
Editor Rate of Subscription Payable in alyance ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. 00 Julitas. 00 12 10. 00 Single copies.
scent OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE Box 316 CABLES TIPO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Adrertisements, app!
ta Manager.
VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Saturday September 2nd 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY NO 232 The was THE TIMES Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. an experiment, and it has worked Alarming Cyclone. Shipping News. An Improvement out so well that don think it will ever be abolished. man Charlestown, the city of Parismina sailed The unfortunate men that are GAMBLING AS can play to excess or lose an unlast night for New Orleans via lying in the hospital suffering usually large sum of money, beSouth Carolina Laid Low. Barrios with 55, 000 bunches from wounds received in the railbananas. BENEFIT. money anyway. No credit is allew. ENORMOUS DESTRUCTION way collision are improving. One has already left the institutior.
ed for gambling. But they satisfy OF PROPERTY.
The Siberia will sail into The engineer of 48 engine that SO REGARDED BY AUTHORI. the passion for play that exists in port this morning from New sustained a broken arm is still TIES OF NEVADA STATE alunost every man, and the excite SAYT LIVE LOST.
York via Jamaica.
suffering from its effects, while Inent and amusement whicli they others are still experiencing their PENITENTIARY.
derive from the harmless games Wireless telegraphic news re The Parismina arrived share of the disaster.
combine to actually benefit them. ceived here yesterday discloses an here yesterday morning after a Gambling is allowed in the The games add the incentive of alarming disaster which will be fine run from Southampton, last Wants Home Nevada State penitentiary at Car playing for real values, so that read with awe Colon. The following is the list son City, and it is looked upon as they puss gambling interest. On Tuesday last Limon was of passengers. Mauran Gaunt. for Five Years.
a veritable necessity by the prison The only protits of the bankers visited by a eyelone, the damages linh, Peter Satitch, Miss Amia authorities, according to Deputy come in the way of a legitimate sustained thereby of a Satitch, Oscar Aneland, Juan CHARLES ROGERS, 65, OFFERS TO Warden Baker, brother of the percentage. We find that this trifling nature comparing it Capela, Gray Wilson, Alfred GIVE YP HIS RESIDENCE HAS warden of that iustitution. who system does more than anything with others that occurred in far Thompson, Miss Rhode and 35 DISCOVERED PERPETNAL recently visited Boise and a few else to oceny a mind, wipe off countries. But now comes deck passengers MOTION, HE SAYS.
days ago inspected the Idaho peni out his worry and brooding and the terrific blow that has devas.
tentiary: at the same time no harm is tated a whole town and left home. Mailed Fist Chicago. Charles Rogers, who How do you amuse your men! done.
less thousands of persons that is sixty five years of age, inserted he inquired of Warden Suook. One of the bitterest political only a few minutes before was The latter replied that the prison batiles ever waged in the history booked upon as wealthy, in Africa. an advertisement in the papers offering to exchange his residence library was good one and that all of Nevada wns over the abolition Charlestown, the city of South at Lake Geneva, Wis. which he sorts of magazines and papers are of gambling.
Carolina was forcibly bumbled Berliu. Berlio is acting vigor values at 3, 500, for a home for sent out by societies and kindly by a cyclone this week that de. ously in Africa at the present five years.
disposed persons on the outside stroyed almost the entire place.
moment. The warships Berlin For the last twenty years he who take an interest in the pris Thunder Storm. It is understood that several per.
and Eber. technically stationed has devoted his lify to the solu.
oners. This mental pabulum upsons have perished in the disaster at Agadir in reality, are kept on peared to meet the demands of tiou of the great principle which the move between that port anl scieatists have classed among the the intellectual hunger of every thunderstorm was expewhile a goodly number have been Teneriffe carrying information unsolvable mysteries the discovclass of prisoners, thought Mr.
rienced in Limon during the early disabled.
for transmission to the Govern. ery of perpetual motion.
hours of Friday morning, vivid Consternation regus supreme ment Mr. Rogers now declares he Well, observed Mr. Baker, flashes of lightning preceded the and a panic is eminent. Tempopeals that we have something at the Nevada loud must have rury sheds are being eructed hur In addition disquieting nets has made his discovery and that has an ived from Paris regarding it is destined to revolutionize prison that beats a library all startled maay from their peaceful riedly to shelter the bomeless hollow for real, live, up to date, slumber. No casualties bus yet and famishing crowds that is left the German Cameroous adjoining motor mechanics. He has made baan reported.
to mourn their loss. The damage Freuch territory. The provinces exciting amusing. And as far as one last attempt to dispose of the is estimated roughly at millions of Bomban, Bonones and Kuna only property de las left. This engaging a convict interest is of dollars, memkes bordering on the French Le is willing to exchange for a concerned it is the best ever.
Why lots of our prisouers say British Oppose It is possible that Port Limon Cengo in Equatorial Africa are place to eat and sleep. He fixes met with the tale end of the disturbed. In the Dam. gion, ve years as the probable tenure.
they have more fun ther than German Cult, cyclone the Kakaas lately have shown la tuat time, he they ever had anywhere else be is confithemselves hostile and it was uecdeut he will be able to fore they became guests of the Says Admiral.
Another Railway essary to proceed ag. inst them tiad some one who will aid him in with arms.
At Messo and Baturi placing his discovery before the And what is this wonderful there was fighting, and many world system? asked Mr. Snook.
Berlin Iu au interview which were killed; finally Signor Macha It gambling, replied Mr. Admiral Lord Charles Beresford do, the Portuguese Minister of Great Ciearance Sale.
