
Editor ANGEL GORONAS Rate of Subscription Payable in advance THE TIMES month. months 12 Single copies. 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TEIPO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Advertisements, apply tha Manager.
VoL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Tuesday August 29th 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 228 Siquirres Notes.
Expect Peace.
THE TIMES clearly shows the depth of feeling GIGANTIG FRAUD. Germany Friend the saa The fish was consigned involved than the scenes of the Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. to Swift and Co.
Carlton Club the night of the de.
of Peace.
SALARIES FOR glacial home or conservatiem te Man Abused Trust Re.
We are pleased to see the miling countenance of Capt.
came tropical. Within that club, SECRETARY MEADE DE Allan. Assistant Superintendent COMMONERS. whereiu anything beyond a sub posed in Him.
Zent Division who is in town madued note of ordinary conversa.
CLARES KAISER EMPIRE king a few purchases, his brothertion attracts pained attention: The revolution effected this IS MAKING RAPID in law Mr. Homoon the famous peers who voted with the Govern Career Checked.
weer in the House of Lords is not Motor Car Constructor of Zeut ment were assailed with hisses STRIDES.
the only one of great moment in Division was also with him.
and boos and the die hards were Не WAS TRIED AND CONVICT.
Parliament. One was effected in left again in the wake of the pas.
received with cheer of acelama.
Berlin. Edward Meade of the House of Cominous which has tion. Similar scenes occurred in ED AND SENTENCED TO Boston, secretary of the World senger train.
been let pass without much com other conservative political clubs, 60 DAYS Peace Foundation, in an interview ment. This was the bill for the and it may be safely said that the declared that Germany was mapayment of the members and its Unionist party will not get toeffect has not been considered by systematic fraud that had king strides forward in favor of Departure of the gether again until it eentres on a been going ou for some time that international peace. He said also the people ef the British Isles.
leader of a calibre which at pres. been filling the pocket of a well that the people of Europe had Prinz Joachim.
As a matter of fact for the pres. ent it distinctly lacks.
ent this move cannot be gauged paid employee been recently dis.
been watching with expectancy Do far as can be seen the party covered and stopped.
the negotiations surroundiog the by them for they never cousider.
The Hamburg American Line has nothing constructive to take ed it. Lloyd George, the ChauThe pioneer of the deceptien is arbitration treaties between the of steamers Prinz Joachim sailto the country. It devotes its cellor of the Exchequer, poiuted whole attention to the old war Alfred Coombs. The man was emnone other than a man named Uuited States and Great Britain and France, and that if they fail.
ed yesterday for New York via out that every other similar house horse, home rule.
Colon was paid, but in this case comployed by the Northern Railroad ed of ratification we shall almost The dock presented a lively Company as general foreman of be regarded as having broken parisons are without value. The aud animated appearance, it was bill was passed of course simply the Inuber yard, and as such be faith with civilization.
chiefly owing to the departure of Mr. Meade in spending a month was empowered to employ and in payment of the Labor party Governor Pardo for New York.
meinbers for their support and it discharge labourers in the yard. in Germany making addresses at large number of other cabin will meau much to that party. It It is allleged that Coombs very Various places on the peace move.
themselves passengers availed BY OUR REPRESENTATIVE.
meut. He says that while he will be enabled to escape the diffioften dismissed labourers for triviof the opportunity of sailing by finds the organized peace move culty of supporting many of its al offences and quickly after this good ship their places would be filled by ment in Germany far beyond that members.
The Government baud was in of the United States and Great The judgment of the courts in Improvements am still going favourites of his.
attendance and played some liveBritaiu in regard to influence the case of the labouring man 0This was not considered by the ahead here and how it can traly ly airs at intervals. The ship borne, who eighteen months ago be said that Siquirros is th: cen Company as an offence, bat som. a id resources, nevertheless he has band added greatly to the occaDeen impressed by its marked adgot a judginent against his own tral station. Among the many ad. thing more grave transpired to sion.
vance in educational circles.
labour Union, was that the paying ditions is the almost completion prove that the man was not equal Within the year international of pembers of Parliament out of of an extensive bedega that leads to the confidence reposed in him peace clubs with large members the funds of the labor unious was from the ticket office. It is very by his employers. The old and No Right to illegal conveniently built and its shed familiar proverb had its fulfil shi us have been organized in Bere lin and Leipsie nuwversities, be Outside of the Laborites it is will b: splendid accomunin oda ment in this case. When rogues doubtful if twenty members of tion for the number of persons fall out then honest men come to said. The impulse towards the forthe House of Cominous favor sal that daily besiege the train, and their right. As is previously mation of these clubs was given CANADIAN DIVINE SAYS CONDI.
aries. The British people have when completed will fill up a long said Coombs had the honor of by an American student in BerTIONS RE AGAINST IDUAL been accustomed for centuries to felt want and the now Out dour employing men and he abused lin, who was active in promoting tae Cosinopolitan Club movement receiving public services of this bodega (if it can be called so. this privilege. He, it is said, was STATE kind in the universities in the United without payment. Argu will be a thing of the past.
continually in the habit of plac ates.
ments in favor of the payments of men name on his payroll as East Northfield, M165. There is no The quantity of old iron and Mr. Meade expressed regret that chance of international peace and the world Commoners may be applied to rubbish that need to be here and having worked that is not even in Magistratus, city and towu coun there in the yard has found its existence, a substitute drawing the United Staths Senate had not has no right to expect it under present condition, declare Rev. Dr. A, Johaston cillors, board members and others. oblivion) where it is the cash and dividing the spoils yet ratified the arbitration treaties between the United States conference of Christian workers, whica Ross of Montreal, Canali, at the general This country uudoubtedly ou the hoped will not be resurrected. between them.
