p. 4


Liinon, Costa Rica THE TIMES Tuesday August 29th 1911 9885899935595055 RENALOID La Mascotta BACKACHE KIDNEY Tablets.
For all diseases of the Hidues and Bladder The best assortment in the country Cañas Cia. JOSE E Smyth y Cia LIMON The British Pharmacy gives notice to its customers and th general public that they will soon be transferred in frontnear the Casa Azul where they will enlarge their business and expect their usnal orders.
Limon, August 19, 1911. Daily The Symptoms of PIDNEY BLADDER diseases generally Dr Villa Haeusler mathe body.
of ke themselves known by pains in the back, side and lower part Renaloids are a simple, safe and sure remedy for young and old, strong and weak; and may be used continually without any bad effects.
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. HERMAN ZELEDONHas transferred his office and priBotica Fanteed. San José de Costa Rica.
vate residence to upper floor of Mr. Ricardo Morales. Ice cream house near Miramar Hotel (Before Londree. You cannot lose your money THE GEM Matina The Best Store in the Town Complete Assortment of Goods Lowest Prices 21 Provisions, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, Hardware, Medicines Etc. Etc. 166 hectáreas of land Q000 For the modest Sum of 30 cents will Register your itter. 25. cents for Registering and cents for returning Receipt.
Send me your money for Checks, exchange on Jamaica 11. 00 The most up to date and reliable firm in Costa Rica.
All correspondence handled free of charge. 20 CENTS 20 CENTS sell or change for farm or house in San José a first order land in the Atlantic Line, up Estrada, good for banana and cacao cultiva.
tios, with a plantation of banana of 35 hectáreas what are producing.
There are not Swamps and it is a esplendid bussiness for the buyer.
For information apply to EDMUNDO GU.
TIERREZ. San Jose. July 30 Mendez.
La Florida Milk PO BOX 155 LITUN. El Irazu Limón, Your Grand Chance. at twenty cents per bottle. Jesús Baldares, propietario Establecimiento en el Mercado del Puerto Store located right in the busines market To be had at The Costa Rica Soda Water Company.
Not aving time to attend same. will sell on easy instalments to any ener getic young man my place of business, merchandiso, furnitu. Best locali ty in city, nex door to Co. Com.
Business makes monoy Call today MERRIL Guaranteed always fresh Vende artículos de primera necesidad eiempre frescos y baratos. Surtido completo de calzado. Vende Billetes de Lotería.
Always on hand a fresh supply of articles of first necessity Complete assortment of shoes Lottery tickets for sale Open she EYes Cabrera Peña Hnos Money Exchange LA CONVENIENCIA The New Cash Store offers to its numerous customers, a new and complete assortment in the special good as follows: Umbrellas, Parasols. Neckties, Panamá, Felt and straw hats for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, Lindings, Silk cards, Ribbons, Flags. Ties, Baskets, Jewelry Flowers, China porcelain, Crockery Ware. Enamel Ware, Aluminium, Bohemia glass Ware, Lamps and accessories, Furniture, and a great variety of Novelties in articles four ornaments etc. etc. at economical prices. RAMIREZ Port Limon, 191 GRAND FANCY STORE We keep a special assortment of American and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw hats, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats, TIes, Umbrellas, and fine sospenders. BeauTlul Bables silk Caps and a first class tifk of superior lowest In Town! on us at the premises formerly orce!
Caby The White Store Limón, and drafts on Jamaica THE CHEAPEST AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN TOWN The buyers of drafts are well protected by the reliability of the firm. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. AGENT for Waltham Ker Scone Elgin watches, and Singer Sewing Machines. sell the Iver Johnston and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery Tickets Wholesale and Retail. Picture Postcards and Postage Stamps.
Spectacles of every description in gold and plate.
ENAMEL SILVER SPOONS WITH COSTA RICA VIEWS Stour prices are the day goods REMOVAL The ice OF DR. GALLEGOSA. Méndez American Dentist Exigir la firma: Stearn Wine Supresión de las inyecciones.
Tratamiento el mas facil y el mas discreto.
SANTAR MIDY endy Winburg Wr!
Friting places luss extir Painable prices sobre el rótulo.
ice For Sale.
of cod liver oil CURACION RAPIDA RADICAL de los flujos antiguos recientes Cada capsula lleva el nombre Desconfiar de las Falsificaciones.
Cada capsule lleva el nombro MIDY MIDY PARIS, 8, Rue Tinta la Turnul AGUA CAPSULAS QUININA PELLETIER to KANANGA DEX JAPON El agua mejor para el tocador ΝΑ ITUS Cienagaita finie dwelling in Cairo situated in the Experience will demonstrate that it is the most powerful for convalescence, es business centre, direct in front of Win general feebleness and all sickness of breast and lungs, as consumption, broneee Green ntaining rooms, kitchn kitis, etc. Jures anaemia, lassitude, stimulate. appetito and gives strength and verandah Cheap for cash. Apply to cour to system. Ask allway for the Stearns For sale nt el good pharmacies THOMAS MCLEAN.
Cairo Port Limon, August 13. 90 Breedy Co.
NOTICE FOR SALE mouse colour, Stable Jack, in fine ditconion very young. For particulars appli Notice.
Just received a complete assortmeut, o dry tancey Good Burrell Williamsy adies rain proof cloaks in selt, and cotAll persons indebted to the un ton.
dersigned are hereby advised that Umbrellas, Hats, Soeks, Stockings, etc.
Dr. Villa Thos. McGuinness is author All, specialy selected by our Mr. Breedy, who is now in the United States, ized to accept and receipt for any Free consulting hours at his residence veery Tuesday and Friday from to money paid him for my account.
punts must be paid SPECIAL TERMS wiu uiteen days from date or aly 23, 1911. Daily. Box same will be be banded to lawyer for collection S. MARSHALL BI ck and While Limon, August 12, 1911. 15v.
The best Store in the Notice.
ceries, Lottery Parties requiring land on either of the above conditions can have same from the undersigners Tickets have been appointed agen!
in several secuns of the lines which is too many to mention here. Persons desirous of Tailor Gonfort and eligance acquiring lands will do well it they wilt first consult me by sending to the follow guarantee perfect workman ship WILLIAM A, DALLAS siits are well made and fit to perfectio Box7ra, San Jose Foreign Boots and shoes a SpeLimon, July 11 45 ciality. July 30v. HUTCHINSON. BOX264 Las Capsulas de Quinina de Pelletier son soberanas contra las Fiebres, las Jaquecas, las Neuralgias, la Influenza, los Resfriados y la Grippe, RIGAUD 8, rue Vivienne, PARIS EXIGIR EG NOMEX Dascolares de las imitaciones.
TE Balodas Farmacias CEREVISINA (Levadura seca de cerveza)
La CEREVISINA da maravillosos resultados en el tratamiento de los furúnculos. En los enfermos que padecen de psoriasis, harpos eczema, produce el mejor éxito mejorando rapidameate su estado general, así como en el acné, la urticaria, etc.
PARIS, 8, rue Vivienne y en todas las Farmacias ng address.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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