
Editor Rate of Subscription Payable in advance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months 12 Single coples. 00 00 00 10. 00 cents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CARLES TIESIP For Advertisements, apply th Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Friday September 1st 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY Nº 231 o 7 Taylor Wilkinson Bowman o 25 John Bull THE TIMES not the velocity as those of other door was fastened with a chain, E, Hart Cole Bowman 25 ed here is likely to arrive in port bowled Williams Fort Limon, Gosta Rica (6. countries, hence there should be and when the town marshal bad Acland less accidents. Who is responsi put in the irregular oceupant wa Cunningham this morning from Jamaica. Clarke sible then for the wretched sys boys used to go down and hear Cunningham Bowman The Citta Torino arrived Unnecssary ten We are not prepared here to him howl. Nobody ever tried to Parchment Cole here yesterday; her last port of say who is, but this we make bold break into that jail. Hunter bowled Williams 13 call was Colon. She brought sev.
Yes sir, what the president preE Temple Bowmam o Changes. to say that some one is responsi Johnson not out eral passengers, 57 tons cargo and ble and this sort of thing should diets is that we ll make our jails Extras 686 packages.
be checked at once. We have too too delightful, but it seeins to me THE NORTHERN SYSTEMS.
many orphans, widows, invalids to be the very thing we need. For Total 60 The Etonian, one of the in the country which have been where does a crook belong? In It is no wonder that there has CORONATION and Innings.
largest ships that ever visited madé go by the shortsightedness jail, where he can bring bad luck not been more accidents in the of those who in ile endeavou to these shores is of 6, 000 tons and to nobody. The worst feature. Chisholm Bowled Temple Railway Company. During the effect was engaged in the South African Hunter economy render Scarlet many from a criminal point of viow, last five years this company good and faithful persons incom.
War as a transport. She brought would be that they would not be McKay Hart Temple bowled Hunter personnel has been 337 tons cargo and 11, 538 packchanged. The following was its petent of earning a livelihood allowed to sally forth ou occasion Temple ages.
and sent inany to eternity to follow their callings. Think able staff: Superintendents: how easy that would make life Williams Messre. Musson, Danty, King. The Etonian of the Leyfor the honest man. We would Dunkley Parchment Temp e Master Mechauies. Messrs. Adams land Line of steamers arrived Davis e Clarke Temple leave our doors unlock at night, Coleb Temple Rothery, Jordon, Farr, Curotte. NEW IDEA yesterday, consigned to Maduro Appleton, Semple. Train we would give our wives our Walker not out and Sou. She brought the fol weekly wage and let them carry Clarke Honter IN PENOLOGY.
patchera. Messrs. Wendorf. Jones, lowing passengers from Puerto it down to the butcher in a chain Extras Rand, Shields, Moore.
Colombia. Comacho, Frederico The number of conductors and purse We would go to the circus Total de Camacho, Hortencio Rod.
AN EASY WAY TO HANDLE and be able to tell the time when engineers changed are over hun.
riquez. Alfredo Marco, Torres LOT OF CRIMINALS we came away. And why, ask dreds. all the experienced road On returning to Estrada on de Marco From Colon. Juan you? Because all the various as Tuesday tie St. James masters have been discontinued.
Estrada, Pablo Sominer, Charles WHO PLAGUE similators if other people pos. stopped at La Junta to try conclu de Reuter, Ram. Fernandez, All of these employees that have been struck off were efficient SOCIETY sessions would be idlý luxuria. sions with the Cairo Rain deck passengers and in transit.
ting in jail. In other words, a intervened and the game resulted men and have been employed in the great railroad lines of the see y the papers, remark. pound of prevention is a whole in a draw.
United States and Europe. ed the backfence philosopher, lot better than an ounce of cure.
We do not know what reason that they have been building a Dollar an thu. company has for dismissing jail somewhere that is a whole lot different from the jails of my Estrada Notes.
such valuable and able men, who Still Leads.
Old Word.
have shewn nothing but compe boyliood. They are fitting it up tency in the discharge of their with electric baths, hot and cold In spite of the heavy rains that Engine No. 20 which was in duty much to the appreciatiou of water, and suppose, as a finish full and the cloudy aspect of the HEARD IN THE LANGUAGE collision with Engine 48 on Wedthe general public. We do not ing touch, they will upholster the skies up to a late hour the Wes AT LEAST 300 YEARS BE nesday morning shows very little wish for one monent to interfere cell furniture with leather and leyans here had a very successful FORE IT WAS USEED IN dainage beyond a bent buffer and with the internal working of the put white enamel on the bars.
concert on Tuesday evening AMERICA a few leaking tubes; while on the Northern Railroad Company:but see that the president thinks Special songs, recitations and other hand Engine 48 is a mass as the present case that is under we had better go easy along dialogues were reuered by per The word dollar was in our of scrap iron. The former is of our consideration is directly con these lines because there is grave poas selected for the decasion. language at least three houdred British make by Byer Peacock nected with the interest of the danger of making the jdits so comThere was a fairly good atten vears ago, for it is used by Shake: Co. of Manchester, England, and public and themselves, and as fortable that they will be full all dance and everybody acquitted speare several times, says Har has been in use for 25 years and Buch, we are in the execution of the time.
themselves creditably.
per Weekly. It is supposed weighs about 50 tons, while the our duty, bound to sound a waru ve got a notion or two myself Several pieces were encored. that the word was in use in Lon. latter is from Baldwin Locomotive ing note. It is safe to say that about full jails, and don agree The action piece by tive young don in the latter part of the six works of the United States and the continued change of good and with the president. It segins to ladies in costume and a dialogue teenth century, having been weighs about 70 tons.