Baker, gambling in all its devi. gave to a correspondent of the The passenger train did not ar. Foreign Affairs, telegraphed to ous forms.
The prisoners run Berlin Press Cautral Agoney le rive in Limon before 30 yester the Berliner Tageblatt that At the Gentlemen Furnishing Goods their own layouts and there are stated that all assurances of day evening in consequence of Germany and Portugal are busy favourite games run by favourite friendship between England and another accident that occurred with the delimitation of the bond opposite to Mr. Mendez Store.
bankers. And right here is the Germany are merely empty words, at Moin with engines 47 and daries of their possessions in strangest part of it all. There and that antagonism between As far as we can gather there has West Africa. To facilitate this You will find a good lot of fiue never has been a crooked game England and Gernisny undoubted been no casualties.
one disputed zone will bo left Eagiish an French Goods.
run in the penitentiary by the ly exists.
neutral For Gentlemen. convicts Murderers, bighway Opportunity for an understand. Scandalous men. Thieves, piekpoekete, bue. ady made Alpacca and Drill ing has been allo valt Million to glars, criminals of every type, Suits, Alpacca Coata Casimir England has thow drawn closer to Scene.
reach a cominon ground of hones other nations and his undertaken Ilotel Clerk. Pants Shirts, Neck ties. Under wear, Haudkerchiefs, Pyjamas, ty in the gambling as it is con obligations which she must foto ducted there Few cases of cheat. scandulous seen was enactBelts, Socks Collare, Riding Pagla, Kan From hotel clerk to mil.
ing among players have ever been ed ou Thursday last which gave tionnaire is the experience of Ellis, Pants. Suspenders, ete. etc.
detected, and it is an uuwritten much amusement to the immoral who for a year las bcen welcoming the For Ladies. law among the prisoners that audience that aseembled to wit daylight visitors at the Commercial Hotel here It is all the result of the investment Ready made Suits, Waists, sbady deals will meet withiuni. quiet wedding was solen. Dess it without contributing any in a Mexican copper mine twenty years ago Skirts, Stockings Bolts, and a versal ostracism. The games are ized on Wednesday last at the coins, which is always necessary At that time Mr. Hite was one of a com fine lot of cloth.
in the square, and in that are esidence of Mr. Julio, the con in well regulated play houses.
pany of promoters of Mexican copper better than many of the games tracting parties being Don Carlos The theatre selected was one For Children. run in other places that are known Saba and Mise Eglantina Brower. of the front street stores, and the return from St. Louis, where sale was made Ready made Suits, Stockings teceetly. Mr. Hite announced that their as legitimate The Revd. Father Nicolas Steppers principals in the act were two and Socks The tastes differ and there is officiated, and the bride who girls that were properly besmear.
holdings were sold for 000rooo to a Mexican syndicate. Mr. Hite figures that Aila glasort mat of Parsome form of gambling to meet looked charming was attiral in a ed with the tar brush. The scene his share is 1, 100, 000 funery, Brusha, Loa, Badevery taste. Fare and roulette white silk inuslin and was given as was put on the board was thus. Mr. llite is seventy one years old, but spresis, etc. etc. All from the are the favorites, but chuckaluck, away by her coelo. girl that is employel at a cloth he would pass for a man of fitty. He came famous store of to Paola more than a year ago Klondike, eraps, poker, fantan, few selected friends were in store as clerk and whosy brother lottery and other whirls of chance vited and paid their respects to was loafing is an opposite store ALICANTE WINE ROBERT HERMANOS have their share of patrons. What the loving couple. At the close where another girl is employed Genuine spunish wine: the best tonie at San José and at Cost Prices.
is known as the high brow ele of the ceremony the privat in a in the same capacity. The clerk for the stomac and nerves: Imported only for Julix Packs, front tho mar. GET TIE CHANCE.
ment prefers whist as it involves few words referred to the obliga discovered that her brother was ket. Proof it and you will always drink personal skill.
tions that binds both parties, atter like many an idle boy smoking a Pte.
Limon, Sept 2, 1911. 15 The games are run just like an which her uncle Jr. Julio follow pipe. She called him over and ordinay game. Prison inoney used ed with a heat and sell timed asked him wliyle indulged in in the regular prison transactious speech congratulating them both this pernicious weed but the lad LA GEISHA and equivalent on its faca value and wishing that that the initual assured her that he was only.
to real money, redeemable on the contract they both had entered playing at soap bubble. The order of the prisoner possessing into that night may be a lasting other girl wuel enraged Inurled a 18 the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand it or checkable against the books blessing to them.
volume of abuse at the other who of the institution, is used. It is After champague and caks was not slow to respond. The American drinks just like a bunch of ordinary men were lavishly served the party wholu affair oeenrred in the presplaying for chips representiug broke up about eleven o clock.
ence of their emoloyers, and when various values in a poker game The bride was the recipient of matters were assuming a serious The Costa Rica Soda Watey Co.
and redeemable on the banker.
many costly presents. The Times aspect to prevent bloodshed one No prisoner has ever been join in wishing them nothing but of them intervened.
known to weleh a gambling debt, joy and liappiness.
The affair was a very sennda!
and load. dies have never been. Limón exposed in the course of the prac. Smoke la Nacionals cigaretten two girls and their employers were The best, the cheapest in the coun. not taken to the college to learn UNICO DEPOSITO PARA LA VENTA DEL HIELO DE LA FLORIDA UNICO DEPOSITO PARA LA VENTA DE LOS PRODUCTOS DE LA The prison authorities thought try.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Store, Wedding Beils.
one one and the regret is that the Fábrica de Aguas Gaseosas tice.


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