
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month. months e 00 00 00 10. 00 12 Single copies.
Scents OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE O, Box 314 CARTES TRIP For Advertisements, apply tha Manager. DAILY NEWSPAPER VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Sunday September rl 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY N232 up Germany.
on the bard coat of the human York the same cargo that she New York via Jamaica Sh. Biplane Wireless Message to Paris.
SC THE TIMES one end and of the color of the sclerotic, is next blown in the Latest News of Shipping News Port Limon, Gosta Rica (6. Aim to tie form of an oval, and in the middle of this a hele is melted, the edges Strike in England. Thes. Esparta consigned to of which are ronnded off evenly the United Fruit Company came ARTIFICIAL EYES. and pressad a little outward. The Loss to the Community pill Friday night. She brought the says that the Socialists in Berlin are trying up the harbour at 10 o clock on Berlin The Tagliche Rundschau iris is then placed in this opening Germany leads all other com and well melted in. thick coat Down at Ten Millions.
following passengers from Bos. to start a traffic strike.
German trade is considerably hampered tries in the manufacture of arti ing of glass remains behind. The ton: Dr. Carlos Duran, Mrs. by the strike in Great Britain. Shippers reficial eyes. The American Consul eye is rounded off, the projecting SOME SLIGHT CLASHES Lolade Duran, Miss Ester Duran fuse to guarantee the unloading of cargoes General at Coburg relates that rim of the white coat is smoothed and 16 sacks mails.
and piles of goods are held up at Ham probably ever since the beginning with a metal rod, and this coat is Liverpool. The Celtie, burg and Bremen. The Government is of the world civilized people have thereby joined to the sclerotic, which sailed guarded by Maxim The Siberia of the Ham considerably inconvenienced because it is unable to get British coal.
endeavored to hide or remedy any By nieans of a thin, pointed red guns and a detachment of blue burg American Line of steamers flaw in their appearance sneh as rod the blood vessels to be seen jackets, carried back to New arrived yesterday morning from the loss of an eye would cause.
How this was done by the various eye.
small nations it is hard to say: up to superfluous back part of the eye. discharge it.
passengers, two from New York the present time no discoveries ball is melted off, thereby giving Railway officials conservative and a like number from Jamaica would have been made that would to the eye the desired form. The ly estimate the cost to the com whose names are Acosta offer enlightenment on this sub eye is finally placed on lot sand. munity of the recent strike at ten and Rev. McDonald, from The question of efficient comject. There are, it is true, a few where it becomes gradually cool million pounds, exclusive of the New York: Johu Munro and munication by wireless telegraunauthenticated accounts as far ed off.
decreased profits of the compa. Grant from Jamaica and 84 phy with an aeroplane in flight as the middle ages, but the first Glass eyes are inade in quite a nies amounting to many thousand deck passengers.
has now boen definitely settled.
reliable report is given by the different inanner in Lauscha, the pounds. biplabe piloted by LieutenFreuch surgeon, Ambroise Pare centre of this industry in Ger The Parismina sailed on ant Monard, with Captain Brenot, LOSS TO RAILWAYS in 1500.
many, where their mannfacture Friday night last for New Orleans sent wireless des patches to Paris Two kinds of artificial eyes are is altogether a house in lustry, London. British Railways lost via Barrios with the following while flying above Rambouillet, knowu to him the ekblepharos The eyes are usually made by one considerably more than 500, 000 passengers: Jose Portocanero, a distance of more than fifty kiloand the by poblepharos. The member of a family, and the art as a result of the two days strike. Carlos Carazo, Mrs. Dolores metres (31 miles. ek blepharos was made by paint. is handed down from one genera. Toe tratlie returns published show Cañas, Manuel Alil, Jose Vin, The apparatus used is the in.
ing the eye and all surrounding tion to another. gas flame is an aggregate decrease of 465, 000 Thomas Lilla, Ricardo Ramos, vention of Major Ferrier and Capparts as far as the brows on a used for melting the glass. while as under no conditions an Hector Portocanero, Santiago Ca tain Brenot, of the Engineer Corps.