whole has had the services of Mr. Muiliuys, the General Man. It happened that himself and and Great Britain and France. Ho close here. De Rossaid: said that few Americans realized better without pay than could be one of his accomplices had some ager of the Northern Railroad. We do not preach a scriptural doctrine got with pay The real question spent the whole day here (Wed unpleasantness which ended in a the profouud feeling these trea in regard to international peace. The Scriptures nowhere encourage your belief that is not whether better men could nesday) personally directing split. This man was fired by his ties have awakened in Europe.
peace will come until first be got with pay, but will it retain operations in the section. He repartner and boss and to be even there is preached over the earth one com.
as good men with compulsory pay? mained overnight.
with him apparently, be reported mon conception of God, one common de Leaving the general purview of New track lines have been made the fraud that was carried on by sirs for worship, when the throne of God him. The matter was then reportCurrent News. shall be exalted above the tops of the the great change which in a few and embankments added. gang mountains. Then men shall turn their short days has overcome both of men under the supervision of ed to Mr. Mullins who caused an swords into plowshares.
bonuses of the mother of parlia. Mr. Crowley are doing yeoman investigation to be held to see menta, it is interesting to glance service.
whether there was any truth in Motor Schooner Alva should for the moment upon the immediSupreme Call. house is to be erected in the the report. After careful seruti arrive tomorrow.
ate effect of the division of the yard for the bauuna receivers to ny it was discovered that Coombs had dead men in his book who Io our usual stroll around we Lords. The press of this country lodge and another for the telo.
Communicated is overwhelmingly Couservative phone office, and camps to accomcould not answer to their names.
noticed on a certain black board, We are informed that a certain wellHe was arrested on Saturday with the exceptiou of a few orgaus modate the labourers. All men to report at p. m, we known mercant in Jamaica has been written to by a Jamaicin negro from here that lament the defeat of the die On Monday last three men were and lodged in the cuartel for safe presume that the Professor will hard peers. It professes to re taken before the Judan fised keeping. charge was laid again lecture his meo, perhaps its asking him to recommend him for the Vacant post of British Vice Consul for Port gard the victory of the hated con each, for what remains to be against him in the police courtwothing doing so we have got Lima Dies the spiraut deire Governmeat as a victory for the proved. From the eviderea ad yesterday by the company. Ile to lig up something sabe.
or the. We Conservatives cause.
duced it appeared that one of the said he was not guilty and tuado ever use one of his ox. glasses dt liis In other words it regards the men named Patterson contracted quantity of codfish that was a strous defutte bul odds were Unionist fight against the Govern to do some work on the farm at against and justice beemed to have in th: Custom House was con mirror, or it he intends to un tergo a course of bleaching tirst? It requires more than ment as a fight between two sec Toro, owned by a native To ac. its effects as he was sentenced to demued by the Government as a stove pipe hat, black coat, and gold tions of the party and rejoices complish it le got two men to assixty days imprisonment. He being unfit for consu nption and rimmed glasses for the job, even with a was ordered to be thrown into that Balfour and Lausdowne won gave notice of appeal.
sist him. The work having bren Yankie diplomi chucked in.
out against the recalcitrants of completed it was hauled over to their own party Had this week the foreman of the farin, but in LA GEISHA proceeding occurred in the old his discretion it was not satisfac. Floor that.
days of duelling or even iu later torily done and he refused to acdays there would have been busy capt it. Sharp words ensued be.
Turns Over. Is the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand times in the former case at home tween the three men and the fore.
aud in the latter on the shores of man, whereupon the last named France.
sent for a bodyguard of twelve ONE SIDE FOR DANCING THE The Unionist press makes men, whose arrival on the spot OTHER FOR AN AUDITORIUM every endeavour to impress the scared two of the men who scamfact that the split in the party pered away, leaving Patterson The floor in the Apollo Theatre in Paris was over just fone point, whether alone, The body guard laid is reversible, one side being made for dan.
that it is now time for the party thrashing on him and took him in finor equiped with the folding seats of a. Limon to come together again and repair charge The other two were captheatre auditorium The floor is mounted on a horizontal axis UNICO DEPOSITO PARA LA VENTA DEL HIELO DE LA FLORIDA the other mischief, fight home tured later ou. Dr. Shaw bailed UNICO DEPOSITO PARA LA VENTA DE LOS PRODUCTOS DE LA It is built on a framerule.
Patterson who was released on on which Il revolves CERVECERIA TRAUBE.
work of steel yirders, has an area sf 2, 500 But the quarrel is deeper than Sunday to appear before the feet and weighs 1oo tons. The axis that. Lauedowne party is too Court on Monday.
which is parallel 10 the front of the stager strong politically and socially to is not AMERICAN DENTIST The men appealed against the in the middle of the thickness of the suffer the ostracism which the heavy fine of eat each so it was floor, says the Cement Age, but nearer to the seating surface tlu to the dancing DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAISLE: ESTILACTIONS die hards would like to effect if reducel afterwards to 53 each. surface. ne iloor swings through an ex Oluce: lhotels glo XX, downstairs Everything done right. No llum they could. But nothing more Even at this they demurred. evation over thirty feet in depth.
Todo trabajo se garantiza Especialidad en extracciones sin dolor wa, in international to repres: ent the negre pe it he his American drinks The Costa Rica Soda Water Co. kan det er en relating Fábrica de Aguas Gaseosas square Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica

    FranceGermanyWorkers Party

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