p. 4


Linaon, Costa Rica THE TIMES Thursday August 31st 1911 Dr Villa Haeusler IMPERIAL EMBROCATION 398 239553553655 La Mascota.
The best Remedy for the worst Pain. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Has tierred his office and pri vate residence to upper floor of Mr Iticardo Morales. Ice crearn house war The best Liniment for all Diseases that require an external «Miramar Hoteb. Before Londres. application of a strong and antiseptie connter irritant. Canas Cia.
SAN JOSE Smyth y Cia LIVON The best assortment in the country Your Grand Chance Equally as Eficatious for Animal as for Van Manufactured by HERMANN ZELEDON BOTTOA FRANCESA, San José, Costa Rica.
Not aving time to attend same. will sell on easy instalments to any ener getie young man my place of business, merchandise, furnito. e, e. Best localiTin city, nex door to Co. Commisory Bassiness mak money Call today MERIT.
THE GEM You cannot lose your money Matina The British Pharmacy gives notice to its customers and th general publie that they will soon be transferred in frontDear the Casa Azul where they will enlarge their business and expect their uenal orders.
The Best Store in the Town For the modest Sum of 30 cents will Register your letters 25 cents for Re Complete Assortment of Goods Re Lowest Prices gistering and cents for returning Receipt.
Provisions, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, Send me your money for Checks, exchange on Jamaica 11. 00 The most up to date and reliable firm in Costa Rica.
Hardware, Medicines Etc. Etc. All correspondence bandled free of charge. Mendez 20 CENTS 20 CENTS PO BOX 155. LITUN.
Limon, August 19, 1911. Daily El Irazu Limón, For Sale.
Jesús Baldares, propietario Establecimiento en el Mereado del Puertoo Store located right in the busines market at twenty cents per bottle. To be had at The Costa Rica Soda Water Company. fine dwelling in Cairo situated in the best business centre, direct in front of Wr.
Lee Grocery, containing rooms, kitchen and verandah, Cheap for cash. Apply to THOMAS MCLEAN.
Cairo Port Limon, August 13. 90 Vende artículos de primera necesidad eiempre frescos y baratos. Surtido completo de calzado Vende Billetes de Lotería.
Always on band a fresh gupply of articles of first necessity Complete assortment of shoes Lottery tickets for sale Guaranteed always fresh Open she EYes Money Exchange Cabrera Peña Hnos LA CONVENIENCIA. The New Cash Store offers to its numerous customers, a new and complete assortment in the special good as follows: Umbrellas, Parasols. Neckties, Panamá, Felt and straw hats for Ladies, Gentlemn and Children, Lindings, Silk cards, Ribbons, Flags. Ties, Baskets, ewelry, Flowers, China porcelain, Crockery Ware, Enamel Ware. Aluminium, Bolemia glas, Ware, Lamps and accessories, Furniture, and a great variety of Novelties in articles four ornaments etc. etc. at economical prices. RAMÍRIZ Port Limon, CR. 1911 Grand FANOY STORE We keep a special assortment of American and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw huis, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats, Iles, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders, BeauTiul Baliles Silk Caps and a first class lifek of superior quality goods.
tour prices are the lowest in Town!
Oll on at the premises formerly orec Caby The White Store Limón, and drafts on Jamaica THE CHEAPEST AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN Town The buyere of drafts are well protected by the reliability of the firm. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. AGENT for Waltham Key Stone Elgin watches, and Singer Sewing Machines. sell the Iver Johnstoa and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery Tickets Wholesale and Retail. Picture Postcards and Postage Stamps.
Spectacles of every description in gold and plate.
AMEL SILVER Spoons WITH Costa ROA VIEWS Méndez Exigir la firma: Notice.
Supresión de las inyecciones.
Tratamiento el mas facil y el mas discreto.
SANTAL MIDY snity Sicurns Wine.
sobre el rótulo.
Par be CURACION RAPIDA RADICAL de los flujos antiguos recientes al cod liver will Cada capsula lleva el nombre Desconfiar de las Falsificaciones, Cada capul Hera el nombre mentiocre. Perso is desirous ot acquiring lands will do well it th wilt first consult me by sending to the follow ng try WILLIAM DALLAS.
Boxy 12, San Jose.
Limon, July 13 45 MIDY MIDY PARIS, 8, 8: This is from for convalescence, Consumption, bronc naemia, lassitude, simulate appetite and gives strength Askallway for the Steam For sale at a good pharmacies AGUA Tos de CIGARRILLOS INDIOS KANANGA DEL JAPON El agua mejor to NA Breedy Co.
NOTICE 166 hectáreas of land FOR SALE Ause colour. Stable Jack, in fine Just re eived a complete assortment, uf diconton very young Fur particulars appla binge for farm or hous in San José utirndin the Atlantic Line, up dry Fancy Good Estrs, go furn and coco cultiva adies Rain Proof Cloaks in Felt, and Burrell Williamsy Lion with ton of banana of 35 hectáCotton.
TO vicing Utol rellas, Hats, Socks, Stockings, etc.
There are not Sw. mps and it is a esplendtd All, ecially selected by our Mr. Breedy, bussines for the buyer who is now in the United States.
Dr. Villa Fer intorntion apply to EDMUNDO GU.
TIERREZ. San José. July 19 30 y.
Free consulting hours at his residence SPECIAL TERMS veery Tuesday and Friday from to p.
aly 23, 1911. Daily.
Cienaguita Box REMOVAL DE GRIMAULTYGA hacen desaparecer ASMA SIGARETTE OPRESIÓN INDIENNES cannabis indical CONTRE ASTHELES INSOMNIO EGONTES ETUESIDE NOUMONS CATARRO GRIRAULTS En todas las GRIMAUING Farmacias LIGO PHARMACIENS RUE VIVIENNE VENTA AL POR MAYOR PARIS 8, Rue Vivienne GRIMAULIT. PARISpara el tocador TUS: RIGAUD 8, rue Vivienno, PARIS Descontare de las imitaciones. The Office OF DR. GALLEGOSAmerican Dentist APIOLINA CHAPOTEAUT Freery lo ated at South West Market has been re seved to Dr. Miguel Velazquez house, in front the Park, opposite the United Fruit Commissary.
Crown and bridge work. ting plates Fillings. aless extractions. Long experienaPa nable prices. Julio BI ck and While The best Store in the Market, Country goods, Shoes, GroGonfort and eligance ceries, Lottery Foreign Boots and Shoes a SpeTickets niality. Jul AMERICAN DENTIST DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAISLE: ESTELAOTIONS Siglo XX, downstairs Everythiogdon rignt. No do trabajo e arantiza, Especialidad es tracciones sin Regulariza el flujo mensual, corta los retrasos y supresiones asi como los dolores y colicos que suelen coincidir con las epocas.
Tailor I guarantee perfect workman ship PARIS, 8, Rue Vienne y en todas farmacias SL its are well made and fit to perfectio HUTCHINSON, BOX ΝΑ.
SALUD DE LAS SEÑORAS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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