plate, which was placed in front small drop of white glass is put increase of 60, 000 might have razo, Miguel Carazo, Mrs. AntoIt weighs twenty one kilos (fortyof the eye socket and held in posi on the white blown ball from been looked for. On the London nio Guell, Antonio Güell, Dora six pounds. The spark which tion by a string tied over the which the selerotie is to be made, and North Western, the falling Hairtou, Atmore, Samuel gives birth to the Hørzian waves head. The bypoblepharos was and is then blown so as to inake a off was 101, 0007, on the Great Humphrey, Lawrence Sherpocker is produced by a magneto driven used in a manter similar to that circle about eight kilometres Western 91. ol, on the Midland and eight deckers.
by the motor of the aeroplane. of today, being put behind the (0. 315 inch) in diameter. On this Line 51, 0007 and on the Lancashspecial apparatus allows of the Ayelid, in the eye socket itselfcircle the structure of the iris is ire and Yorkshire and North The Northern wires forming the antennae of and was composed of a metal built by means of thin, variously Western about 50, 0002.
the wireless installation being shell of copper, silver or gold, colored glass rods. drop of unwound aud wound while the TO REINSTATE STRIKERS.
covered withi enamel or glass fo black glass makes the pupil. Over aeroplane is in movement.
the finished Iris crystal glass is Liverpool. The Municipal It was only at the close of the melted, in order to imitate the Street Railway committes decided It is only a couple of days ago eighteenth century that these arwe had cause to refer to the mathto tificial eyes really became of prac is similar to that given in the ing the labbar trobabies in this od practiced by the Northern Germany Takes tical use, it being then found posfirst deseription city. It took the comunittee hearRailroad Company that is oporPeace Pact.
sible to do away with the metal ly threw hours to make up their ating in Limon and which is shell altogether and employ enamminds to yield to the demands of defective that nothing but misery Berlin. Edward Meade of Boston, el and glass. The material used and distrust is filling the minds of the strikers that no discriminasecretary of the World Peace Foundation, was a soft lead glass, easily tion be shown against the strikers the intelligent people. The disin an interview declared that Gerinany was shaped, but also easily destructi.
returning to work.
aster of Wednesday last is still Current Items.
making strides forward in favor of internable, and an eye had to be renewed Sixty eight thousand men who fresh in the miuds of many, and tional every three or four months to were still on strike awaiting de the poor unfortugate and ill paid of Europe had been watching with expec.
prevent the socket from becoming Mr. Grant, Import and cision on the part of the Street employees are still lying in hos tincy the negotiations surrounding the ar.
bitration treaties between the United States affected.
Export Clerk of the Northern Railway Committee will now repital writhing in paing from in.
and Great Britain and Fraace, and that if It is known that in the middle Railroad Company arrived in the turn to work. Mr. George Ask juries received.
they failed of ratification, we shall almost of the wineteenth century eyes Siberia yesterday morning from with, of the Board of Trade, was Now comes another wreck be regarded as having bruken faith with were made by enamelers in Dres Jamaica, where he went for the with the Street Railway Commit day. Is not this appalling! Is news of which reached us yester civilization.
den, Prague, London and Stock benefit of his health tee for 12 hours finally overcomMr. Meade is spending a month in Ger.
many, making addresses at various places holm, and in Thuringia. The ing their objections to taking wrong that shald be remediel at there something radically on te perce muvenat. Ho systutt Thuringian nakers not We are pleased to welcome back certain of the strikers.