faithful men tends only to create me that a comfortable jail is a entitled Ttie Meroliant of brought in by the North German a pernicious influence in the ser mighty fine sort of a scheme for Venice attracted special atten merchants, who managed to trade vice that will only end in more the prevention of crime. Picking tin.
on the Baltic and in Russia.
moral aud material fiasco. För pockels is a whole lot easier than Great praise is due to the pro Dollar appeared first iu an Little Tragedy employees to accomplish their waking little stones out of big moters, and we hope that ere long English dictionary in 1745. It is a obligations with credit to them. ones: but when a man cau sit in something anew will be got np to borrowed word, being the Ger of Love.
selves and their authorities they a cell which has all the comforts break the monotony of the place. man thaler. The coins issued should be made to feel comfort of home, who would choose to The meeting was brought to a by the mint in Joachimethal were She had told him that her fa.
able and uot be allowed to be ex prospeet among the pocksts of a close at 11. 30 and each in called Joachimethalera. When ther utterly disapproved of him pecting at any moment to hear few people who don ride in au dividual went home feeling satis. other miuts were established the and had issued peremptory or lers of their dismissal without any tomobiles! Just think of it! fied that a 50 cents had been well Joschims was dropped and the that he should not come to the Just cause. They should ba pro nier, comfortable cuil, leather spent also a very enjoyable even coins called simply house. She trembled as she told tected against intrigues and plots upholstered chairs a nice soft ing.
him and there were tears in her that is backed by selfish and sin.
bed, electric lights, hot and cold The dollar was adopted bs eyes, for she feared that even then ister motives oply to satisfy the water, while enamel bars, and, strong westerly wind swept Congress as the unit of our curpapa might be within hearing, whipsical inind.
best of all, the large square the vicinity on Tuesday, doing reney on August 5, 1705. It was possibly reach, of her loved one.
Employees that live in jeopardy ty of tipping the waiter. Halk fields around News as to the ex meals a day without the formali. sliglit damages to the banana to contain 375. 64 grains of pure But he was brave.
of losing tbeir job will never and silver. but when the wint was about Utopia!
When love was in the van, cannot be expected to discharge tent of damagus is not yet to established, in 1792, the requireWby, if ever such places cf hand, but we await withereet What cared he for any man?
their duties faithfully, there will inent was reduced to 371. 25 grains punishment become the usual always be a lack of interest that ears its. result.
of pure silver. The coiuage of He was indeed no fair weither thing in this laud of the frue and is so conducive to success. Aud the uollars began in 1794.
lover, and the storm and stress the home of the brave, there will most striking point of view seems The Uuiteil St. James of made him very much stancher in be such a rus) for accommodations Estrada and the Coronation to by. that the continued remo his devotion to the one girl in all val of those competent men ouly list as long as the moral law. latter place on Monday last, rethet the jailer will have a waiting of Guncimo met in a contest at the Shipping News.
the world for him.
serve to lessen the efficiency of Pickpockets, second story experts, sulting in a victory for the former What boots it, dearest? he the service and call forth renew. agile shoplifters, farge burly Club by an inning and 14 roos.
The Parismisa is looked whispered to her, soft anl low, practice of in many cases novices strong arm men, safe blowers, all for this morning from Southamp taking her to his maply bosom, that after occasioning grievous such professional people will jos toss and decided to bat, facing the Tlie Coronation won the ton via Jamaica.
breathing into her shell like ear.
bodily harm have to be turned What boots ittle one another in a wild serumble bowling of Hunter and off.
The Esparta will arrive do! thundered papa, appearto enter such a place of pleasure. Temple To bave efficient employees it. And, better than that, to day with cargo, passengers and ing upon the scene, rear entrance, is necessary to pay an equal and Resnit of the game as follows: and there was a dull, sickening wouldn be able to get thom ont mails from Boston.
just wage and due consideration again without the aid of a fire CORONATION 15 INNINGS, thud, which indicated that ho should be given them on all hose and derrick. They would The Siberia that is expect. did.
Runs points.
grasp the white enamel bars firm Chisholmholed Temple The economy that had been ly and refuse all polite offers of Wilkinson LA GEISHA practisiug for the last few years assistance in vacating. The clas. Scarlet Hunter has been costing the company a sie halls would resound with the Rowman.
great deal more than what they sweet, sad strains of Love My bargained for, it has brought Home, But On You Jail!
Dunkley is the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis kanil prejudice and distrust to the When w. a boy nobody in Davise Niving Walker Temple American drinks company, our town ever got into jail excupt Cole Wednesday Freck Hunter alone is sufficient proof. It the town drunkard, and lie only brought misery and loss of lives about once a month. Our jail Williams Taylor not out and increased its expenses to an was built of two by fours spiked bowled Hunter The Costa Rica Soda Water Co.
Extras enormous extent.
one on top of the other, its only These higir officials should liglit was the light of the sanit Total were wa 1 Clarke McKay take into cousi keration this surety only water came when it rain, UNITED ST. JAMES CC at tumingi. Fábrica de Aguas Gaseosas. Limón of the lives of those that traveled, and it was cold as Spitzbergen Scott Bowled Williams ou the trains daily. The Northern in the winter, ihu libiter than the Vincent UNICO DEPOSITO PARA LA VENTA DEL HIELO DE LA FLORIDA McKay UMIC DEPOSITO PARA LA VENTA DE LOS PRODUCTOS DE LA Railroad trains in Costa Rica has Red Sea in the summer. Thu Niviñs Dakley Williams CERVECERIA TRAUBE.
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