist the trade. We wish them him a sense of justice and fair it is feared many of the pa sengers have been drowned. Details of the accident or that after she had called a conrates of risks, indicate if ragions will work in harmony ness.
have not been received but it is known siderable number of able Western that have been devastated can Sport is greatly spoilt at the that the boilers exploded and the vis.
scientists as instructors in hier price of fish is really high at 50 with a feeling of security belt present day, by the misuse of sel went down almost inmediately.
colleges she should take the ini cents per lb. and sometimes none built, and advise the proper mate.
such a pastime. Professionalisin tiative in work that has since be.
on sale.
rial and architecture to be used in spot tends to lower the standNotice.
come worldwide. Immediately for reconstruction of ruined towns ard of morality in sport and is a followiug the great earthquake of and districts.
Quite an amusing affair took great factor in pluysical and February 22, 1880, in wbich Yoplace the other night when a moral deterioration at the present All persons indebted to the uue kohama lost most of its chimneys Punch and Juddy Show passed day. It encourages gambliug and dersigned are hereby advised that and tile roofs and wheu most of House of Mystery town. It occurred off around the upper part of the other vices, whereas the Amateur Thos. McGoianess is author that its tree clad slopes elipperl down poor is the man, who is endeavouring ized to accept and receipt for any into valleys, a meeting was called Honest John thought that he to raise sport to its highest level.
money paid his for my account.
of which Professor John Milne In the vicinity of the Plaza del ter ta Sport is necessary to national nunta must be pai.
wi. teen days from date or was the leading spirit and United Toro there is a certain inposing king in pleuty of water came in progress aad pliysical fitness.
States Consul General Van Buren edifice concerning which there is contact with the police. who de After the speaker had ended same will be be handed to lawyer was chair. an. It was the psy. much speculation: at all hours of wanded him to go to Calaboose the Vea Archdeacon Robiuson for collection chological moment to establish an the day and night a steady Which he refused to do. Many replied in a very wise spaech. S. MARSHALL earthquake society. In thirty stream of women and men are to wEistles were blown and after Thoug a he did not agree with the Limon, August 12, 1911. 15v.
minutes rules were adopted, sub be seen passing through the terrible excitement le quietly earlier part of the lecture, he did Cabrera Peña Hnos scriptions collected aud the Seis doors ushered in by certain well marched himself to his house think that professionalism was inological Society of Japau was es. known men dressed in immaculate quite disregarding the limits of lowering the standard of true LA CONVENIENCIA tablished. The twenty volumes white are we sheltering some the law.
sport that were published in the fifteen Specialist unknown to the gener The meeting then adjourued GBAND FANOY STORE years existence of this society al poblie, or does the house cover We are glad to sue our esteed amid applause.
We keep a special assortment of Amerllaid the foundation for almost one of the Wise men of olden ed friends from the Zaet Division can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw everything that has been done time whom we read of as being ats, Stetson and Von Gall felt IIats, Messrs. Me Whinuie aud Hes, Umbroilas, and tine suspenders. Beausince. It has been sneceeded by armed with an ivory wand ex Fernandez, from Sterling and Bar Tlul Bables! Silk Caps and a first class Canada.
tifek of superior quality goods.
another society at Tokio, which pounding the Mosaie Laws in the Mouth West Farms, usually the stour prices are the lowest in Town!
receives a subsidy from the Ja temple?
only way we see the Mandador Oil on us at the premises formerly orce Caby The White Store Limón, panese Government. Russia bas Some people are of the opinion from the farms in these latter BRITIS CRUISER ROCKS since appropriated about 10, 000 that it is a place of healing and days, is when they are on the REMOVAL REI a year for investigations. Italy, contains a stream liku Bedyrdy. way to the Hospital, not as in forespecially since the disasters in Cuidado con ho cuidado. The Office OF DR. GALLEGOSmer times when we had them in Halifax, Wrecking tugs have started to the relief of the British cruiser the Palermo district, has given town pretty nearly overy Sunday. Cornwall, which nas been reported by wire. American Dentist departmental consideration to the China.
perhaps its because the less to be standing on rocky ledges of the Formerly located at South West of Market subject. in fact almost all civil.
stopped running the morning Cape Sable in the same manner as the Ca. has been removed to Dr. Miguel Velazquez No se ized nations have made the study train from Limon to Guapiles, nadian craiser Niobe last week.
PLAGUE OUTBREAK AT SHAYhouse, in front the Park. opposite the Unitea Fruit Commissar.
of earthquakes a matter of im.
when the general public could rious damage has been done although she Crown and bridg wak portance.
GHAT well up on the rocks. The mishap was take it change, and return the. Fitting plates. Figs.
probably the result of a thick fog which znless extractions. Long experience.
To make the result of the insame day, and besides was some prevailed at time.
Shanghai. serious outbreak of plagte thing to kill Sunday with. We vestigations available everywhere has occurred in this city. Since Sturday Painable prices. Juio.
and to afford an opportuuiiy for there have been fourteen cases inside the would like to know the reason an interchange of opinions the foreign settlement wly those trains weru disconAMERICAN DENTIST international association was tinued, as we are sure they paid, formed. The central bureau, unon account of tire crowd that DR. ROBERTO JIMENEZ ORTIZ PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS ortice: lotel Siglo XX, downstairs Everything done right. No llux der the direction of Professor used to be on them every Sunday, Toto Esprealidad en extracciones sin dolor Hecker, is at Strassburg, and is MARRIAGE WITH AMERICAN AMIs there some reason behind it?
supported by an income of about 9, 000 subscribed by twenty three NULLED LA GEISHA different countries. It is conGenuine spanish wine: the best tonic Rome. The coins annulled the mar.
nected with sixty stations, and for the stone and nerves: Imported riage of Count Pasolini and Mrs. Montagu the intention is to establish this only for lunes ac, front the mar an American. The marriage occurred in Is the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand ket. Proof it and you will always drink year one in Asia Minor and au1907. This is the first case of annulment Pte.
other in Greenland. Two large of a marriage in Italy.
American drinks Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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