while he finds the organized peace moveenamelers, but glass blowers line the Rev. Al. MeDonald There has been considerable OCH. If matters are allowed to met in Gorin ny far behind that of the working in connection with the who arrived in the Siberia from tension throughout the day and drift as they are now drifting United States and Great Britain in regard to influence and poreelain painting Tesources, ocvertheless he industry, New York. Mr. MeD mald has several attempts were made by what will b20. 11. of the Company whose endless and un retiring er laboured among us for some years the roughs to interfere with the in the near future. Noth ng short has been impressed by its marked advance in educational circles periment resulted in the discover and left the Repu for a well street service. The disturbances, of distrast will bene laiu by Within the year international pace clubs of an ideal material, cryolite earned rest.
however, were easily put down all, and it will be necessary for with large in een berships have been orgin.
glass, the use of which led to a by the police.
one to have his will made before tzed in Berlin and Leipsis Universities, he new techuique in eye manufae We are pleased to see Mr. Fred. The settlement will afford inentering the railway coach to said. The impulse towar the formation of these clubs was given by an American stu.
ture. Moreover, there can now travel on the lines. Wynter. Custom House Clerk. tense relief to business men genbe produced all the characteristics Marine Superintendent depart erally though the We referred in mild terms to dent in Berlin, who was act ve in promoting shipowners the Cosmopolitan Club movement in the of the human eye which had been ment once more at his post. The committee is still fearful that it the changes wrought by this Com universities in the United States.
possible in euainel work. The new geutleman had been confined to will only influence further de pany during the last five years, Meade expressed regret that the United States Senate had not yet ratified the arbi.
prosthetic eye received the name and showed the deterrant effects.
his bed for some time, sullering manis on the part of the strikers.
tration treaties between the United States refonin eye. To be of value, from an attack of fever, Many trans Atlantic liters will Friday wreck is positive proof and Great Britain and France. He said however, it must be made to exact be released at the end of this responsible for the bad service of feeling these treaties have awakened in Euof our assertions that somebody is that few Americans realized the profound ly fit the eye socket. correspondent asks. Is there week as the shipping employes To day it is possible to give to such an official as a City Inspee return to work.
this Company Tope.
the reform eye any form desired, tor attached to the already extenand to most cases it can be even sivs Municipal staff: IC there worn at night, thereby preventing is he had better extend his pedal President of AMERICAN DENTIST the lid from sinking into the soek extremities in the direction of the DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS et and the lashes from sticking Public Wash House before the Ortice: Hotel Siglo XX downstairs Everything done right. No llum Portugal.
Todo trabajo se varantiza together. At times attempts have end of the coming week, as after Especialidad en extracciones sin door been made to replace the break that he will have to either wade able glass by vulcanite or cellu in the sea, or pass in front of the Lisbou. Tlie Coustituent AsLA GEISHA loid, but such efforts have long Alcaldia, as the Suud Hogs are sembly elected Setor Arriga since been given up as useless. now within ten feet of the Lavan President of the Republic by 121.
In 1852 the method used in dera in their struggle to fill their votes.
18 the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hand France for making eyes was as earts, formerly this and was tafollows: Ou the broadly pressed ken from the sea as soon as the end of a small, colorless, trans waves receded, now it is being France and American drinks pareut rod of enamel the pupil taken from the lot on which the was first made, and the iris was wash house now stands, the prac66 Germany.
then formed on this by means of tice should be stopped immediateThe Costa Rica Soda Water Co.
a small thin pointed, colored ly as the advent of a good old Paris. The maxim terms which France enameled rod, the designing of time norther breaking through will offer to Germany for the settlement of The iris being made possible by the present we made cumul, Limón inelting the point of this rod. would soon earry away the foun the full Cabinet for apprwal. Meantime, The Paris the good eyes are now 80 dations of that neessary publie tiey are held in complete secrecy.
terms have been prepared by Cambon UNICO DEPOSITO PARA LA VENTA DEL HIELO DE LA FLORIDA made. glass tube. closed at institution facing the sea UNICO DEPOSITO PARA LA VENTA DE LOS PRODUCTOS DE LA and others. Bronel diplomats.
not Wera The Miramare Fábrica de Aguas Gaseosas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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